He got the story by talking to people out on the street. A local store of some kind had planned a publicity stunt of giving out money. People heard about it on tv and so, of course, there was a run on it.
The police showed up and told the crowd that the free money thing would not be happening. Then there were a lot of frustrated people who just started looking around for mischief to make -- you could see it in their faces. Fortunately, the businesses on our street had foreseen this and had closed up quickly.

At one point, we saw the woman who is often the outdoor cashier run over and bravely try to fend off the looters, but they started pelting her with fruit and she beat a hasty retreat.

This is shaky-cam, but it gives you a pretty good idea of what it was like.
At the beginning, it looked like they were just having fun. Riotous, destructive fun, but fun nonetheless -- which in some ways is even more disturbing than angry violence, isn't it? But then things took a turn for the worse. Some people saw us taking pictures and they started throwing fruit at us! Max got hit by a clementine, another one bounced into our geraniums, and then an apple came flying through the window and exploded everywhere. That's when Eva totally lost it. And there were a couple of guys down below making threatening gestures to us. We closed the windows after that!
I saw someone beneath our windows get hit with a melon and go down. Then a man and a woman hurriedly trying to get their baby down into the metro before they got hit.
I saw someone beneath our windows get hit with a melon and go down. Then a man and a woman hurriedly trying to get their baby down into the metro before they got hit.

They finally arrived, in full riot gear, after the car tipping. I was amazed by how long it took the crowd to disperse. They had a standoff for awhile with the police, and then some other cops with orange armbands and cans of tear gas started chasing people away, with a few well-timed sprays.

It was a totally crazy day here in the usually quiet 7th arrondissement.
**Check out Marc's post for his man-on-the-street perspective!**
Wow crazy stuff! An apple exploding in your apartment and everything. We had a similar experience when we lived in Seoul We woke up to the streets below filled with military police in full riot gear.
You got some amazing photos.
Wow, wild and crazy. This was fun & interesting for us to see. You & the kids are brave photojournalists too!
Looks like New Orleans in the days after Katrina!
Well, I guess RIOTING is universal, it sounds all the same no distinction with di frinchhhhhhh. Any how, what an amazing opportunity to witness w/o almost harm this déportement. I it so natural to be curious to the situation, I love what Max said about the citrus...without a doubt looking at the car, that should be frightening. I was feeling anxious for the people with the baby. Refuge is what most sensible people probably looked for. Some others where practicing their arm pitch talent. Oh my! I don't recall ever being soo close to something like this (after 911 and seeing what happened to all the onlookers...I am frightened). Good thing the store closed that would have been ugly. You must take a picture after they clean up from all the angles to see what a beautiful arrondissement you live in. Marc does fit the part perfectly. Too bad he missed out on your airborne citrus and Eva's disquiet.
What the...
Crazy hardly seems adequate but it's all I've got- absolutely CRAZY!
I hope Eva does not suffer long term fear over the exploding apple and that your street recovers quickly. I feel bad for the store owner who lost all that produce. just. plain. crazy.
What in the world? Max was hit with a clementine? A citrus riot indeed!
Mob mentality freaks me out. I don't see how normal, law-abiding citizens just suddenly freak out and do things like flip over cars or raid businesses, how is that okay? It's just not!
As I was reading your blog, My husband was watching the incident on TV. People are crazy-glad you closed the windows.
Jill succinctly summed up everything I was thinking. What the. . .?
THat is actually really scary. I'm glad you were safe inside.
That is scary! I don't blame Eva for losing it, I'm assuming Max wasn't injured by his fruiting.
I will have to look at marc's blog to see his photos. Did he get fruited too?
Wow. Just wow. I can't believe that! Wow.
This is crazy!!!! I feel so badly for the fruit store owner and loosing all that produce...
Insane that you had your birds eye view and how crazy that it all turned into something so scary with the car and police...
Glad you were safe!
Hope Eva is ok... she might not be able to look at fruit the same anymore :-0
That is certainly a new and different addition to your Paris memories! How scary and strange. Poor Eva -- I'm glad you guys stayed safe!
WOW- I just keep thinking that over and over. Also, I keep thinking about all the fruit being wasted.
Glad you were safe, and home, not on your way home.
Holy Cow, I think I would have been freaking out and even more so with Jason gone in the crowd. This is plain crazy! I am glad you weren't hurt, what a crazy scary day!
How exciting!!! I would have freaked out though once I was spotted.
wow that is just crazy!
I doubt many can say they've witnessed and been so close to a food-throwing riot! But I just don't understand the mentality of being mad enough--and especially a whole crowd being mad enough--to start throwing food and causing such raucous over a bank promotion. Crazy.
And I can't blame Eva for losing it.
I was really worried you were gonna say they used the tear gas & it got in your apartment or something... dang that is so scary!
I think this is something your boys, well all of you will never forget-- no matter how many times you tell your kids that people can get crazy, I swear mine never believe me, YOUR'S WILL BELIEVE YOU!
A LOT Of good lessons here on this paris adventure.
WOW! What a day in Paris!
Mercy! A little entertaining and a little spooky!
What store advertises giving out free money? Are you kidding me?
So glad you were safe from most of the citrus inside. How insane to have people injured from something like this! Great posting though.
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