1. I did not participate in spt as regularly as I would have liked.
2. Nonetheless, it did push me to take a lot more self-portraits than I would otherwise have done.
3. I documented things I might not have taken the time to do, and was interested in the things that I took the time to write down.
4. In thinking about self-portraiture, I started taking photos of myself with many of my loved ones, something I had never done before. It's a great way to insure that I am in some of my photos, especially with my children. Many of these are treasured pictures to me now! (I still haven't gotten a whole family self-portrait due to reluctant participants, but I will prevail.)

So, to sum up, many thanks to Lelly for continuously challenging us to think of things in new ways, and to take photos we wouldn't have thought to take. I hope to do even more spt challenges in 2008!
You do manage to get really good pictures of yourself when taking self portraits. I'm really impressed. I always hate mine! I look forward to seeing what you come up with in 2008!
I like the not-perviosly-posted self portrait too. You do have a knack for getting good ones. Aren't you glad you captured it all on film this year - the mice, the shoes, the hair?! :)
i loved reading your thoughts and revisiting some of your '07 spts. i especially LOVE the "previously not posted" one!!
looking forward to many more in 2008.
I agree with everyone else, Michelle, you get amazing photos of yourself. And your lips? Oh...they are always perfect. Where oh where did you find such a beautiful color to enhance them with?
If nothing else the SPT challenges have gotten most of us addicted to taking self-portraits, and that's a great thing.
You have gotten some amazing self-portraits, and that's a very cool thing to have. I'm looking forward to more this year.
P.S. I love your new banner, you've got skills!
wow...you have serious self-portrait talents. Maybe you should do a post of pointers...I sure could use some.
I think your profile is so fantastic--
Love your new heading. I am needing to redo mine.
This is a cool spt challenge and one I really ought to do. I am like you and realized I let half the year go by without participating. I hate that because like you I am posting about stuff I wouldn't have normally posted.
I love your post and looking through your highlights has been fun. Hopefully we can both get back into it in 2008. Here's to the many more.
Honestly, you are so pretty I don't think I've ever seen a bad photo of you SPT or not. I love the ones you posted, though. You really managed to get some good ones this year!
I am definitely going to have to learn about self-portraits!! Every one of yours are beautiful!!!! I am amazed at how you do that!!
Maybe that way, I could have a picture of myself that I like!!(Thanks to Marc, I do have several!)
You're my beautiful daughter! (Of, course, every other crow thinks her babie's blackest.....) But you really ARE!!
Drat, I didn't proof in my haste! For the benefit of other readers, it should be, "every mother crow thinks her babie's blackest"....
but you know that...
oh my beautiful.
the straight hair looks so great, but nothing beats those curls you have got. jealous.
I do love that top photo of you. And it has been funny to me that I can get better pictures of myself than other people can - I didn't expect that. It might have something to do with the number of 'takes' I'm willing to do which I would never ask for if someone else were controlling the camera.
You are so freaking gorgeous Michelle! Classically beautiful and more and more photogenic. I LOVE that last one especially.
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