Saturday, May 31, 2008

on the upswing?

So, I'm feeling like things may be on the upswing here. (Jill, was it you that said you didn't like that idiom because it implies a downswing to come? I'm blissfully unaware of any downswing at the current time...)

I knew this day was coming. It's been on my calendar for weeks, possibly months. I've had nothing but enthusiasm for summer vacation. Yet somehow, I felt a bit blindsided yesterday. Maybe it's because I'm not a fun mom and I didn't have anything special planned. (I read about Tasha's neighborhood water fight and pizza party and had to hang my head in shame.)

But here's the thing: I knew that Jill was coming over for Creative Friday and bringing Landon & Whitney along, so I was thinking -- hey, that sounds like a celebration to me! And I made mint brownies. Does that count for anything? At any rate, I quickly felt overwhelmed by the noise, the chaos, the sheer presence of them all. That came out of nowhere. And it better skedaddle just as fast, because we have a lot more summer days to spend together and hopefully fill with fun.

Luckily, I had Jill here to commiserate with, and I'm convinced there's not much better than that (especially if you throw mint brownies into the mix).

I'm not sure why, but I kind of like this picture Jill took of me cutting up my magazine tear sheets. (It could be that I'm headless.)

Marc's parents came in the afternoon to take the boys to Salt Lake for a grandparent sleepover. So they did get to celebrate! Thank heavens for grandparents. Mim brought me an article she had cut out of a magazine, a follow-up, if you will, from a conversation we had on Memorial Day.

I love that Jill took this picture. That's just funny. And true.

Incidentally, my new visiting teacher came on Friday morning and we spent the whole time talking about how to be fun and involved grandparents. She's pretty new at it, so I told her she had definitely come to the right place. I told her all the fun things that Marc's parents do with their grandchildren and she was hanging on every word. My kids are so lucky to have these relationships!

It was so liberating to only have one child to put to bed, and since it was the youngest child, we were free by 8:00! Have mercy! Marc put Eva to bed and I went out for Chinese food for a little at-home date.

Be prepared to receive something special. Now that's a fortune. And here's my other one: Don't give up. Your problem gets better next month. Sweet!

We watched a great movie -- The Lives of Others. It's a German film that won the Oscar for best foreign film. It takes place in East Berlin in 1984 and shows how artists/writers/etc. were under constant surveillance by the secret police. One of those things that blows me away by how difficult some governments make things on their citizens -- and so recent, too! It is really well done and has a touching ending.

This morning Eva and I did some errands together. She's my go-with girl. We did have to go to Costco, though -- why can't I seem to make an across the board policy to never go there on a Saturday??

As soon as I got the Costco items put away, I had to leave for a hair appointment. 2 months overdue, yikes! I got 3 inches cut off and some blonde put back in for the summer, not to mention attempt to cover my increasingly numerous grays. I feel like a new woman.

Here's what Eva said when I got home: (oohing and aahing)

E: Mom, why did you get your hair cut? Because it was crazy?

M: Well, yeah, I guess it was getting pretty crazy.

E: Yeah. Why is it cute now?

Huh. I have no response to that, but I'm pretty sure it'll never look like this again, not on my watch anyway. Marc said, "That looks like a style." (I'm always complaining that I never have a style.) Now if only I could make myself spend 40 minutes every day keeping that style...

Sharolyn (my stylist, recommended by Jill) is really a delight to converse with for 2 1/2 - 3 hours. Quite often, I come away from an appointment feeling like my soul has been fed, and how often does that happen? Today she told me about a book she read where 3 women are given the opportunity to go back in time to any 3-week period of their lives, and they can then choose to return to their current lives or lose all memory of their current lives. For the life of me, I can't imagine when I would want to revisit, but it makes for interesting ponderings. What would I change if I could?

Bottom line: I'm feeling much better than I was a few days ago, and I'm holding onto it for all it's worth.


Doodle Bugs said...

Love the new style! 40 minutes on hair?? I don't think I could manage to keep it up either! Hope you and the kids have a great summer!

Jill said...

Your hair looks great! I'm glad you had a soul-nurturing appointment with Sharolyn and came out with a style you like.

Let's chalk Friday's funk up to PMS and a summer-vacation transitioning time, I mean we're professionals right?

Your Friday night date sounds great, what a treat. I hope you and Marc took turns riding the recumbent bike while you watched the movie. Ha.

patsy said...

Great hair!
What fun grandparents - lucky lucky you guys!!
I am glad things are on the upswing- that's a good feeling.
I hope it's a great summer :)
I loved this post

Anonymous said...

Looks like a great new cut! It always tickles me to hear comments on hairstyles from your family memebers. I'm quite sure that I cannot EVER racall any memeber of my family (as a young mother) make a comment about my, old, short, spooky, not a word!

Denise, if your're reading, please quote your family response to the haircut you told me about some years ago!!!

Happy summer. Wish we were close enough to get in on the outtings!

Kim Sue said...

cute hair ... I would agree that you have to find a happy medium, who can give 40 minutes a day to hair?

Bond Girl 007 said...

hey what a beautiful hair cut and color! It is always fun to indulge in hair massage, cut, shampoo, etc., I also saw that movie and couldn't believe that was happening in 1984! It was soo surreal to see how they treat people, mostly educated people who only want to be free and have a democracy! Gosh! inspiring though.
Never take anything for granted kind of movie!

Denise said...

I'm not sure even Eva could top what Emily told me (when she was about six years old) after I came home with a new 'do: "Huh. You look like Cruella DeVille in the morning!" Not just Cruella DeVille, mind you, but Cruella DeVille IN. THE. MORNING. Always a fun story to tell.

Having my hair done always gives me a lift. I'm hoping to do so this week, as I am seriously overdue for a cut and my roots are starting to look bad.

Denise said...

P.S.: Forgot to mention my mood-lifter for the week--my darling, custom-made Celebration Banner!!! I love it! (and I don't typcally use more than one exclaimation point). Thank you so much, it really did lift my spirits.

charlotte said...

Eva's commentary on your hair is hilarious! I'm glad you're on an upswing, and the new banner is splendid!

Anonymous said...

How did I miss this whole post?!?! Your hair looks amazing- I love the cut and style and color. Love it!

Yea for fantastic grandparents who come and whisk them away and provide relief for you and memories for them. I seriously don't think I can ever move my kids away from their grandparents because we would all suffer!

I hope this weeks CF edition has much less stress and much more productivity for the two of you.

crystal said...

(toasting my diet ((caffiene free)) coke)..."Here here! Here's to an upswing!" *clink*

Now. Just think of the downswing in these terms: You know the crazy-tickle you get when you rush DOWN on a rollercoaster? THAT can be the downswing! Now it's a Delightful Downswing! Wa-la.

p.s. i'm loving your random, all-over-the-board labels on this post. Sometimes the labels are just as fun to read as the actual POST!

Unknown said...

looking great, michelle! glad to hear things are feeling better these days.

is it so wrong that i'm happy jack's camp starts the monday after he gets out of school? i love sumer vacation and all... but that is a lot of daylight to burn for me!

amy gretchen said...

I think your hair looks fabulous and a definitely style.

It's strange to think it's already that time to bring the kids home. I welcome it and fear it at the same time...I feel your frustrations. It's good that Jill came over, she's always great for easing frustrations.

Your date night sounds delightful. I love date nights.

Amie said...

I LOVE upswings! Jill's right.. that means there is a downswing but I try to remember that if we didn't have the down we wouldn't love the up quite as much!

Your hair looks fabulous, as always.

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