Tuesday, October 19, 2010

one good thing

One good thing about being sick and not wanting to go to bed at night (because it's always worse at night and it makes it hard to sleep) is that I just happened to be sitting on the couch and saw this video: Jimmy Fallon and Justin Timberlake singing a medley of the history of rap with The Roots.

Hilarious. I wonder how long it took them to work that up.


Amie said...

Oh dear... not wanting to sleep?! I'm sorry you aren't feeling good. I hope you get better soon.

I'm loving the fall weather too.

Jill said...

Why do I find it shocking that you watched this and found it amusing? I guess I don't think of you as a Jimmy Fallon/Justin Timberlake fan. Hmmm.

crystal said...

I'm sick too :( I guess we both caught it from our diseased children; remember coupon day, when we were saying how we both had sick kids at home! I don't sleep at night, either. We should be 2am texting buddies. For company.

Rebekah said...

I had to do a double take when the words 'Justin Timberlake' jumped out at me from the post. Too funny.

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