Today I am grateful for small pleasures.

a large straight

a sugar cookie my cute piano student and neighbor brought me today
(I didn't notice the photo was blurry until after I ate it! oops.)

sitting down at the table together

basil-scented dish soap
(I think I'm in love...)
Lovely. Lovely table. Lovely dishsoap scent. Wish I could smell it.
I love the small pleasures of life, though I'm not sure how I feel about basil scented soap, I'll have to try it tomorrow.
Your kitchen table is so pleasing!
I am really enjoying everyone's gratitude posts!
Even your simple pleasures have such an artful flair to them, Michelle. I loved seeing these was like a gift in a basket.
the little things are best.
i must try this mrs meyers brand. i can't believe i have yet to try it...i adore basil scented anything
Okay- where did you get that SOap?
I love this post-
I love yahtzee- are you playing Yahtzee... my favorite game
I think you have a gift to be grateful for simple pleasures!!!!
I want to smell that soap!
This is a beautiful post- both the words and the images. Can't wait to see what you write tomorrow.
I am loving your gratitiude week.
I love good smelling dish soaps... I had a good one from Williams-Sonoma that smelled like green tea!
The Basil scent is my favorite Meyers so far!
Your table looks so beautiful. I love how you and Jessie decorate.
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