Look how excited we all are to be on our way! (Hee. The kids were a little unsure about where we were going, as they didn't remember all of the Denver clan, and they were definitely nervous about getting sick.) Fortunately, I had gotten a prescription from our pediatrician for a liquid anti-emetic, and although the kids were disconcerted by its color, that emerald green elixir was like a magic potion! It also made them sleepy, so everyone had a good nap.

Because Max & Lucas can't read in the car, Marc jerry-rigged our portable DVD player to relieve boredom during the long drive. Incidentally, Marc asked me if jerry-rigging was any different from rigging. I thought it carried a MacGyver-esque connotation, but I thought I should look it up to be sure. (I was also unsure if the word was jerry-rig or jury-rig. Turns out you can use either one.)
–noun 1. | Nautical. a temporary rig to replace a permanent rig that has been disabled, lost overboard, etc. |
2. | any makeshift arrangement of machinery or the like. |
–verb (used with object) 3. | to assemble quickly or from whatever is at hand, esp. for temporary use: to jury-rig stage lights using automobile headlights. |
Yep, I'm pretty sure that using cardboard, painter's tape, and velcro to set up the DVD player constitutes jerry-rigging!

You've just gotta love the name of this town!
Eva did really well on the drive, until we were about two hours from arrival. Then she kept up a running commentary similar to this:
"It's just too hard to drive. It's really, really hard. Dad, I want to get there. I want to get out, Dad."
No crying, just making sure we knew that it was really, really hard and she couldn't wait to get there. All we could do is agree that we all really wanted to get there. Good grief.
For the first time ever, we drove over Vail Pass and the roads were
dry. No inching along, no blizzard conditions, no treacherous icy roads. And here's the best part of all: within a half hour of our arrival, it started to snow. It snowed all night and Wednesday morning as well, so not only did we have perfect driving conditions, we then also got to enjoy an atmospheric winter wonderland.

The kids took advantage by playing snow football.
The bottom line: good conditions, we didn't have to endure crying in the car, and no one threw up. Success! (And in case you're wondering, the return trip was exactly the same. Minus the snow.)
How fun to have snow for Thanksgiving!
Luci gets car sick, even on shorter car trips (like anything over an hour) and my pediatrician recommended Benadryl. It works for the nausea for her.
Gotta love the jerry-rigged dvd player (and accompanying definition)!
Love the DVD set up. We have had many a trip like that. Our kids just aren't old enough to sit and read for very long and if they end up like me, they wont be able to do it at all.
The roads make me so happy when you don't have to creep along. That makes me nervous. Yeah for good roads.
Snow football looks fun, for the kids that is.
oh wow what a nice and perfect combination for the trip....they are all
it seems ready to go for it. How fun for the snow and for them to play after a long trip. The dvd is cool. I think I still love my moonroof more than the dvd up there...although it would be convinient...hey wait WE don't have one...we are planning on getting one for our trip to houston a whopping 24 hours....yiacs...
WOW how fun for you family.
I'm so glad the drive was good for you guys.
Love the snow, Kira keeps asking me why we don't have snow yet.
Sounds like a great trip! I love the jerry-rigging!
I've missed you! Glad you had a great trip and glad you are back!
No, that DVD set-up looks fine! Hahaha. What a relief the journeys there AND back were so straigtforward.
I feel sorry for No Name town - how sad!
Love finding out/hearing about the origins of phrases too.
LOVE that you found a definition. So cool that the trip there and back were without incident. That Eva is so cute.
I'm so relieved and delighted that your journey was safe and free of vomit and crying! That's no small thing for you guys.
The dvd player is definitely jerry-rigged, but so clever and helpful eh?
What a blessing that snow waited until you arrived!
so you never said what the name of that town was...
that was supposed to be funny.
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