Thursday, February 10, 2011


I saw this sign at Partyland today and it cracked me up, especially since Lucas and Eva are always saying "never say never!" in their most high, annoying, mocking voices. I guess we won't be needing any JB party supplies.


Liz said...

Haha! My kids can't stand Bieber either. They are always complaining because the gym teacher plays him alot during class.

patsy said...

that is hilarious!
My kids secretly love him. But it's a- shhhh -secret.
Trent wistles (ALOT) and I catch him whistling baby, baby, baby...
then I say- I didn't know you liked justin beiber? Then he has a heart attack trying to prove HE DOESN'T HAVE BEBER FEBER!!

Jill said...

Ha, this is funny.

The girls at school are totally ga ga for Justin. I can't believe how many of them have concert t-shirts. Also, there was one day when a table of 3 girls weren't doing their math because they were talking dreamily about him. Crazy!

Kim Sue said...

HA! not at our house either!!

Tasha said...

Dave asked Evie if she wanted to go to the movie and she looked at him like he was insane!

jt said...

I am happy to say that I don't think either of my girls have ever heard his name and I couldn't tell you a thing about him. *Proud*

Susan said...

Thank heavens!

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