Monday, November 02, 2009

catching up

After Jill left last week, I resumed my slower-paced, more reluctant to leave the apartment life. We were back to the one activity a day, if that, routine. (Lucas and Eva were probably glad, while Max loves being on the go.)

On Monday, we stayed home and I did laundry and some cleaning and ordered groceries online.

Tuesday was a beautiful day, and Marc had scheduled a picnic at the Champ de Mars with his students.

While he was finishing up the shopping, the students hung out in our apartment. There are 28 of them, and we are definitely not equipped for that much company! They didn't seem to mind too much.

We had baguettes, pain de campagne, Poilâne bread, several different kinds of juice...

about 10 different cheeses, apples, clementines, grapes, and the most delicious ham I've ever had.

Marc ordered pastries for all from Lenôtre, and when we opened up the boxes, the pastries were swarmed with paparazzi. So funny.

I ended up with a lemon tart. It wasn't the best lemon tart I've ever had, but it was quite good nonetheless. Nothing like picnicking at the foot of the Eiffel Tower!

I promised Eva she could play at the playground after lunch. The boys weren't interested, so they walked home, taking the leftover food with them.

Eva and a new friend made sand castles together. It cracks me up that they don't seem to have a problem playing, even though they speak different languages.

We stayed for a couple of hours, and I was perfectly content to sit outside, enjoying Fall, and not being one bit hot.

Especially since I could read as well!

The next time we come to Paris, I think it should be in the Fall again. I love love love not being hot. (Look, boots!)

On Wednesday, we went to the American Library to return our books and pick out new ones. It just so happened that they were about to have a Halloween story hour. Eva was thrilled.

Someone had brought two bags of costumes to share, and Eva picked out the Queen of Hearts.

They had Halloween stories, a short film, and songs, and even got a treat afterwards. It was so much fun for Eva, and I was glad she got to do something festive, since we didn't celebrate Halloween at all! (The boys and I watched The Wizard of Oz on Halloween night and ate popcorn with m&ms and Maltesers.)

I went back to the library on Wednesday night for a special authors' night:

David Lebovitz, Alexander Lobrano, and Dorie Greenspan talked about French pastry. I was hoping to get some tips on new pâtisseries to check out. (I didn't really, except to have a firmer resolve to go to a couple that I had heard about recently.) But they were all thoroughly entertaining nonetheless.

Dorie talked about "the tart that changed her life" and the collaboration between fashion and pastry. I found out that Fauchon has a new flavor of éclair every month. Alexander said he felt like Jed Clampit being invited to Versailles, and related the history of his becoming a gourmet (it all began with a trip to Paris when he was 12 and faked being sick so he could go back to Ladurée on his own). David Lebovitz said he enjoys living in Paris because "French people actually eat things."

There was a discussion afterwards about how different the ingredients are here: chocolate, of course, but also butter, cream, and well, pretty much everything. The French demand quality in food, and it shows. (Max would tell you that everything here tastes better, which is probably true, but I do occasionally miss something from home.) Also, everything is sweeter in the U.S. Corn syrup is used in almost everything. Here, food is more pure. I found out that Coke in the U.S. is 1/3 sweeter than anywhere else in the world! Apparently our taste buds are very sweet-conditioned.

Someone asked why we still use measuring cups in the U.S., when everyone else uses Metric. David said that there is a visceral pleasure in filling and dumping measuring cups. Dorie looked dumbfounded and said that she relies on her scale for accuracy. It was fun to listen to these authors/bloggers speak -- I read their blogs, and so of course I already felt familiar with them. Fun also to be part of a large gathering of people who just love food.


Natasha said...

I noticed the boursin right away! Yum, one of my faves!

Interesting about the measuring cups.

Are the students Americans who are studing abroad for a semester or are they French?

Jill said...

How delightful for you to get to go back to your hermit-like tendencies, but thank you for taking me out everyday while I was there.

How glorious to have a picnic like that at the Eiffel Tower and then how wonderful that you got to sit in the fall splendor reading on a bench by yourself!!! Apparently Eva wasn't having terror issues with the toys at the park that day, hooray! You look beautiful in your park self-portrait!

The Halloween outing at the library looks so fun, I love it that someone brought costumes to share.

I can't imagine baking with a scale rather than measuring cups.

Rebekah said...

So, the firm I work at does some FDA law and I read some of the trade press. Michelle, you have no idea what they're doing to our food, no idea...

Barb said...

That was a great self-portrait. You have perfect lips (sorry if that is a weird compliment).
I am enjoying my boots as well as long as I don't think about the next season on the horizon.

Miranda said...

I am smitten with the second picture in this post...I think the word is...composition?

I think it is hilarious how you keep us all posted as to whether or not there is any chance of you being hot when you're outside. :)

The author's night! David Lebovitz gasp! Dorri Greenspan gasp gasp!

crystal said...

Shut UP! You did NOT get to listen to David Lebovitz & Dorie Greenspan in PERSON!!!!

I hate you.

I formerly have loved you to the point of stalking, but now I hate you.

See what jealousy does to a person???

crystal said...

You look stunning in that self portrait--completely at peace and happy.

But i still hate you.

Amy said...

Be still my heart! What a great author night at the library! Someday I want to go on one of David Lebovitz culinary tours of Paris. Talk about getting some good tips about where to eat!

Rachel said...

first of all, LOVE the haircut! You look gorgeous Michelle! And secondly, thank you for sharing your adventures in Paris with us! I am in photo heaven. My girlfriends and I dream of a trip in the future to Paris. THANK YOU for sharing your experience!

Michelle said...

Holy Cow! What a great author's night! I am slightly envious that you are not hot...I need to come back to Paris in October or November. Love the boots - you look smashing!

TX Girl said...

I'm really loving your hair.

Bond Girl 007 said...

oh sweetness....this whole post is filled with it. ESPECIALLY the cheese! oh my! I love cheese! i AM SMILING on all the fun for eva to dress up and hear stories.
loving paris through you....I have a list I've been meaning to I will get my act on it.

Bond Girl 007 said...

Je oblie.....I love love love your banner and that spt is sooo sweet and calm and peaceful in some respect you look serene!

{natalie} said...

i am floored that you were able to go to that author night at the library! that is so wonderful. i have been loving all your paris posts. i really want to go back and someday i hope i do.

Barb said...

We get the boursin cheese here, and it is so yummy but everyone has to eat it so that it is easier to ignore the garlic breat because we all have it.

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