As I read on, I saw that it was about our blog names. Oh, that name!
Jill had finally convinced me to start a blog, and I had no idea what I was doing. I hadn't given it any thought and then realized that I had to come up with a name and a profile. Since Marc and I met through French and it has been a big part of our lives, my mind immediately went in that direction. "Chez Moi" just seemed like the obvious choice! Literally, it means "my house", but it also has a nuance of "with me", and since my blog is all about what's going on with me on any given day, it just works.
And, like Jill said, it's funny about my profile. I wrote it so quickly, just to have something, thinking I would come back and revise. But every time I read it, it seems to sum things up pretty well.

My blog has gone through a number of transformations, color-wise. Marc helped me to make my first banner, which included one of my first ever self-portraits (taken with an old, low-res digital camera!). As much as I liked it, I eventually started to get the itch to change it up.

My Christmas banner was the first one I did all on my own, and I must say I am hooked! I may be changing my banner frequently from now on... somehow I am enjoying the idea of having a little "library" of them, to show the evolution of things chez moi.
I too thought it would be about our name names as well- Tiffany? Really?
I think the name of your blog has always fit you and I love the banners you have been doing. I remember when you put that first one up and it was just SO cool. I still love that picture of you too. And your profile blurb...
i have been digging your banners lately. i've got to master that talent one day.
*chez moi* always makes me feel warm, like a perfect invitation into your life! thank you.
This was so interesting to me. I have wondered what chez moi meant- I have no french abilities- so I loved reading about it.
When I first read about this SPT I thought it would be boring...??? silly me, this has been such an interesting subject with so many details about people thrown in.
I hate my name- but I have to be very careful telling people that- because I was named after my mom who is from the south.
Patsy Jane- I sound like an idiot, but her second choice was Liza Jane as in Minnelli- oh the horror!! I definately would be a different person.
I still love your first banner... such a good picture of you. Really, I think all of them are great... I need to get some banner making skills.
Your blog is one of the few that I think really matches you. (I know that is kind of a dumb thing to say because it seems so general and you are one of the bloggers I actually know... but you know what I mean.)
Hmmm, Tiffany, eh. No, I don't think you are a Tiffany. Michelle, definitely.
I really like the name of your blog, and I love all the banners you have come up with. Simply Fabulous!
funny, before reading your post i thought i must add that i love your new banner in my comment. ha! i also loved your christmas one. i have been tossing the idea around of hunkering down and getting it figured out for myself so that i have something more attractive. of course, i should probably be blogging again to get that invested ; )
Way to master the banner, Michelle. I didn't know that chez moi meant that...the only French words I knew before meeting you were "bon voyage" and "adieu" (and as poetic as that sounds, it's pitiful) thanks for expanding my vocabulary!
It is fun to come over 'chez toi' and see the redecorating. It must be satisfying to have a profile that is so true to yourself.
your original blog banner is my fave, but I admire them all.
Hey, my parents almost named me "Keisha". . . can you imagine?!?!
I still don't understand why you had any hesitation about starting a blog and am so glad you did.
I have loved all your banners and am impressed with your skills.
loving your banner skills.
it is on my list-- i feel i really need to b/c i am sick of my boring, not me, template
i love your ever changing banner, they have all been beautiful. i also love your frenchy name, it goes perfectly with how creative and cute you are! your blurb cracks me up, i love that you are a home body, but i doubt you are anti-social! :) great post! p.s. you're about tiffany, you're definitely more of a michelle.
I too narrowly escaped being named Tiffany! Thank just doesn't suit me at all.
I was wondering what Chez Moi meant. Very cool. I love your banner skills!
I love your *chez moi* name...and your Christmas banner was one of my favorites ever!
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