On Tuesday, we needed an outing. Max had been stuck at home for a full week, and he was dying to get out -- somewhere, anywhere. He still didn't feel up to being outside much, so we decided to go see another aquarium we had read about. (Did I ever post about our other aquarium visit? I can't remember.)
We had a 45-minute metro ride to get there, but because we didn't have to change trains, no one cared. It was way out at the edge of the Bois de Vincennes.

A totally quiet area, so nice for a change (although Marc would take issue with that, he loves the hustle and bustle).

I loved the maps they had, showing the natural homes of the different types of marine life.

We all loved this color-coordinated tank! All pink and purple.

Seriously. This fish looks like it has rabbit teeth! The kids are in bed now, so I can't ask them, but I think I remember it as being some kind of puffer-fish. We read that it uses those teeth to crack open mussel shells. But, come on! I have never seen fish teeth like that. I was mesmerized in a train-wreck kind of way, just could not take my eyes off of it. It's embarrassing how long I looked at that fish.

I finally tore myself away to look at some more attractive fish.

I'm going to go out on a limb and say that this is my favorite fish ever. Black and white, with polka dots, and a little yellow for punch? In all the right places, too. So cute. Come on, it has yellow lips, people! It was also the fastest fish I have ever seen -- darting hither and yon, almost as if it had body issues and didn't want its picture taken. I must have taken 15 to get one that wasn't completely blurry.

Totally cool sea urchin. The other ones we saw were back in the corners of the tanks, barely visible, but this cool guy was attached to the front glass! Thanks for the great view, buddy.

Lucas pointed out that all of the fish in this tank were looking out at the same thing, and there were no patrons anywhere around. Wanna know what they were looking at?

This film of crocodiles carrying their newly-hatched young in their mouths to the water. I am not even joking. We were dying laughing at the fish watching a movie.
In all, it wasn't the best aquarium we have ever seen. But it only cost 9 euros for all 4 of us to get in, and the kids had a great time. We stood and watched a giant display of turtles for ages. We even saw several kinds of sea life we had never seen before. (But I didn't start taking pictures until I saw Creepy McRabbit Fish. That forced me to get out my camera, as I could not possibly leave that undocumented.)

Everyone was a little tired on the long ride home. But, as I said, no changing so it was just a long relaxing ride.

When we got home, Lucas made a fort out of the couch. Eva, not to be outdone, made a fort cave out of all of the dining room chairs and this lovely duvet cover from IKEA circa 1999. It just so happens she created her cave right in front of the tv, thereby obscuring anyone's view but her own. And now she wants to re-create the cave every day. Luckily, Lucas just wanted to read inside his fort.
Do you think you would like Jack more if he were polka-dotted? Or if he had McRabbit teeth?
You have some serious skills to be able to get pictures like that inside an aquarium...the lighting is always so funky to deal with.
And yes, the polka dot fish had some delicious style...those lips were fabulous.
Blech--that rabbit fish is a hybrid that just shouldn't exist. But then, deep sea creatures TOTALLY CREEP ME OUT.
I stared at your mantle--in the background of the fort picture--for ever so long.
Please come do my mantles when you come home.
I have also found myself fascinated with ridiculously ugly fish, and that one I probably would have stared at for a good while. That sounds like a super fun outing! I love the picture of Eva on the train seat, and I love her cave.
PS It's just crazy to me that as I'm writing this it's 8 in the morning for you.
"It's embarrassing how long I looked at that fish." That is such a funny line!
How did you get such good aquarium shots? Mine are ALL blurry and weird. You have skills friend.
oh wow those pictures are sooo good. I am mesmerized by the yellow lips and cuteness...although in my computer it looks dark blue...even better.! Sounds like a great outing and with fun, Lucas is funny and did an amazing fort. probably looking forward to showing landon....
I just love aquariums! what a fun outing :)
that fish made me laugh out loud- funny. It's amazing- & the black & white with yellow- soo Michelle!
Oh yea, the polka dot fish, way cute!
Thumbs up to the polka dot fish. I, however, want to build a fort myself to keep away from rabbit fish. Creeeepy.
I love the picture of Max looking at Eva. I love your family!
You got some really beautiful fish pictures (maybe not McRabbit)! I have never had good camera luck at the aquarium, so I am in awe. So lovely!
That fish is an evolutionary wonder. Wow. I wonder what part in the plan that little guy plays...
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