For my last Thanksgiving wrap-up post, I am showcasing different family members ... in their element. (or at least one of their elements!)

Grandpa sitting at his desk. I was able to sneak away for a little while and just chat with him. He told me some stories I'd never heard before, and, characteristically, he teared up during the telling. So sweet.

Grandma posing with the amazing birthday cake she made for Marc. She's the queen of baking, who has given me tutelage, inspiration, and all my best recipes.

A blurry photo of my Uncle Mark, graciously doing the dishes after Thanksgiving dinner.

Emily playing a Schumann piece for our entertainment after dinner. Impressive!

Dad, Denise, Marc, and Mom, perusing the family photos and choosing their favorites.

Charlotte, reading while snacking on Denise's amazing bruschetta. So classic.

The men, falling asleep while "watching the football game". (Well,
maybe Mark was awake...)

Sarah entertaining Eva -- jumping on Sarah's makeshift bed and playing with dolls. I was so glad for her willingness to play with Eva all week!

Mom, emptying, sorting, and refilling the piggy bank she brought for Eva -- for the umpteenth time.

Grandma testing the dough balls. She loves the feel of dough.

Denise making a triple batch (!) of her famous rolls. They were all gone by the morning after.

Max and John engrossed in a chess game.

Sarah and Lucas playing a video game.

Mom peeling yams. Is that the cutest apron or what? I guess I should have a photo of her decorating -- that is her true element -- but she is also a pretty amazing cook!
And for a laugh, here is Emily doing her Paula Abdul impersonation:
I am so grateful for the time I was able to spend with my loved ones -- even though it never seems to be
enough time. I feel like I got to know my cousins better. (Isn't there just something special about cousins?) Every time I am with my parents, grandparents and other family members, I feel like I am storing up treasured memories and a reserve of unconditional love. It is so sustaining. And watching my children interact with my grandparents was especially heartwarming for me, I love it that they get to know their great-grandparents. The only thing that would have made this gathering any better would be if Jessie's family could have been there. (sniff)
When we returned home, Lucas said, "I'm glad to be home, but I'm sad to be home. I'm glad because I like being home, but I'm sad because now we're far away from everyone." My thoughts exactly.
This is such a great idea. I love the one of your grandma checking the dough. And I love the apron your mom is wearing in that last one- it totally caught my eye. You really captured those memorable details of Thanksgiving. Esp the men 'watching' football. This whole series of posts is priceless!
Yes, I agree with Hannah - I can almost feel like I was there - the chatter, the smell of cooking. I love the way everyone seems to be wrapped up in their own busy-ness but there's still a feeling of being together. Charlotte reading and snacking looks brilliant. I wish for that kind of relaxation this Christmas!
wow, michelle! what a fantastic documentation of your thanksgiving. thanks for sharing - your family AND your thoughts!
I loved the pictures you captured of your family. So special!
You got such beautiful photos from this trip and did such a good job of capturing everybody at their best. I like real photos so much better than posed photos.
I'm so glad you got to know your cousins better and felt like you got a healthy dose of unconditional love! What that must be like, I'll never know.
This was a beautiful post...I loved seeing your loved ones in their "elements." I could feel the joy in the air.
I feel like I know your family even better. I think these Thanksgiving posts are amazing and they'll be such a treasure.
I love how you captured each individual in their element. Mark should have got you in yours. Very cool post!
oh the pics. the priceless moments you caught. just awesome!
all of you gals are so your grandmothers sweater!
so wonderful.
We only wish you could see our element this week! Out-of-control decorating for wealthy clients who think we are nothing more than common laborers.
For instance, "Will you put 1,000 lights on this outdoor tree after you hoist it to the second-floor balcony?" No joke. Or how about, "Glad you're here. All 18,000 boxes of my Christmas decorations are in the basement, about a half-mile away at the opposite end of my 10,000 sq. ft. house. After you bring them up both flights of stairs, you can share a Coke from the fridge--if you can find it, and as long as you're in the kitchen, why don't you wipe out the sink. Enjoy your lunch in the car--it's not too cold of a day."
And let's not forget the all-night decorating gala at The Yardley Inn, a hobby business for the billionairess' husband, where work begins for the common laborer at 10 p.m. and continues through the wee hours of the morning; where drink and food comps are non-existent, and where we were accused of sabatoging the computer system with a spilled drink and leaving the kitchen in an unsightly mess. Nevermind the 25 boxes of decor installed in record time and the exterior urns laden with fresh greens and festive shatterproof persimmon and citron ornaments--all assembled in gale-force winds and 100% humidity from the Delaware River. Our hair-do's, needless to say, are quite beautiful. Not a word of thanks from Bob F.--just a curt "Good Morning."
And then there's the van. Surrounded by boxes of assorted fresh greens of every variety, ornaments of every shape and color, boxes of chennile wraps, dull nippers, several battered paint decks, an odd assortment of catalogues, pine sap and needles at every turn, and a spilled can of nuts (thankfully we had these to sustain us) we hurry from from one site to the next, hoping that Jeff will not be at the next job.
This run-on comment gives you a feeling for our element this week: CRAZY! (but still fun, in a demented sort of way).
How's your holiday decor?
michelle - your photos have just flown through the roof with the artistic touch and telling a story the one of your grandma's hands and the dough.
i never had times like this really with my cousins. just one set of cousins, Elisa, in fact. it makes me sad because reading this seems like something i may never really have or my kids.
michelle your thanksgiving is something you can no buy from a travel agent or arrange online - and such a unique experience - i know it may feel like the norm to you - but you have really been given a gift.
It looks like your family has a ball when all together. I can see that everyone in your family also has awesome taste, just like you!
I love that you caught your loved ones in those 'small' moments- not the usual posed family photos. My favorite is Charlotte reading while snacking.
oh Michelle can I just tell you what a brilliant IDEA to take pictures of your loved ones in stuff they like to do...or are good at. When I see your mum it just warms my heart tremendously, I do not know why, but there is a connection have soo much of her in you...even though you are different physically there is something in there...I couldn't believe the description of that your sis? or your mum? sounds hectic. Well as always you have been my best new found cousin...and I am thrilled. You need to show pictures now of your home decorated...
This is such a fantastic post! I am amazed and inspired by your wonderful family. I wish this on my kids!
Now I think I love this post the most from your trip. What a great idea to have each person individual and in their element.
Your vacation is such a dream with all those around you. I'm so glad you were able to go.
Wow! I just got caught up on all of your pictures and journaling about your wonderful trip! Will your family PLEASE adopt me? You captured everything so beautifully, as always! I am in awe of those trees!I would've never thought flocked trees could look so marvelous! What amazing tastes these women all have! No wonder you are so stylish yourself! I think our family will need to adopt the chocolate turkey tradition! Very cool!
michelle,thanks for the toothpick tip you left in my blog comment. where has my brain (and common sense) been all this time? i never thought to try a toothpick.
I like the idea of capturing everyone in their element. And what a fashionable grandma you have!
I think I'm in love with your grandparents. Could they be any cuter?
I love that you captured all these details about your Thanksgiving, and all the people who made it truly a holiday.
I love your creativity with titling the pictures. That weekend was one of the most fun things I've done in a long time.
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