Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Seattle, day 4

{I'm feeling bugged that I didn't get to finish my Seattle posts before leaving on another trip. Now I'm in North Carolina. We went to a beach house for a week and didn't have internet access. I'm at Jessie's now, and so I can post the drafts I had in the works...}

Day 4. We started out eating bakery cookies for breakfast, as that was all we had in our room. No one complained.

We did some more walking around the city. Here, the Nordstrom flagship store.

I enjoyed the colorful cabs.

We went back to explore the Market some more, since our first visit was a cursory one and the kids had never really seen it.

I just love the displays of produce at markets.

I guess this vendor has had some problems in the past?

We saw this sign, so Max figured we must be close to the famous Gum Wall (which I had absolutely no interest in seeing).

The guys went down to check it out. Sure enough, they found the wall covered in chewed-up gum. Disgusting.

How many of you have seen the world's largest collection of giant shoes?

This giant incense display is classic. I can't stand the stuff.

Fresh fish, on the other hand...

and look at all these flavors of honey sticks!

Max and I could not resist these Rainier cherries. 2 pounds for $6! So delicious.

Eva got a princess tiara with ribbons and maribou, and Marc bought a cd from a girl performing in the Market. The kids all wanted to buy squishy stuffed snakes, but I convinced them that it would be more fun to make our own!

We got some lunch at Taxi Dogs and decided to try what is apparently a quintessential Seattle food (but I never knew it): hot dogs with cream cheese and grilled onions. They were pretty good. (I find cream cheese improves most things.)

I enjoy city scenes.

I cannot fathom why these store windows were pharmaceutical-themed. Pills, pills, pills. I find that disturbing.

We headed to Capitol Hill to walk around. Marc and Max both had to stop and take pictures of all of these signs.

I can't believe I had forgotten about this cool street art! These numbered feet with arrows show you how to do various dances. (This one is the waltz.)

We stopped at Dick's for milkshakes. They were very good.

I'm kicking myself that I didn't take a picture of the apparently homeless man who was seated in front of Dick's trying to sell his paintings. They were crudely done, but interesting. Many of them said, "Don't look like E." I asked him what that meant, and he explained that it was inside joke between himself and one of his friends from way back in the 60s. I didn't want any of his art, but I made a donation to the cause.

We had some great sandwiches for dinner at Baguette Box. Eva was thrilled that there were many paintings of dogs inside.

Lucas, of course, hid from my camera. I won't be stopped.


patsy said...

I love SEAttle!
GReat photos - GREat post!
I think I would have loved to put a piece of gum on the gum wall & my husband would have been greatly disturbed....

I hope you are having a GREat time with Jessie!
and thanks for blogging--
I was really missing your posts!

Unknown said...

i'm going to miss you in Charlotte!! (i have a meeting there on the 16th) boo!!

as many times as i visited Seattle, i never knew about putting cream cheese on a hot dog. how ingtriguing.

jenn said...

I can't believe the flowers on that table- wow! I think you captured the allure of big cities- beautifully strange and disturbingly interesting.

In all my years- I have NEVER heard of cream cheese on a hot dog. I must admit it intrigues me.

Jill said...

Hooray for a new/old post!! It's too funny that you didn't get to finish posting about your last trip before you left on another one. You may be working to catch up on all of them until September!

I love all these pictures and am so glad I got to visit you guys there oh so long ago (14 years?).

I hate incense too, really hate it!

I love it when a city provides so much cool stuff to see. It's like everywhere you turn you can find a a piece of art!

Charlotte said...

I also love city scenes! And I also hate incense. I've missed your posts! Say hi to Em and Jess for me—miss you all. Love you.

Andy said...

The giant shoes. Now I would LOVE to see that!

Robyn said...

Amazing photos! Looks like so much fun. Makes me want to travel.

amy gretchen said...

I'm off to portland with a friend this weekend and this gets me all kinds of excited. lovely photos.

Price Cream Parlor said...

Sorry about your sick little! Yikes!

No photo of the gum wall?

I love how the three of you have your cameras! That's fantastic!!

Sounds like a wonderful trip!

Kelly said...

I've seen pictures of that gum wall -- horrifying! You have such a knack for capturing pictures of your surroundings that just make you feel like you are right there in person.

The parasols sign just cracks me up! "I mean it!!!"

Rebekah said...

I think it's so funny that the flagship store is in Seattle, not NYC. The Neiman Marcus flagship store is in Dallas, of all places!

But how can you tell if you like the pattern if you aren't allowed to open the parasols? Grr...

The world's largest collection of giant shoes is in my closet. 11w, baby.

I had a Rainier cherry habit this summer. I'm so sad they're gone now.

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