Sunday, November 27, 2011

Sunday thoughts

I've been reviewing my notes from Time Out For Women, and there is so much good stuff in there, I am overwhelmed by it all. So I just picked something that Hilary Weeks shared:

She decided to ask Heavenly Father in her morning prayer each day which one thing was most important for her to do during that day. Most often, her answers were small things, such as emailing a friend or writing a note to her daughter. And frequently, she would discover, after the fact, that following through on that one small act was an answer to someone else's prayer, and a great blessing to herself.

There is a special kind of peace at the end of the day when you know you have done the most important thing you could have for that day. (I would like to experience that!)

Heavenly Father will be as much a part of our lives as we will let him be.


Tasha said...

I love the idea of doing that! I am starting tomorrow!

crystal said...

I LOVE THIS. Thank yo so much for sharing it. I will be doing this immediately :)

patsy said...

This is a brilliant idea!
thanks so much for the inspiration

Jill said...

I really need to do this. I think I haven't sought that out specifically enough.

Charlotte said...

I love this. I think I need to incorporate this plea into my daily prayers.

emily said...

This is a great reminder. I'm excited to try it!

Jill said...

I've tried this the past 2 days and haven't gotten any direction...what's up with that?

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