Here is a virtual stroll down rue Cler, a charming cobblestone street near our apartment, where pedestrians rule (usually) and most of your needs can be fulfilled. There are butcher shops, a fish store, a dry cleaner, etc. etc. -- and I didn't even make it halfway down the street!

a shop with newspapers, magazines, and of course postcards

the vacuum store that turned Jill's eye...

Can you believe how beautiful these fresh currants are?

famous French white asparagus (I still haven't tried it, because I don't know how to prepare it...)

If you just really need some foie gras, this is the place to go!

a handy pharmacy

an inexpensive cafe with a great salad (warm goat cheese in pastry on top)

I've passed this chocolate shop so many times, only to read in my chocolate book that they have wonderful ice creams! I think I feel an ice cream emergency coming on...

a shoe store with an interesting display solution

Yet another chocolatier, with such a pleasing display.

a little Chinese food place, where we sometimes go for a dinner emergency

well, we have to love this shop, don't we?

I've never seen so many beautiful peonies in my life!

On Saturdays, this bakery has an outdoor smorgasbord of delicious breads, cakes, pizzas, tarts, etc...

I loved this colorful display of grocery carts!

One of the very pungent cheese shops. This is just the gruyere section! (or is it emmental?)
I love your pictures! They are so beautiful, the fruit is so rich looking, and the flowers, and cheeses, I love it!! Thank you for the walk down your street! That was so fun, I may have to stroll down it again!
Fantastic virtual tour. I love the grocery cart picture, and the cheese. I would get so fat living there- it would be all chocolate and cheese and pastries for me.
ice cream emergency?!? i can totally relate to that feeling!
Beautiful photos. The berries look so good. I could sit down with a plate of those and that yummy swiss cheese anyday.
Oh, this makes me want to go back! Is this the street just around from the post office? So cute, these pictures hurt. :)
What a great photo tour, I love this. I love all those shops and seeing those pictures. An ice cream emergency, I have those all the time and never realized there was a name for it. I love the peonies, the postcards, the breads, the cafe, the Olive shop and everything. Ah Paris!
I love that street. Thanks for your tour with pictures.
This post was eye candy. Thanks for taking the time to post it.
Oh my Michelle, this post is making my mouth water! Chocolate, ice cream, berries, and cheese. What more could you ask for on one street? Divine!!
And you are right, those peonies in person would be absolutely gorgeous! Love this post!
Thank you for sharing such beautiful and delicious pictures! What a place!
oh...I'm so envious. And I love the "ice-cream emergency", because that's how I feel about it most of the time.
Cafe Du Marche! You're killing me!
Whoa! what fabulous photos! It's makes me a little homesick for Paris! No, a lot homesick!! These photos will make for some great memories!! What a great wall collage they would make in the scrapbooking room, or any room for that matter! I dont know which one I like most,it will take many second looks to decide that! And, Dad will be jealous of your exceptional eye, as usual! But no accounts of who accompanied you and the various tramas involved....what can I imagine??!!
Thanks for the inspiration. I need to hire you for my web site.
I hope I get to go to Paris some day. If I ever do, I'll need the name of that street.
Those peonies are doing me in! I'm going to have to go to a fruit stand tomorrow and get some. Thanks for all the great pictures. If I have an eye candy emergency, I know where to come.
I've looked at the fruit and flowers three times today. Oh my.
oh michelle...have not had time to read anything or post anything, but i finally connected my computer where it was before tax season...and i can look at this morning...and absolutely loved the post card on the first picture of the post of the arc du triumph and the tour eifell....i can't spell anything today.....gosh....if you could...bring them back and i will pay you...thank you.....right hand side
oh before my kids get into each other....i messed up it is the upper left hand corner and it is the color eifel tower with the clouds and the arc du triumph...merci beaucoup
oh my! seriously these photos are wonderful.
i am always having an ice cream emergency.
the shopping carts are great!
You need to enlarge your photo of the peonies and frame it...such a beautiful pic!
It has been fun reading about your Paris adventure...enjoy your last few days...and have a safe trip home...
ahh- i miss paris. that pharmacy sign sent me WAY back to a pantomine i did for diapers in one. the poor 18 year old french kid working there looked at me like i was crazy and then suddenly said "oooh- pour le derriere?" and i said "oui, oui- pour le derriere!" :) never let your husband decide how many diapers the 2 week old will need when you have to suffer the consequences. :)
Wow! I loved all your pictures. The peonies are to die for. You've done a great job documenting your trip. I just read your foolish girl post. What great memories you created. I can't believe you are doing all this with a two year old.
i am still trying to figure out how you find such lovely things to photograph. is it that i don't look hard enough on my everyday journeys? hmmmm. when i am in NYC this weekend i have vowed to see the lovely...and then to do so at home more often, too! thanks for the inspiration!
i LOVE the ice cream emergency sign.
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