Two places near and dear to my heart: Grandma's house and Denise's house.

We stayed at Denise's house. While I love to go to Denver any chance I get, I decided that it's even better to be there during the holidays because everything is even cuter, homier, and so very festive!

This just makes me happy.

I can't get over the Louisa May Alcott set of books that Denise found -- they match her paint color perfectly!

This is enough to make me yearn for a flocked tree myself. Who knew?

If this doesn't get you into the Christmas spirit, I don't know what will.

how cute is that?

I was amazed yet again by the fact that my grandparents' new home doesn't feel all that different from their old home. I was prepared to be devastated when they sold the home they had lived in for decades -- the only home I had ever known that always remained in the same place -- but somehow it doesn't matter. It still feels like coming home.

My first thought: I have got to do this next year!
My second thought: hmmm, I don't have any ivy or pyracantha...

It's enough to make me want to plant these things so I can have cute festive arrangements at Christmastime!

I have always loved this painting my Aunt Patti made of our family at Christmastime. (In case you're wondering, I am the blonde in the foreground, singing with my cousin Ashley. I don't think Jessie was born yet.)

This is one of the many things that has been hanging in my grandma's house as long as I can remember. I have fond memories of those sheep.

Ditto to this. My love for the Relief Society motto has deepened over the years.

Grandma loves to iron. I know several people who iron a lot, but I've never heard them say they love to do it. I definitely don't -- I avoid it as much as possible. But Grandma loves it. I don't know how she still does it, with her eyesight failing, but she does. I'm glad she can still do a few of the things she loves.

This is one view of Grandma's recently redecorated living room. How many grandmas have enviable homes/clothes/shoes etc.? She's got style.

Grandma's new flocked tree with aqua and chocolate ornaments. Seriously. I want it!

The only thing that could make me love this wedding photo of my grandparents any more would be the glittering tree lights in its reflection. It chokes me up a little.

I was thrilled to get a photo of one of my favorite things, this beautiful cast of my grandparents holding hands.

Is this not the sweetest thing ever??
The bottom line: I love these homes (and the people therein, of course). I feel completely at ease there, I could stay indefinitely if life circumstances allowed. And even though my family displaced two of Denise's children from their bedrooms, my boys were camped out on the floor, and we had suitcases and gear all over the house, I never felt like we were infringing, and that seems a rare blessing.
Oh Michelle this post made me get teary eye....soo many cute and wonderful things you remarked about your family. How special it is. It is true, my parents have moved so much and have had soo many homes, but somehow...their home always feels like home. What a special treat. Now we have to see the people....
wonderful photos. the photos make me want to go home and redecorate my entire house!
Wow Michelle. This was like a classy magazine treat. So much goodness in those pictures. Making me wish I knew your Denise and your grandma (and you, of course!)..
I loved it that you all came to visit and it was so much fun having you and your family stay with us in our house! I love the Christmas decorations too and it is great that Grandma's house doesn't feel any different from their old one--it's just the feeling of Grandma!!
Such decorations, I love them all!
And your grandma's couch oozes style.
What inspiration! I love so many things you shared but the family picture is a highlight for sure!
What a cool molding of your grandparents hands! Now I see where you get all of your wonderful taste from. Their houses are gorgeous!
Wow. They really get into the stylish decorating. The mold of their hands is so sweet- and the plaque on the bottom.
I love all of these photos and am so glad you posted them all. Your family has such great style and stuff. (I know your mom is the key to all of that, and am lucky enough to have a few goodies from her too.)
That mold of your grandparents' hands is so cool. Having the photo around would probably be marriage-inspiring don't you think?
I have heard so much about Denises' house and your grandparents house it's so nice to finally see what they look like.
Your grandma has so much style it's now wonder you, Jessie and your mom do too.
I loved seeing all your pictures of our cute family! I'm jealous that you got to be with all of them for Thanksgiving. I loved seeing that picture that my mom painted of the whole family! And the sheep - who made that? I think we had a version of that in our house when I was growing up, now sure where it is now... love you and our cutest family!
oh my goodness. the style. the memories. the wonderful-ness of it all.
so special. glad you had a great time. wow!!
and seriously on the brown/blue chairs? LOVE THEM!
your g. parents are just too cute.
Making me miss you and our fun time together! (and I guess my house is cuter than I thought, especially since you didn't document the holes in the kitchen floor or the shower that didn't work.) Love you!
Thanks for the great documetation and of course your fabulous design eye in your photos! How do you d that???
It was sure fun to have everyone together (missing Jessie, of course). Thanks for making the effort and a special thanks to Marc for spending his BD with us.
BTW, great trick photography in our self bags, sags, or bad lip lines!! Great trick!!! How can I do that????!
We are sure missing everyone. It's a good thing that Denise and I are working too many hours to give it much thought.
I loved all of the things you captured here. Your grandma definitely has style! I love the hand casting. Such a fabulous idea!
This could be a magazine spread...oooh, thanks so much for giving us the tour. Beautiful places, indeed. The flocked trees were gorgeous...and I have to agree with you...who knew?
michelle, you are almost making me want to live by family now, something i have never really wanted to do. or maybe i just want to live by your grandparents.
It's always fun for me to see photos of your family together because I know so many of them! What fun to see pictures of your grandparents and Denise's family. (: I sure miss Denver...
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