I took the kids to the Champ de Mars on Saturday evening. When I was going to bed later that night, I went to get my book (The Birth of Venus) out of my purse. I had about 30 pages left, and was planning to finish it in bed. Imagine my dismay -- nay panic! -- when I realized I had forgotten my book on the park bench! So not only did I not get to finish the book (and Jill told me the last 30 pages were the best part of the whole book -- figures), but here's the kicker: I lost my bookmark as well! Not just any bookmark, mind you, but the cutest bookmark that Jenn made me for Christmas, which listed all the books I have read so far this year!!! I am truly mourning the loss of that bookmark...
Last night I took off after Eva was in bed (how was I to know that she would be getting out of bed several times? eek!) and went to walk along the Seine and look at bridges, something I have been wanting to do for quite some time. It was really fun, even though I didn't get any fabulous photos. The sun didn't go down until about 10:00, and then the golden lights that shine on all of Paris's monuments slowly started to turn on. I got to the Pont Alexandre III and thought, I might as well just keep going until I get to Trocadero, then I can cross over and get some up-close night shots of the Eiffel Tower, too! Oh I'm afraid my eyes were much bigger than my feet...

It really didn't look that far, it seemed totally doable. But after I had crossed several more bridges, I had to finally admit defeat. I had been walking for almost 3 hours, I was walking slowly and with a limp, and I knew there was no way I was going to be able to walk that much further and still make it home. As it was, I barely made it home! (Incidentally, last night was the only time I have ever felt slightly unsafe in Paris -- I was walking in some pretty dark, secluded spots on the quays, and I feared my gimp might make me seem like a vulnerable target!)
Today I thought I would take the kids on the bus over to play at Luxembourg. It seemed like the ultimate plan because they would have fun and I wouldn't have to walk much (paying the price for that long walk last night). Max said he didn't want to go (?) so I left him at home. Lucas and Eva had a good time playing on the playground (they'd have to be crazy not to). We went across the street to get some of that fantastic gelato. I ordered some for the three of us, and the woman handed me Lucas's cone. As I turned to hand it to him, I saw in his face that he was sick. He went dashing for the bathroom as his cone melted in my hands. Then the woman handed me Eva's cup. I turned to give it to her, and saw that she had fallen asleep. OK. So I ate my gelato, threw theirs away, and we headed home on the bus. Lucas closed his eyes the whole time and when I asked how he was doing, he said it hurt too much to talk. Sigh.
Eva slept just long enough in the stroller to refuse her regular nap today and was beginning to show signs of fatigue and crabbiness. I had the great idea to take her one stop -- just one stop -- on the Metro to go to a big grocery store. I had to pick up a few things, and I wanted to look for a book for Marc. The store is right by the Metro exit, so I left the stroller behind and let Eva walk. What was I thinking?? (I was thinking it would be easier to handle than carrying the stroller up and down the Metro stairs.) She could not believe her good fortune, and she did great... until we were ready to leave the store. Then she sat on the floor and refused to walk, crying and making a scene. I had to carry her and my purchases, and need I remind you about my gimpy gait? Sometimes I wonder why I try.
Losing your book is the worst! I carry a leisure book with me everywhere and the thought of being without it gives me a slight panicky feeling. Losing a great bookmark is almost as bad as losing a book--my condolences. Hope your kids are back on track soon!
Sorry the tide turned a little for you. I am sure it will go back out soon and you will have more enjoyable days. I lost the book I was reading in Venice. I laid it down next to me while sitting on one of those wooden planks they put up for you to walk on during flooding. I did the same thing, not missing it until climbing into my bed I was renting at the nunnery.
Oh wow!! That picture of the eiffel tower is so great. I love that it isn't the typical eiffel tower picture, but that you captured it as an (extra)ordinary piece of the Paris landscape. So great!!
I'm sorry you lost your book and bookmark. Perhaps Jenn can re-create the bookmark for you?
I would die if I lost my replica bookmark that yougave me. All of that book information- dashed!
I love your travleogues of Paris, but I can't wait till you get home. Week from Wednesday- crazy.
You need to answer my email.
Oh dear. Why do hard things all have to happen right in a row? It's like they gang up on us! (I guess on the upside good days are usually all the way good.) I can't believe you walked over 3 hours one way!
I hope the kids got the tired/sick/grouchy day out of the way and you are on to better things this week.
That is quite a tale!!!YIKES! I can just imagine the whole thing and it did bring back memories of the time you walked across
Central Park in NYC thinking it was "just around the corner" not thinking very clearly what else might be just around the corner in the middle of Central Park when it is dark---resulting in bloody blistered feet!! It's just lucky you are still alive to be in Paris!These accounts must be archived forever, as they will be wonderful additions to your life story someday! It is hard to believe that you will be returning home as soon as Jessie notes, can that be true? The knees sound as if they are not holding out so well..... I can so relate to your saddness over losing your dear book and even dearer bookmark. When things like that happen, I'm just glad it wasn't the fine china collection I have ammassed ground up to build a Temple! Not to make light of your loss, I know how you feel. Sad, sad, sad, very sad, so sad WAY sad, SAD! Can't wait till we're in relatively similar time zones!
So you have no idea who I am, but I came across your blog through Lelly's and then as I was reading post and looking at pictures, je me demendais si vois n'etes pas l'epouse de Marc Olivier, qui enseigne a BYU. And lo and behold, you are. I worked for the department during my undergrad and I think I took a class from your husband.
Anyway, it looks like you guys are enjoying life over there. I'm jealous. I'm hoping to do an internship next summer before starting my MBA. And I have no idea if Marc would remember me as it was about nine years ago that I worked there, but tell him "hi" just the same.
I audibly gasped when I read about the bookmark. I would be heartbroken. The book is a pisser but you can at least replace that. Dang. I hope after you get back they can get you in speedy quick for the knee surgeries and you can get back to being able to walk a ton.
I'm stressed out after reading this post, what a nightmare. I'm so sad you lost your fantastic bookmark, that's truly a great loss (the book not so much).
Also, what is up with Lucas' sudden sickness? At least he made it to the bathroom. What a mess. I thought you were going to say you ate the kids' gelatos too (I would have). That place is so good.
What's with you overdoing it with your walking? I've been watching so many Planet Earth dvds lately that as soon as you said you were limping I felt nervous (the weak ones always get picked off). You need to be careful!
I am finally visiting your site, and love all the photos you are sharing with everyone. So sorry to hear about your book experience and loosing the bookmark.
oh my, what a day (or should I say night and day?)
i vote with jill for eating your gelato and the children's gelato.
the houseboat sounds nice, too...
This is so sad, mostly for your bookmark. I hate losing sentimental items. Hopefully your knee is feeling better. My knee has been very tight since our day at Lagoon and sometimes I walk a little queer to avoid the pop in my hip with each step. Doesn't it seem that everything always goes wrong at the same time?
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