Friday, May 25, 2012

Special mutual road show

At the beginning of this school year, Max received a stake calling to be a youth counselor in a group of special needs youth. Each counselor was assigned a buddy to work with one-on-one. Max's buddy was Robbie.

They had mutual every Thursday night (in addition to our ward's Wednesday night mutual), and once a month, a Special Mutual sacrament meeting was held.

Recently, Eva and I attended their end of year road show. (Marc was out of town and Lucas had to be at his dance class.)

Lighting was bad and we didn't have good seats, so I didn't get too much in the way of photos.

They had a Mother Goose theme, proposed by one of the special needs youth.

My favorite part was when they did a rap to Baa Baa Black Sheep. Also, there was a boy who had the job of running all the way around the gym with a sign announcing each new nursery rhyme that was highly entertaining.

At the end of the show, there was an impromptu number by these three guitarists and a singer, who knew every word of Eye of the Tiger. It was awesome.

Max was at the piano the whole time, playing little interludes and accompaniments.

Last night, Max attended a closing fireside for all of the counselors, marking the end of his assignment. I think it was really a great experience!


Neighbor Jane Payne said...

What an incredible opportunity. What an incredible service he gave.

Max is remarkable. He has so many talents in so many areas.

Jill said...

I wish I had gotten to see that road show, though I would have been a crying mess I'm sure. It's so awesome Max got to be a part of that!

Denise said...

Okay, I realize I've dropped out of the Blogosphere for a while, but "Lucas had to be at his dance class" really caught me off guard!

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