Monday, April 14, 2008

spring break & good mail

Today was the first day of our Spring break and, as if on cue, the Spring weather arrived! I'm not sure how warm it actually got today, but the forecast was for 76 degrees. Let's not forget that we had 3. snowfalls. last. week. I've been waiting and waiting for the Spring weather, but I've gotta say, I'm not a fan of the instantly hot weather. Where are the weeks of 60 degrees, my ultimate temperature? Utah weather is schizophrenic during the season changes -- I know this -- so why am I always taken by surprise? I know it happens suddenly. I just was not prepared for it to happen this suddenly. That's all I'm saying.

Lucas made a list of possible fun things to do this week. Max didn't seem to have anything to add, so we're going with Lucas's list. And at the top of his list was going to the "wooden park", otherwise known as Pleasant Grove's Discovery Park, where all of the structures are made of wood.

Max decided that he was finally ready for a foray outside of the house (after 9 days of being sick inside).
He did get tired easily. Good thing he brought along the Sudoku book that Jill gave him, it's been his trusty companion all week.

Eva's favorite activities were playing with the echo box, the musical stations, and getting her brothers to play with her.

It was a beautiful day, and it seemed like a good idea until we saw that at least 50 other kids had had the same idea. The kids were not deterred, but after an hour and a half they were so hot and thirsty they wanted to leave. You don't have to ask me twice.

We stopped at Walmart on the way home for drinks and treats for the week, as well as a few other staples. They were having such a great time scouting for treats they didn't seem to notice we were grocery shopping! When we left, Eva said, "It's fun shopping with Lucas and Max!". Truth be told, it was. They never go on errands with us anymore because we always do them when the boys are in school.

We had lunch at home and Eva went down for her nap. The boys were playing a game together and I ran out to buy a gift for a baby shower tomorrow. I browsed at Barnes & Noble for awhile and just generally enjoyed some quality alone time at last -- it's been too long.

I had to wake Eva up because her nap was going on too long. Seriously. And after my little alone outing, I had the energy to make dinner -- for all of us.

This is where you are rewarded for reading this long post by my shamefaced admission that we very rarely eat a family dinner all together. My kids are terribly picky eaters, they never want to eat what I cook, and it all seems like just so much effort. I've made attempts in the past to get family dinners going, but my family was not supportive of it at all. Yet it keeps weighing on me. Every time I read about one of those studies showing the many benefits of sharing mealtimes, a fresh wave of guilt washes over me. Every time I wonder how they're going to learn good table manners, or appreciate vegetables or foods with more than 2 ingredients.

The final straw was when I opened up my Conference notebook before the first session of Conference last weekend. I glanced through the last page of notes I had taken from the October conference. Elder Oaks had reiterated how important family mealtimes are and said "What your family wants for dinner is you!". That combined with Elder Bednar's talk about praying with the intent to act made me determined to make this change that I've been ruminating over literally for years now.

So. We've had dinner together for two nights in a row now! I decided not to wait around until my family became more supportive and just go ahead with it. I didn't say a word about it, I just asked the boys to set the table and we sat down together. (By then it was too late for anyone to complain!) I don't know that we'll do it every single night, but I know that it will definitely be more the rule than the exception. It does take more effort, but I am seeing good things coming of it already: the boys are setting the table and clearing the dishes, Max has tried pork chops and liked them, Lucas has eaten sugar snap peas, Eva pronounced cauliflower to be yummy, and we've had some laughs together. Victory will be mine.

For Family Home Evening tonight, we watched The Bee Movie (funnier than I expected) and ate popcorn with Wild Cherry m&ms. Everyone but Lucas liked them.

In addition, I have some good mail to report:

I got some Royal Mail from Amanda! What a treat. Decorative napkins (always a favorite), cute post-its, and one of her painfully cute cards made with artwork from an old children's book. I am now on a quest for a book like that!

Tasha sent Eva this adorable Gymboree shirt and some ponytail holders to match. She said the sale was too good not to share. I think it's just plain nice!

Amie sent me a belated birthday card with a Sonic gift card inside -- my first Sonic gift card! I can definitely put that to good use. Thanks to my friends for thinking of me!

Other happenings from today:

We actually had to turn on our air conditioner -- even though we had the heat on until two days ago. Would it surprise you to know that it wasn't functioning properly? Even though we replaced the air conditioning unit about 5 years ago? Even though the furnace motherboard died and we replaced it right after Christmas? We turned it on and nothing much happened, just the faintest of breezes came from the vents. I changed the filter, just in case. As the interior temperature climbed 4 more degrees and I could hear the unit limping along, I decided to just turn it off in case it was causing more harm than good. Guess what? After I turned it off, a little cool air started to come out of the vents. No joke. Luckily, snow and rain are in the forecast for tomorrow!

And a little mouse update. Recently I discovered new mouse activity under the kitchen sink. I immediately cleaned out the cupboard -- again -- and set a trap (one of the old-fashioned ones, Dad). When I checked it today, I saw that the cheese had been completely cleaned out of the trap, yet the trap had not been triggered. Really? The super-mice had to choose our house to try out their powers?!

I could be wrong, but we could be in for a long week here.


Neighbor Jane Payne said...

Describing weather as schizophrenic is such a telling adjective.

Go, Michelle, go! (on your dinners together.) I'm a true believer of them . . . they can do wonders. I'll be glad to support you till your family does :) Good job.

Unknown said...

i struggle with family dinners, even though i grew up with them and absolutely believe in the goodness that comes from them. i blame it on the fact that i work full time, and it's all i can do to just make the meal. getting it onto the table with the family gathered around seems like a herculean effort most days. i will encourage you to keep it up, even when i'm not finding victory myself!

i'm sorry for the mouse activity!! what a pain.

Jill said...

You are to be commended for so many things in this post...braving the wooden park, especially on day 1 of spring! Going to Walmart at all, but especially with 3 kids! Waking Eva from her nap! and having dinner as a family 2 nights in a row! I'm so impressed. I don't even think of that last one as a true confession since I struggle with that too. Most of the time I feel like saying "dinner shminner" and wishing it would appear.

Liz said...

We are on spring break here too. So far it hasn't been too bad.

Congrats on having some family dinners! Hurray!

I hope you can rid your house of the mice once again!!!

patsy said...

Family dinner--
it really does pay off!

I'm glad you got some alone time-
we loved the bee movie too. I was completely surprised. My little guy is terrified of bees & the movie has really helped with that.

We are getting a mix of rain & snow here now, north of you. I can't take it, I just can't take it. I want to cry... but what good would that do? I am with you just a FEW 60's --is that too much to ask? hey I'd take some 70's before summer hits!!!

Marie said...

I am so glad you are getting on board with family dinners. It seems to me like more work if you have to prepare a whole bunch of things for picky eaters to have.

My rules at dinner are pretty super: this is dinner. Eat it or go hungry.

I'm not a tyrant. They have to try one bite of everything. If they don't like it after that, they don't have to eat it, but there is no other food served after dinner is over...except their own leftovers.

Good luck!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful accounting! Where should I start? I guess I will start by saying that I hardly call 76 degrees hot! (Pashmina weather, for sure!)

I will be anxiously awaiting the details of the remaining spring break!

I am soooooo excited to hear of your wish to have family dinners! I am a big supporter of such, as you will recall from your childhood. Grandma always made dinner with treats too, every night and I just followed the rule. I remember when we moved to Bucks County and I had a young friend (Linda) who never cooked dinner--EVER! She was just a young married woman, but I just could't understand having take-out or going out every night!! I'm sure I don't have to remind you of the green bean episode with Jessie when she was about 10, I think!!Keep up the effort, as I know it will pay off--manners and all. Great! It makes me happy.

Thanks again for the great post!

And, what's with the MICE????YUK!

Crystalyn said...

oh michelle, more mice? what in the world?

i hear you on the dinners. i strive but often get caught with the kids at the counter and me behind the stove and dave not even home yet. thanks for the reminder that even when he's not here we need to migrate 20 feet west and actually sit together at the table. why is this soooo hard?

Anonymous said...

Good for you and the family dinners. I love them- we need them, even if it means eating dinner at 4:45 two days a week so we can all sit down together more than just twice a week. It is work though. Victory will be yours- just stick with it!

The brown park is Mya's favorite- Eva is looking so big, in her own little Eva way of course. I am so bummed about the weather yesterday and today. Sigh.

And as for the mice- so sorry. But you seem to be on a roll- I say sock it to 'em!

April said...

I was shocked at your seem like such a divine cook. (At least I drool over your Creative Friday lunches. Yum!) Anyway, my struggle is with serving a hot breakfast. Can't ever seem to stay too consistent at that. I'm trying though. Recommitted after testing week and conference and all...must I have so many things "to work on"?

Loved your updates, love your blog, as always. Have a wonderful spring will go too fast I'm sure!

Bond Girl 007 said...

oh michelle it has been a joy reading about your doings...I long for a long round/square/rectangle table. we do have one in our formal dining, but it is hard to get there, and it is covered with alf's projects, so we eat in the island, it is kind of not proper, but it does make it work. I have lagged on this department, as I have been stressed and eat out more than i should, so Alf is really the one having a healthy salad, and sharing with alexei. Jorvik is being too picky for his own good lately!

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