Marc's parents are wonderful to vacation with -- their only goal is for everyone to have a great time. They enabled me to enjoy myself by spending a lot of time playing with Eva, which meant that I could play board games, go tubing with my boys, and even get some much-needed sleep after Eva woke up at 4:45 (!@**!) on Saturday morning.
There are many photos I wish I could have taken.
We went tubing on Saturday at Soldier Hollow, and it was so fun! My natural instinct was to avoid it -- I offered to stay behind with Eva, but Marc's parents insisted that they would do that so I could participate -- and I'm glad I did, it made me feel like a kid again. Lucas was feeling really nervous at first and didn't think he wanted to try it, but I forced him to go down one run before deciding. We linked our tubes and careened down the hill together. As I suspected, he loved it and was totally on board. In fact, when our two hours were over, he was wishing we could stay longer! I was afraid I was going to be freezing, since I didn't have snow pants or boots, but we were all totally comfortable. I was shocked to find out later that it was only 18 degrees... apparently we're getting used to the cold or something.
We also went swimming several times, which involved bundling up over our bathing suits and braving the snow to get to the clubhouse. It felt so strange to be going out in the snow in our swimsuits! Grandma was a great sport to come with us.
Other than that, we stayed inside and played lots of games and watched many movies. The kids all loved being able to go next door to Grandma & Grandpa's or across the hall to see their cousins. (Lucas even slept over with his grandparents.)

We woke up to a foot of fresh snow!

(It was a good thing she had her own cup, as she was triple dipping.)

It was a bit of a white-knuckle drive coming home -- visibility was not great because of the snow, and my Odyssey's defroster wasn't working well, either. I had to keep wiping the windshield with my hand and crouch down to see out of the bottom 1/4 of the window. I was so relieved to get home safely!
{Just for laughs: this is Marc's sister Michelle, doing an imitation of one of the little boys who comes to her Little Gym. (He flutters around on his tiptoes, saying that he's a little girl with ponytails. He won't respond unless the teachers preface his name with "little girl"!) She cracked us all up -- and had everyone doing it, too.}
Oh wow, Michelle, what a fun trip. What a fun thing for grandparents to give their grandchildren. I'm glad you went tubing.
Your laugh in the video made me laugh.
I'm glad you had such a fun trip. Bob and Mim are the best grandparents ever, they actually play with the kids!! I never realized how rare that is.
I love all the snow pictures and the crazy icicles, they're beautiful.
I thought about you driving home yesterday and was wishing you well. I wouldn't have wanted to make that trip in yesterday's weather. What's up with your defroster?
How much fun!! I love weekend getaways, especially when they involve snow! And I am a huge fan of tubing; one Christmas break, my family went up to a friend's place in Vail and went tubing a couple times--it was great!
ps--'kibbutzing' is the coolest word! What exactly does it mean?
What a fun weekend! That is a lot of SNOW~ Marc's sister is so funny, great video.
Your inlaws must me amazing.
Icicles are topper!!! We had icicles at the hotel where we had our wedding reception. It was just a joy to see as we arrived.
I'm glad you had so much fun. It's a good restorative after all the stresses you've had lately (thinking of heating/lack of and invading mice).
Your sister-in-law is so funny! Anyone passing by might've thought that was her describing herself! ('Did you see that grown woman? Did you hear what she was saying??')
The photo of whispering to grandpa
is precious! 5 years from now, when
you see it, you'll cry! Seriously!
That sounds soooo fun, and soooo
cold! I discovered fry sauce when
a friend started mixing mayo and
ketchup at lunch -we were like 20!
She said "oh, they sell it in Utah"
I thought she was mistaken until James confirmed!haha (didn't have
it in Calif) Funny video clip!!!
Sounds like an excellent weekend- Midway is just awesome. Glad you got to relax because of some proper grand parenting :)
So jealous of Marc's tickets! I totally would have ditched my family to go- heee.
so glad you had a wonderful trip.
wow, those are some crazy icicles.
i trust marc had an amazing time?
Beautiful vacation!
I can soooo sympathize with your dentist dilemmas, I have to have a ton of work done. It's so unnerving and so expensive. It makes my stomach turn.
Wow, look at all that snow! Sounds like a great weekend--your in-laws sound great! I haven't tubed in years!
Sounds fabulous! It's too bad Marc wasn't there, but it doesn't seem like you needed him to help with Eva, so maybe it was easier not to have him there! ;) Just kidding. I'm seriously craving a little getaway after reading this post!
Oh my, Sundance, what an opportunity! Great pics.
What a super fun trip! I love all your pictures, especially the icicles hanging from the chalet, and the one from your window. Tubing sounds so fun!
The video is funny (and a little disturbing about the boy), my favorite part is hearing you laugh in the background.
I'm glad you had a fun weekend. The pictures are great. I love icicles! It makes me want to have a little getaway!
What a great getaway--and made so much more fun with cousins in tow! I also like the video because I love hearing you laugh. What fun!
That's my idea of a perfect vacation, well minus the back-to-reality, white-knuckle drive home. Relax, have fun, spend time with family. Oh and the Sundance Film Festival. I'm a little jealous. My sister is going tonight and I wish I were tagging along.
Sounds like a great trip! Mim and Bob are so selfless, to be sure. Everything sounds so fun! Too bad about Marc, but good for Marc too! (I hope he got in as "press"!)
And, I just found out what fry sauce was the other night.....why didn't I know that? Obviously, I've never tried it!
Good report, good time!
The snow! I'm astounded by all that snow. I would have freaked out and not been able to drive home in conditions like that, though. You're brave!
I'm glad you had such a fun time! I love Eva's "E" shirt, and your laugh in the video was fabulous.
I so want to go to the Film Festival next year. In fact, that is one of the dates I am going to put in Dave's date book. I am going to try to get in that ticket lottery they do. So, bummer Marc couldn't go to Heber,but I am glad he got to go to Sundance. Did he like it? So glad you had such a fun time. Evie felt the same way about tubing, but after we took her down one run she liked it. Did you guys rent a place or have a time share or own something? Is there a lift at Soldier Hollow or do you walk back up? We are trying to plan some weekend get aways.
that is one gorgeous looking getaway!
and yay for marc. i hope he had fun at sundance!
I'm glad you had a great long weekend, and it is so nice that your inlaws were really there for your, especially as a single parent for the weekend.
I've wanted to try the ski-hill tubing. Now I want to all the more.
still want to hear more about the film festival- but glad your vacation was a good one! wish I had had better luck in snowy driving conditions!
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