We have a Thanksgiving tradition of making chocolate turkeys. It gives the kids something fun to do during the dinner preparations, and everyone loves them. This is the first year I've properly documented the process!

malted milk balls and chocolate stars, the turkey components (along with canned chocolate frosting and red gel)

my cousins John, Charlotte, Emily, and Sarah making turkeys with Lucas and Max -- an animated group!

Emily was the Turkey Nazi -- she provided quality control. It's a tough job, but somebody's got to do it. (I provided what my Aunt Karen calls the poison control -- when someone steps in to taste test, just to make sure it's safe for the others -- a job I cheerfully volunteer for.)

Max had a little difficulty at first remembering the turkey protocol. He made what he called a few "oyster turkeys" before getting his mojo back. The oyster turkeys had to be eaten before they tried to join the gaggle of proper turkeys.

Making chocolate turkeys can be messy!

Lucas pointing out the turkey he made with a smiley face instead of the traditional wattle! I'm pretty sure the Turkey Nazi was unaware of the aberration.

After dinner, Eva parked herself in front of the turkey tray. I think she ate 3. Who knows what damage she would have done if we hadn't stopped her.

It cracked me up that the turkeys had their own paparazzi. We were all trying to get a good shot of them. My grandpa was standing in the background, looking like he couldn't figure it out for the life of him. I think we've all caught the documentation bug!
first of all, love the turkeys!
second of all, what a great way to document an amazing family tradition.
Whoa, I have got some catching up to do on your blog! I love your turkeys. They are better than mine - we do the fudge stripe cookie, chocloate covered marshmallow, candy corn thing.
I still remember this first time I saw a picture of those on Jessie's blog and could not figure out what they were! I get it now, and think it is the coolest tradition!
I totally forgot about your turkey-treat tradition dang it. It's such a great project for the kids.
The image of the turkey paparazzi is hilarious, especially considering your grandma's dismay.
These are darling! I'm so glad you documented it so I can try them.
Ah I love the chocolate turkies--I brought stuff back and we did it for FHE the other night! And Emily as the Turkey Nazi is hilarious and totally true.
i love those turkies
I appreciated the way you re-told this holiday - it is so obvious how you love the people and traditions. Especially your photo + self shots - thanks for the great idea! I never do that!
Thanks for these great Thanksgiving wrap-up posts! I love reliving it all and it makes me even more grateful for the wonderful family we have. I'm so glad that you and your family got to stay at our house--and you were nice to put up with the dumb shower situation.
I would love to have a disk with these holiday photos--hint, hint: good Christmas gift!
Thank you so much for documenting our Thanksgiving so creatively. Your posts just boosted my mood. I sometimes can't help playing the "last week at this time" game and feeling blue that it's this week, but your posts allow me to feel so blessed for the week I had with our family. Thanks, michelle.
And, speaking as the Turkey Nazi, I'm okay with Lucas' wattle indiscretion. I think I was his age when I had my own flock of smiley face turkies.
Great comment from the Turkey Nazi!
I love the cousin photo of them sitting around the table. What a great tradition. My kids would love these, maybe when Kat gets a little older she can be the Turkey Nazi around here.
Eva is a doll in that dress, love it!
oh how fun to have a tradition like that...and sooo creative, especially that the kids go at it...wow...i love the picture of eva infront of the turkeys....and the paparazzi....too funny!
Love the turkeys! So cute!!
i think i remember these from last year but now happy to know that i may actually be able to make them.
I must say the third picture down of me is quite frightning.I'm also so glad you posted this passage about our amazing Peterson tradition.
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