Wednesday, May 03, 2006

care package!

My cute friend Amy H. stopped by yesterday while I was outside pruning trees in my yard. She was bringing me a stash of swim diapers that she had left over from last summer. We talked for a little while and I got to see her darling little girl Kaitlin, who is usually already in bed when we get to Amy's house for book club. (Kaitlin is at that absolutely precious phase of toddlerhood where she talks a lot and is quite articulate, but she still has that cute babyish voice. Plus, she has the most beautiful long eyelashes.) Anyway, when Amy & Kaitlin were getting ready to take off, she reached into the back of her car and brought out this enormous care package for me!

She was feeling my pain over the cub scout calling and thought she'd give me these things to help me feel better: Kleenex, in case I needed to cry; Aleve, Tylenol, and Diet Coke, presumably for the headaches that may ensue; the cutest Real Simple portfolio and pad for keeping track of all that cub scouting info; a sympathy card; and, inexplicably, a gift card to Barnes & Noble! (perhaps just to lose myself in a good book) All packaged in a cool metal mesh basket.

Well, don't I feel like an idiot! I mean, yeah, cub scouting is the last calling I wanted to get, but it's not THAT bad, is it? Is it? OK, maybe it is that bad, but whenever I'm on the receiving end of such a gift, (whether it be this care package from Amy, Jenn's May Day basket, the wonderful book my book club girls made for me, a package from my mom, the money my dad sent me to get a bike, the buttons Jessie sent me, etc.) my overriding feeling is: "I'm not worthy!"

And maybe that's one of the blessings of being the recipient of someone else's generosity: 1. the desire to emulate the example of those around me and be more giving myself, and 2. to want to become a better person to be more deserving of all those gifts, both temporally & spiritually, that I do so abundantly receive.


Jill said...

What a great, thoughtful, cute, fun idea...I wish I'd thought of it. Maybe getting that calling was worth it.

Anonymous said...

What amazing friends you have! When you're ready to get up and running with Cubs, call me--I'll be your Cub Scout Help Line. I can share ideas of things that have worked well in our group, as well as offer reassurance that you needn't worry about wearing the uniform.

jenn said...

SUCH a great idea, because yes, I think scouts is that bad! (personal bias, no offense to scouters intended!)

Amie said...

Again - out of control! In a VERY GOOD way! I can't believe people actually DO the nice things they think of, I must get on the band wagon and become more generous.

Bridget said...

I love what you said at the end of this post. So very true about trying to be a better person so as to be deserving of the many kind things people do for eachother. Fun basket of goodies!

Anonymous said...

Isn't this just what I was talking about in my email to you yesterday?! I feel so schleppy (is that a word?) for not doing things like this, especially because I think of it often. You do have amazingly generous and productive friends! I wish I could be like them.

amy gretchen said...

you guys all amaze me. You're right...those are the 2 best reasons for being the recipient of any gift.

Oh BTW you are worth it.

jenny said...

Gosh, I feel like an awful friend since I have never really given a care package on an off b-day. Does watching their kids count?

jt said...

Yes, it's true- you are worthy of all of those things. That's why you are the recipient of so many gestures lately. We all love you! Reciprocity abounds...

Bond Girl 007 said...

Hey at least you got a care package and still have the call...I still have the call and no care package....
ps just kidding

Amy said...

Michelle, of course you're totally worthy! And though the actually calling itself may not be that bad (I hope I never have to find out, by the way!) I know how bad it is for you! The B & N GC is because that is my happy place. I can go there, find a good book to buy, or a pile of magazines to read, buy a Godiva hot chocolate (yummy!) with whipped cream and just relax. I did B & N because they have the best treats, a homier cafe, and it's not just down the street from your house, so you can have a little more alone time in the car. Make sense now?

Anonymous said...

I feel your pain, I was just put in as the first councelor in the stake Primary Pres. and I am now over cub scouts and I hate cub scouts. Oh the things that I shouldn't say out loud, but what a great sympathy basket! Well worth the calling. Good Luck, you'll do a great job.

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