Tuesday, May 02, 2006


I mentioned in my post last night that I hoped to be as generous as Jenn if I ever have the means to do so. Well, I stand corrected. Having means is not necessarily required for generosity. Somehow with all the busyness of the weekend, we never brought in our mail and so I didn't get a little package that Jessie sent me. I opened it and it brought tears to my eyes! She sent me a tiny bottle with the tiniest of all pink buttons that I have often admired. The thing is, I know she loves them just as much as I do, and she can't get any more of them. In her card, she wrote: "This isn't much, but it's all I have to give, so it's yours!" I'm starting to cry again just typing that... It reminds me of my mom. I can remember several times growing up when she gave away something of her own to someone else. Not because she didn't like it anymore or it wasn't useful to her anymore, but just because someone else really liked it. Being generous always requires a sacrifice of some kind, whether it be our time, money spent, or even giving away something to make someone else happy. That's the spirit of generosity, one that we can all get behind, even if we feel like we don't have a lot to give. Thanks, Jess, for teaching me again that the tiniest of gifts can mean so much.


Jill said...

What a great gift. It's like you sending me the $5 bill with the book last week. Reciprocity abounds and I think blogging is helping us to recognize just how often it really happens.

jt said...

and THIS is why giving is such a great thing. Reading of your gratitude made me feel infinately better than using those buttons myself ever could have. I'm glad you got them :) I too love blogging so we can see reciprocity in action. You are very deserving.

jenn said...

I love this post! It never is about having means. I think all the time about how much good I could do if I had money. Despite popular opinion, I don't! But I am extremely grateful for the people in my life and that moves me to act. I think generosity is thinking about another person's happiness. It means you share what you have, you offer support, you speak kindly and think highly of others. It may be a simple note in the mail or a basket of treats; it may be small pink buttons or a car... if it is done for the benefit of another, it is a generous act and I love that we are all generous with each other!

Anonymous said...

Generosity is a great principle!! It brought tears to my eyes to read your comments...

Anonymous said...

Great reminder--thanks! Sometimes it's easy to think, "Sheesh! I struggle to have enough money to pay the bills--how could I possibly ever deliver May Day baskets? Especially polka-dotted ones as cute as Jenn's!" We need to be reminded that it doesn't matter the cost, or the color, or the amount. Generosity of spirit is what matters the most, and we all have something to give.

Anonymous said...

BTW, I'm glad you clarified what the photograph was, because when I first saw it I thought it was either a strange bottle of Advil or some sort of medical specimen!

everything pink! said...

what an incredible post.
how lucky to have a sister that you have a relationship this this with... self pity, self pity..

if you ever write a book call it pink buttons.

Amie said...

Everyone's comments seem to cover it. I love this post and I love things that make me grateful and realize what I have - like sisters.

Anonymous said...

This post so has me thinking. Thank you for your perspective on giving. Sisters are the best- glad you two have eachother!

Bond Girl 007 said...

Wow! they are pretty! Oh you are so right, I think when generosity means the most is when it requires a sacrifice. My mom and I quilted a silk quilt and it was those that had an intriquet disign and it took us months to do and she turned around and gave them as a gift to my dad's boss' wife! What a principal she taught me!

TX Girl said...

Love the post- I love thoughtful gifts.

amy gretchen said...

love that you have such a strong relationship with your sister. great you can be there for one another. great you can share your lives together. very lucky.

Anonymous said...

Once again, you and Jessie are our finest blessings! Your expressions of love to each other are treasured.

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