The Jardin du Luxembourg has a huge playground that my kids love (the above picture shows less than 1/4 of it). You have to pay to get in (currently 2,40 for kids and 1,80 for adults), but we don't go that often, and when we do, we stay for several hours. If you go when the French kids are in school, it's pretty empty, and usually has a few other English-speaking families. But if you stay until school gets out, it gets crazy, fast.
We've gone twice now, and I realized that I didn't post about the first time, which was a few days before Jill's arrival.

I didn't think Max would be interested, so I sent him off to take pictures and then come find us when he was finished. He surprised me by coming back after about an hour, joining us, and playing with Eva for the rest of the time.
Incidentally, one of my favorite things about this playground are the mature trees growing within it. They provide shade and beauty for the parents sitting on benches!

In what universe is this a comfortable position that one gets into by choice??

Creepy giant fungus way up in a tree!

I love it that I have pictures of all of my kids on this equipment when they were 2, then older and older, until now, when they are 4, 10, and 14! It's been a favorite spot of ours for a very long time.

Remember the area where the old men play boules (otherwise known as pétanque or bocce ball)? On this day, it was packed, and the jacket racks were full to capacity.

They seem to take it pretty seriously. And for the first time, we saw a woman playing, too!
We went back last Thursday. Eva and Lucas were feeling better and we were experiencing some pretty severe cabin fever. Max stayed home with a fever and cough.

The park was in a perfectly lovely stage of Fall -- tons of leaves on the ground to crunch pleasantly underfoot, yet plenty of leaves still on the trees for color.

Lucas and Eva both really enjoy this part of the sandbox (all Parisian parks have sandboxes) that has pulleys for loading sand and chutes for dumping it. You've just gotta love something that entertains your kids who are 6 years apart!

I sat on a bench and read The Zookeeper's Wife. I'm really enjoying it.

I kept looking up at the trees, because leaves were falling down every few seconds. I tried to capture that in a photo (I almost said on film!), but I could never time it quite right.

Eva was amazed by the size of these leaves!
We actually had to leave because it was getting so cold -- even
I was cold. I know, right? I'm blaming it on Daylight Savings and dusk arriving so much earlier.

The boules courts were largely empty.

All of the flower beds have been re-planted with mums. Eva was most intrigued by these "piles of flowers". I used to think I hated mums, but Paris is changing my mind about them.

view looking up from the bus stop
It was so good to get out again. And the parks are so lovely here, it feels like a good outing for me as well as for the children!
I used to not like mums as well, but sometimes I guess they do work.
Why don't we have more parks and playgrounds like that here? It must be indicative of some facet of our culture. How sad is is that I'm surprised that no one has stolen the bocce balls and that the playground equipment isn't covered in graffiti? Oh, and that there aren't homeless people sleeping on the benches around the park?
I hope you don't get tired of the same old comments from me, but they're true! I love seeing Paris through your lens and your sense of what to report on. It is purely delightful. Thank you, thank you.
"In what universe is this a comfortable position that one gets into by choice??" Funny, classic line. I'm not aware of one.
I love the picture of the man with the pipe contemplating his game. Who'd have ever thought of public bocce ball courts? The French of course.
I feel like I write the same comments all the time too-
the parks are amazing- fall in Paris- what a great experience :)
It has been absolutely, breathtakinly beautiful here for weeks-- but the snow is coming. maybe even by thursday... dang.
I love when my kids play together & yes the age difference & annoying factor of trent-- make that a rare occurence (even though they try)
I hope you are done with illness for a while!
thanks for making my morning with this great post :) Gorgeous!!
We went to that playground at Luxembourg when we took the kids to Paris--thanks to me remembering that there was a fabulous playground that you loved. We loved it just as much. The kids had a great time--even Alex, which a year ago was really saying something. When we were there, we met an LDS mom and her son from San Francisco. The only other kids playing there (two boys) were also American. We met lots of Americans in Paris.
Parisians just have a way with park design don't they? It's so wonderful that they create these beautiful spaces that are so pleasing for adults and kids, I really wish we had parks like that here.
I know what you mean about the leaves literally falling as you're sitting there. I experienced that on my outing last week and just loved it.
Is it weird for you to be reading an actual book again after reading on your iTouch??
How is Eva sitting like that? It's just wrong.
I love it there! I have pictures of me playing there as a child and pictures of my daughter playing there as a baby. Your pictures are just lovely.
Paris could change one's mind about many things, I'm sure, including mums!
Looks heavenly! What a nice place to relax. I love that you've documented your family's visits to this park for years. What a part of their history. So cool.
I have felt the same way about mums, but your photo might have changed my mind, too. I loved Eva's "piles of flowers" comment!
I also love that you have pictures of your children on that same playground for so many years!
Max always impresses me -- what a great kid, and a great brother to your littles.
It just absolutely beautiful....Paris in the fall...I'm glad that everyone is enjoying the out doors.
It just absolutely beautiful....Paris in the fall...I'm glad that everyone is enjoying the out doors.
Maybe I should take advantage of a park to get some reading done- I keep trying while in bed or on the couch and just fall asleep. That you are enjoying the book gives me motivation to keep reading- I wish you were going to be at book club!!
Reading this post makes me want so badly to hop on a plane and spend the day with your family. I miss you all so much, and can't wait until we can hang out. You photos are so beautiful, and I love keeping up with you while you're away.
Love you!
I love how nice Max and Lucas are to Eva. That is pretty rewarding for a mother to see--even when it's not my own children!
Love love love love your photos, as usual.
Love those mums, too!
oh.....the fall....the leaves.....the kids in the playground.....ahhhh you should take a picture of them looking at the puppets...do they still do that? iohhhhh sooo fun!
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