Last year, we started a Christmas Eve tradition of giving gifts to the Savior. I bought some little red jewelry boxes and just put a letter sticker on the top of each one. (Since we have three people in our family whose names start with "m", I wrote the names on the stickers.)
Marc's parents were with us on that Christmas Eve, so they participated as well. I gave a very brief lesson about how much the Savior has given us, and how the only things we can really give back to Him are: increased obedience, service to others, and improving ourselves and our relationships.
Everyone wrote down one gift they would give to the Savior during 2007 on a little slip of paper and put it inside their red box.
I have just been amazed at how many times I have thought of that little red box throughout this year. Many of my decisions have been guided by what I wrote down on that slip of paper. I have tried countless times in the past to change something about my behavior that needed improvement, but never with this much success. I don't know why, but somehow, putting it to paper and placing it in that box seems to have made it a stronger commitment. Marc's mom told me that she had a similar experience. I was even tempted at one point to get out the box mid-year and add another piece of paper! (I couldn't find it.) I contemplated my gift to the Savior all through December, and I was so looking forward to Christmas Eve so that I could put it in the box and start working on a new change, an improved me.
So this year, on Christmas Eve, we all got out our boxes. My boys weren't quite sure if they remembered what they had written down last year. (Evidently it didn't work equally well for all of us...) I emphasized how this small act had had a great impact on my life during the past year, and encouraged the rest of my family to give it more focus this time around. (I chose one for Eva since she couldn't do it for herself -- to cut back on screaming -- do you think it will have any effect??)
The gift that I chose to give this year is more difficult for me than last year's. In fact, it's something I've tried to work on many, many times over the years, with limited improvement. But I'm counting on the power of the little red box to help me make this happen.
This is a great idea and a neat tradition. It seems more beneficial for adults than kids really, since we seem to need grand gestures to remind us of how we want to be. I feel like choosing a word for the year goes along with this and has helped me to be better, except that it may need to be my word for the decade since I'm still working on it.
What a great idea! This season has not been my best and I think it's my own lack in spirituality (it has been awful...just lacking something). I think this is exactly what I needed. Instead of a New Year's resolution, I'm going to choose something to give to the Savior. Thanks, Michelle, for sharing this.
I like this idea Michelle, thanks for sharing. Even if your boys don't quite get it now, they will grow up with this meaningful tradition and grow into it!
oh my goodness, is that good. i love it. what a thoughtful idea, michelle! i am so glad you shared it with us.
I often check your blog but I hate to admit I think this is my first time to comment.
I love the red box idea!!
Glad to hear you are back warm!
Hope you had a fabulous (cold) Christmas.
That is a beautiful tradition, even the name for it. Do you know what your boys put in their boxes this year, or do they keep it to themselves? Not that reminding/nagging them would be a good idea, I'm not saying that at all. I was just thinking about doing that with my family and wondering if I would give my kids privacy on this one.
This is a great idea, and I love that it ended up being so meaningful for you.
We had one big box when I was growing up & we have done that in years past with my own family, but I love the idea of having individual boxes! Great keepsake for years to come.
I need to do that next year! I guess it's not to late for this year.
I love this idea! And, the box is so too cute! The name is great, the idea great, and the box great! I guess it's really great!
I'm going to find a place to use it myself!
How do my girls come up with these ideas??? Can you look at the "little red box" anytime you want, or is it put away until the next year?
We've been doing the Gift To Jesus on Christmas Eve since I was a baby. I've got a slip of paper for every year of my life. It's a special tradition for sure, and I love having just one major goal to focus on. My Gift to Jesus box always sits on the piano - John got me a jewelry box from Bombay Co.
what a neat idea! thanks for sharing.
What a beautiful tradition. I have been trying to follow your example (my dishwasher went out and I have been thinking of your very good attitude with a much bigger problem) and now here is another way to emulate your goodness.
It reminds me of Gifts of Love we used to give on Christmas Eve when you were growing up and we had Christmases together. Do you remember those? I like this Little Red Box idea and hope I can remember to do it next year!
What a great way to set new goals while keeping the focus on the Savior. Thank you for sharing...oh and I could probably share the same goal as Eva!
I loved this idea so much that I did it for our first FHE of the year. We have a FHE on the Jan. 1 to talk about what we did good as a family the year before, and what we need work on. Now we have added this tradition too. I wrote a letter to each of my boys, one at college and one on a mission and asked them to do the same. Each person put there box in there room, where they can be reminded of what they gave to Christ this year. Thanks for the idea! It's a keeper!
Michelle--just wanted to tell you how much I love this idea. Wonderful! I am going to steal this next year. Best wishes this year and I hope the power of the red box sustains you!
We do something similar to this, except we have one stocking for Jesus. I like the idea of boxes. Maybe I will give everyone their own box for the stocking.
Also..I am enjoying reading your blog, Hope you don't mind so many comments!
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