Last Friday, Marc was sick, so I took Eva and Lucas out to the park. On Saturday, he was feeling a little better, so I got to have my Friday flânerie a day late!

I went to the Marais yet again, as I wanted to revisit a silver shop I saw on my first Friday outing. They have used silver cutlery, trays, pitchers, and anything else you can imagine, provided that money is no object. But they also have bracelets in the window made from flattened silver forks and spoons, and these are surprisingly inexpensive.
I was all set to buy one when I first saw them, but the woman working there persuaded me to come back again sometime, as she was expecting a delivery of better ones. I can't say as I could tell much of a difference, so I just went ahead and purchased one! I'm thinking of getting it engraved with my initials sometime.

I saw this display in a window. It didn't seem to be a store, I have no idea what it was. I didn't even notice that the word was in English until I got home and looked at my photos!

I walked by this florist shop again. I think they scatter rose petals on the ground on purpose, for effect. It works, I think it's charming.

And I found this colorful set so pleasing, particularly on a fairly grey day.

I happened to walk by a chocolate shop (Cacao et Chocolat) that had several different varieties of chocolate eclairs in their window. I had never heard of any of them, and I was hungry, so I had to stop. This is the chocolate/coconut, and it was superb. In addition to the coconut on top, the chocolate custard had bits of coconut throughout, and it was served perfectly chilled. (I can't get enough of French coconut, it has much smaller flakes that are crunchy and it is less sweet.)
I searched out a tea shop that I had heard about. They had a great selection of amazing-smelling teas, but I was told that they don't do herbal teas at all, so I had to leave empty-handed. One of the employees gave me a tip on a store that does
only herbal teas at Palais Royal, so I went to check it out.

Unfortunately, the cool courtyard at Palais Royal is currently under construction and is all walled off. (The walls have tinted windows you can look through.)

Fortunately, there is still a lot of interest at Palais Royal, even without its signature black and white striped columns.

Palais Royal self-portrait

view from within one of the arcades
Sadly, I couldn't find the herbal tea shop anywhere in the arcades.

Happily, the rain stopped after I got to P.R., so I sat on one of the benches to read for awhile.

Yes! I'm doing it! I'm finally reading A Tale of Two Cities! I tried reading it during another of our Paris stays and I just couldn't get into it. All this time, I've felt like some kind of reading fraud since I didn't like Dickens. Well, that is all changing now.

An upscale vintage clothing shop in the arcades. As in, vintage haute couture. Always some pleasing window-shopping to do here!

As I left Palais Royal, I saw this small orchestra playing. They were really good, and they were drawing quite a crowd. (3 cellists. I find I'm always making a mental tally of cellists to tell Max.)

I can no longer remember what the S.R. stands for on this church, but I was intrigued by the big shell in the architecture.

I knew Eva would get a kick out of this window display. She loves dogs almost as much as she loves dinosaurs. I was kicking myself, because I saw a dog staring in at the toy dogs, but then it moved away and I missed the shot.

I was near the Colette store, so I decided to stop in for a quick look at the trends. (For the uninitiated, it's a multi-floor store that purports to have everything that is cool -- books, jewelry, clothing, music, makeup, you name it.) It was so crowded, you had to push your way through to see anything at all. I did a quick drive-by on all the floors, and then I couldn't get out quickly enough. I think it's safe to say that I'm not cool, young, or hip enough for Colette!

So I did what any self-respecting person in that situation would do. I went to the Michel Cluizel boutique and bought some truffles (which I later shared with Max and Marc).

These drums of roasting chestnuts spring up all around the city during the Fall and Winter. I find them charming and I want to like them, but I just can't stand the smell. (And chestnuts are kind of mealy, you know?)

The sun going down on the Louvre and neighborhood.
The end.
Well, not quite the end. I went home and bought Grecs and fries for dinner.
Glad you got to flanerize after all-- better late than never!
About the coconut-- I buy mine at Whole Foods and it is unsweetened and the flakes are much smaller than the ones seen on the bakery aisle in a regular supermarket. The brand I use is called "Let's Do Organic." I have also seen similar coconut (shredded smaller, unsweetened, etc.) out at the "regular" stores now that Christmas is approaching. It is in the produce section though as opposed to where one would think to look like near choc chips and other baking goodies. Maybe you can find it once you get back "home." Hope this helps. I love getting feedback info on my blog.
Blogger only sends some of my comments to my email account and it drives me crazy, that's why I added comment moderation on posts more than 5 days old.
This looks like another great day out, I'm so glad you were able to go Saturday and not miss out on a day of flanarizing!
It looks like I might actually like Paris coconut!
I love those colorful chairs and really love the roses on the black, iron chair!
Everything is so beautiful there, you don't even have to try to find photo worthy items.
I'm so impressed with how Mark has kept his Friday Flanerie promise. It seems like the kind of thing that could easily slip away. Also, I LOVE the lighting in the first picture.
Oh, I cut my "reading teeth" on Dickens...I still remember riding my bike to the library, my heart in my throat, so excited for the next one on the shelf. I love Dickens and Tale of Two Cities cannot be beat. You will be sobbing by the end. I am a little jealous of the experience you are about to have.
Your pictures were just as charming and magical as ever, despite your recent disclaimer. The world looks amazing through your lens.
the S.R. stands for Saint Roch - a fine example of late baroque. The altarpiece is one of my very favorites.
So happy that you get this time to yourself in Paris!
That first shot of the dappled sunlight is amazing. I am continually in awe of your way with photography.
And with photoshop. Your banner is exquisite!
I'm still swiping photos, by the way. I have big plans. How would you like to accept your royalty payments? Cinnamon rolls? A savory dish, perhaps?
Oh, I forgot I am talking to A Phenomenal Cook. So maybe you'd like your royalties in the form of me cleaning your bathrooms! ;)
every time i come to your blog and look through your amazing pictures all I can think of is, how can I get to paris? beautiful.
i keep looking at the ball picture and wondering how you took that without being in it, but I think your in there you just look almost transparent. Am I right?
The photos of the roses has to be one of your all-time best photos ever. It also has great potential for Valentine's.
A Tale of Two Cities is my favorite book in the world. It tops all of my lists.
I can't believe you have a lable about not being hip - that is just plain wrong! I love the think bottles. You are truly getting in your french mindset if you didn't realize this was in english. Are you dreaming in french yet?
I'd just love to sit on a bench in Paris and read—picture-squee!! And let me just say that I think it's crazy to read your Paris clock and think that where you are it's after 5 in the afternoon! Weird.
Where is the picture of your bracelet?!!
Glad you got a day out and I would pick the Chocolate store over the hip store any day!
ohhhhhh flaneries flaneries, flaneries.....keep them comming. i love it, love it, love it. I love your strolls and commentary. I love that you try things, and are happy and content with your normals....Amazing. thank you for sharing, you have no idea, really!
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