During Thanksgiving dinner preparations, I got the idea to take some self-portraits with different members of my family. I'm glad I did it -- I only wish I had done it on a day when my hair was down. Every time I see a picture of myself with my hair in a ponytail, I wonder what I was thinking. And I wish I had done it with my cousins as well. Oh well. I was operating with a "no regrets" policy, but I still came away with a couple...

I don't have everyone pictured here, but all will be featured in an upcoming post, "in their element". Have I mentioned how much I love these people??
This my favorite post of your trip so far. I love the self portraits, the chicken broth is funny and Eva's comment is hilarious!!
Your grandparents are adorable. I love grandma's with hair like that. She does have style!
Heartwarming post...it makes me love my family more too, in some odd way.
I think you look wonderful with your hair down, especially the picture with Denise.
ohh duh I mean with your hair UP, I like it down too.
oh my michelle...it is soo dear to see you with your family. I can tell you love them soo much...and you look cute with pony tail and all. I think self portraits are truly an intimate image of the soul...don't you think...you are close by and it is just you and them. I love the one of your father talking and the snow flakes hanging it looks soo holidayish...I love that everyone is dressed up...or so it seems...what a nice treat...thanks for the pictures of the 'people'...i should have called them the loved ones...but it is a cute label!
who is dennise? I GATHER Charlotte is your niece? so is Denise your sister?
I love all the pictures you took! Those are some pretty good ones and I'll be the first to admit that was a lot of chicken broth. Claudia--I'm Michelle's cousin and Denise is my mom making her Michelle's aunt. :)
What an incredible idea Michelle. Your eyes are so magnetic...they're beautiful and that opening picture with your grandpa is so striking.
"just a head" is very funny. I'm not sure I'll look at a bald man the same ever again.
Brilliant idea- I want SPs with my grandparents! You look so cute- but I get the regret of not having your hair down after the fact. I do that all the time.
I'm so happy you took so many pictures this time and especially that you got some fun self-portraits with them. I think self-portraits are so intimate and amusing, how can anyone NOT love them?
Charlotte looks so cute with all that broth.
Your family is so wonderful.
wow, self-portraits at holiday gathering. fantastic! LOVE IT.
your parents, and grandparents, and heck, everyone, just too adorable.
We're still laughing about Eva's observation about my Dad's head!
So wonderful to get those self-portraits. I need to have more of a "no regrets" policy because I know I don't allow enough pictures of myself. Your photos are fantastic.
Your granparents are so cute! I love Eva's comment!
hold the phone, are you doing a photo shoot for martha stewart, because this is what it looks like.
michlle, seriously your camera and you are a perfect match.
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