Thursday, September 30, 2010

priority on nurturing (a reminder to myself)

Max joined the jazz band as their pianist. He has no experience with jazz piano, but apparently the director was willing to take him on and teach him what he needs to know. They meet at 6:40 a.m., so I guess I'm getting up at 6:15 now and have one more trip on my route! Serenity now.

I feel good, I feel great, I feel wonderful.

I was consoling myself with the thought that maybe I would catch a beautiful sunrise, but the sky went straight from black to this. Oh well.

*Edited to add: Max talked to us about jazz band last night and decided that he doesn't have time for it with all of his other activities, homework, Scouts, etc. I can't say I'm disappointed.


Rebekah said...

Oh, I remember being up many early mornings in Utah and hoping for a beautiful sunrise. Those darn mountains :). What you really get are two somewhat lackluster sunrises -- First, the sky goes from dark to light, and then, a bit later, the sun finally winks over the top of the Wasatch. So much for romantic ideals.

Jill said...

Oh good heavens, what is going on?! I think Marc may need to alter his cushy late-night, late-morning schedule to help out because this is ridiculous!

Kelly said...

I'm right there with you this year realizing I am "that" mom who lives in her car, and makes too many trips here and there. So far, though, nobody needs to be anywhere at 6:40 -- so sorry!

Amie said...

Oh dear. I could handle it... unless Jimmy were in bed... Jill's comment made me realize that would be a blood pressure raiser for me. Maybe it can be Marc and Max's quality time? Do you come home after taking him or wait? I guess it could be make-up time... puffy eyed make-up time.

Good thing you already decided you were having a good attitude about chauffeuring...

Bond Girl 007 said...

ohhhh my, this is another test of your might be surprised at all the beauty that time in the morning...I was just thinking of my walks with Jill at BYU those early mornings.....they were always fun....we used to walk the whole campus....

crystal said...

Phew! I just read your edit. I suppose just be thankful for small mercies...that he doesn't have early morning seminary.

I had it all of 9th grade and it almost killed me dead. Thinking back now, from a mother's perspective, I'm sure it almost did my mother in, too! Funny how at the time, though, I had no concept that it might REALLY SUCK for my mom to get up at 5:15am and motor me around.

Anonymous said...

You caught a break! I so hope my kids come to those kinds of conclusions when they are Max's age when it comes to time management!

My mom did the early morning seminary thing with my older brother and sister and I dreaded the mornings that my dad had to work early so me and Heidi had to go along for the ride with my mom!

Susan said...

I guess I'm both surprised and pleased with his decision to not push himself beyond reason!

Good going, Max-man. But I can just imagine you playing jazz piano, and I like it!

Ah yes, I too remember early morning seminary drives...

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