Customarily, we have our birthday dinners at Amy's house, but since Marc was off seeing more Sundance screenings, they obliged me by coming to mine. The only problem: I somehow spaced the fact that we meet for dinners at 6:30, instead of our usual 7:30 book club time. Whaaat?? I really don't know how I did that. I was somewhat flustered when people started arriving an hour before I was ready, but oh well, what can you do? At least it happened with my good friends, who don't mind if Eva and Lucas are chasing each other and toys are scattered around the floor. They just picked up the slack, set the table for me, and finished the dinner prep. while I put Eva to bed.

I think we were feeling like we were done with the books (because of how much effort is involved and maybe we're feeling a little tapped out creatively -- I say we, but I don't think Jenn is included here). But then Jenn floated the idea of doing circle journals, and we were immediately sucked back in! For those of you that are wondering, a circle journal is just a journal that you circulate between 2 or more people. Ideally, each participant has her own journal so that she has one to keep. You can write in them, draw, doodle, paste in pictures (Jessie often includes newspaper and magazine clippings in the one that she sends me). It's very cool, a great keepsake, and definitely a low-pressure book alternative. I think it's a brilliant plan.
Jill has instituted obligatory book club self-portraits whenever we get together. We usually end up doing it at the end of the night, when almost everyone has been eating, laughing and crying and rubbing their makeup off. (not to mention looking very tired!) I have suggested that we take the pictures at the beginning, but after looking at the ones from last night, I wonder if the late night aspect lends a certain hilarity that we might otherwise miss...

Collette, you're not allowed to get sick anymore. We missed you!
i love circle journals. i started one with each of my older kids a few years ago and it was the best parenting idea i've ever had! my teenagers TALK to me (through the journal anyway). some of my favorite photos are the ooops self portaits. looks like fun.
Your pictures are so much better than mine, I'm going to have to swipe these and add them to my gallery about that night.
I like the picture you took of me, my socks are cute. You didn't mention that the reason it was the only authorized photo of me is because you were sitting lower than me and my chins just can't handle that!
That sounds like so much fun! It's great to have such a close group of friends--what a blessing!
I am having a hard time reading the blog posts about Jenn's party. I feel so left out - typical 3rd child reaction! I missed not being there, but I am glad everyone had such a great time.
Cute sock pic and thanks for clarifying the circle journal, I was one of the ones wondering. The creativity that your book club produces is just amazing.
I'm so glad that my huge, wrinkled forehead is in the middle of all those pictures! What that says about me is that I raise my eyebrows when I yell at my kids, and that I yell at my kids too much.
I am so excited about the circle journals, though! I've been crazy excited anticipating what I'm going to make mine with, how big it's going, to be, and all the cool places I can go to buy materials when I'm in San Francisco next weekend. It's added an entirely new dimension to this trip!
I think you have a pretty remarkable group of friends.
What a blessing!
Your circle of bookclub friends is the envy of all blogdom.
Happy belated Birthday Jenn!
Great recap! I like being with all of you.
i say it every time and i will say it: Best Book Club EVER!"
Hmmmm.... Jill authorizing photos... perhaps I get a bad rap, no one like unflattering pictures of themselves!
Your book club nights are awesome. I'm glad we get to see a glimpse of goes on there.... it is a little treat to us stalker types.
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