Monday, March 05, 2007

creative monday, weekend update

Jill and I are having a Creative Monday today since we missed out last Friday, and this Friday is looking a big sketchy (due to Eva's dental work). I'm so thrilled that she too finds it unacceptable to skip it and is willing to be flexible on days! Max, Lucas and Whitney have the day off school today, so the boys are very excited to get to play for hours and hours. It's a win/win situation!

Jill, working her rub-on magic. She takes these packages of rub-ons that I would probably give a passing glance to and makes the cutest cards out of them. Every new one is even cuter than the last, I don't know how she does it. Also, I think she sends out more cards than anyone I know, since she makes them all the time but always needs more.

Lately Jill has been stopping at Sonic to get a vanilla diet Coke for me and a cup of pebble ice for herself. I never think to do that for myself, so it's a real treat. Here is Jill's cup surrounded by rub-on detritus.

On Saturday I was the lucky recipient of two more items of good mail:

Chanel sent me this very cool journal, vellum leaf stickers, and a package of Orbit sweet mint gum that apparently I had to tear into before I even took a photo!

Natasha sent me these personalized cards from Doodlebug. What a surprise, especially after getting her birthday package just a couple of days ago! Natasha is on a good mail extravaganza.

Thanks for your ideas for entertaining Eva during stake conference. I went out and got one of those paint with water books from Roberts (I think Melinda recommended these?) and Jessie lent me a tiny backpack of Bella's chock full of quiet activities. It had a little board book Eva had never seen before (about kittens, no less!), stickers, a Disney princess board book with wipe-off markers, a long string with foam shapes to string along, and probably some other things that I can't remember right now. And of course I came armed with many snacks. So how is it that she couldn't make it through the whole two hours? I had to take her out in the hall for the last 40 minutes or so. Good grief.

Oh, how I love morning church, though. We were home at noon and had all afternoon to relax. We had lunch and played games, then Eva went down for her nap at 2:00. I read in bed, then had a 2-hour nap (that never happens!), woke up and read some more... Eva was still asleep at 5:45, we had to go in and wake her up so she would go to bed at night (that really never happens!). And for dinner, the crepe master worked a little of his magic:

What a heavenly little stack. I should have taken a picture of one of the finished products. For dessert, we had what call the Decadent -- nutella, a sliced banana, and unsweetened coconut. Normally we put a splash of Grand Marnier on for the finishing touch, but we're all out. Good times.


charlotte said...

What a fun weekend! I have church at 1:30 in the afternoon and I love it when I get a chance to go in the morning!

TX Girl said...

Oh- those personalized note cards are soooo perfect. I actually might have to get those little babies for me.

I'm drooling over your breakfast. It looks delicious

Anonymous said...

I so love that you guys aren't willing to let a creative day get away from you. I do not prioritize that time enough, and I should. You guys inspire me.

And, you've got to love the giant cups of pebble ice (even if there's drink in there, too!).

Jill said...

You are awfully sly to blog about me and our Creative Monday during my 1 hour outing to take Whitney to the doctor. Crazy. I'm glad we have our set days of creativity and that no matter how little we accomplish on any given day (damn kids) at least we're accomplishing something!

Natasha is treating you like a queen with all the good mail she's sending your way. That's cute stuff from Chanel.

carlo said...

So glad you did not have to skip your creative day. That is so great.

We have a Sonic now and I am so intrigued by this peeble ice that I may have to go through the drive-thru to get some, though the vanilla coke sounds awesome, too!

carlo said...

ok so that is so clearly supposed to be pebble ice...sorry.

(why doesn't blogger have a spell check feature in the comments section?)

melanie said...

Love that you still got together and that you blogged while Jill was away, that is sneaky!

The one thing we used to beg our mom for when we were little was crepes. It didn't matter what meal either. So far my kids don't share the same passion. Dang it, I could eat them all the time! Love the dessert one!

Amie said...

What a great way to start off the week. Really any day is great but a Monday feels like you are getting away with something.

Fun mail.

rebecca said...

Whoa, yum. And I don't even like crepes.
good mail, good creative time with your friend!

Crystalyn said...

i love getting home from church early in the afternoon too!

yesterday sounds great! i would love to know where you all get your rub-ons. i've never really used them but am loving them now and am always on the look out for them.

Angie said...

I'm jealous of your creative days. You always find time to have them and not much gets in your way.

Great mail from Chanel and Natasha.

Those crepes look fabulous!

everything pink! said...

i have so looked for those rub on things here and just can not find them, like the cool ones jill is using. i need to a little online looking . jill told me the company. all i can find are the cheesy joann fabric ones.

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