Tuesday, December 08, 2009


We made it home yesterday around 4:00 p.m. Our trip went as smoothly as possible, and -- best of all -- no one got sick!! Truly an answer to my prayers.

When we arrived home, we were met with:

chocolate chip cookies made by Jill
chicken enchiladas and pumpkin pie made by Jenn
bread, milk, peanut butter, fruit, rotisserie chicken, salad, sandwiches and more left by Marc's parents

I was so grateful not to have to go to the grocery store yesterday!

Another wonderful surprise: Jill and Jenn had already excavated the boys' room for me. Wow. I don't know why that was looming so much, but it was. And then it was already done. And the house was totally clean. That was a huge gift.

We were all so tired. I explained that when we got up to go to the airport, it was 10:00 on Sunday night Utah time. Then everyone understood why we were so tired!

The go-to-sleep report:

Lucas -- 6:30 p.m.
Eva -- 7:30 p.m.
Michelle -- 8:00 p.m. (I had big plans to read but only got through 6 pages)
Marc & Max -- no idea since I was already asleep!

The wake-up report:

Eva -- 2:00 a.m. Fortunately she went back to sleep at 5:00 a.m. and then woke up at 8:00...
Lucas -- 4:30 a.m. He read in bed for awhile and then got up.
Max -- 5:00-ish. Lucas woke him up accidentally.
Marc -- 6 or 7:00 a.m. (unknown)
Michelle -- 2:00; back to sleep at 5:00; back up at 8:15.

Hopefully everyone's sleep will normalize soon.

We have spent the day unpacking, taking it easy. The boys shoveled the driveway and sidewalks and Eva made snowballs and snow angels. Then they all came in and had hot chocolate.

It feels so good to be home.


jenn said...

AND you're posting! Amazing.

I'm glad you are settling right in and can't wait to see you and give you a big hug! I've missed you sweet friend! It makes me happy to know you are close again.

patsy said...


were you all so excited to see the snow? I hear you have tons & so do we up here.

HOORay for such great friends & family- youwere definately missed!

Amanda said...

Sounds like the perfect arrival home!

And the sleep report sounds pretty good as well.

Welcome home!

Rebekah said...

WELCOME HOME!!! The food gifts must have been such a big blessing. And the house cleaning. Good friends!


Shelly said...

Thanks for taking me to Paris with you and WELCOME home!

You are blessed to have such great friends.

Jill said...

Landon wanted to call Lucas last night around 7:45 and I informed him that he was probably already asleep, ha, ha, I was right.

I'm so glad you made it home safely and without sickness, I was praying for that too.

melanie said...

Welcome Home Michelle!!! I loved your time in Paris. What a crazy, fun, adventurous few months. Yeah on no sickness on the way home, that is a blessing. As are your wonderful friends and family welcoming you home with good eats and a clean home. Woohoo!

Good luck adjusting to the time and getting your regular sleep back. Does your own bed help?

Esther said...

Welcome home, Michelle. Thank you for sharing your wonderful adventures from Paris.

Claire said...

I love that peaceful happy feeling of being home after you've been away for a while. Its very soothing

crystal said...

Ahhhh. I am more at peace with the world knowing you are home and accessible.

Not that I have ever accessed you in person, but still. There is something about knowing a friend is....back.

So welcome back! Do you have culture shock? In a good way? In a bad way?

Merry Christmas!

Michelle said...

I'm so happy you are home! I wanted to call, but didn't want to wake anyone. I hope the sleep adjustments happen quickly!

Melinda said...

I am so glad you made it home without any problems. What a huge blessing to come home to so much goodness! Good luck with all of the sleep issues. Hopefully it won't take too long to get back to normal!

Charlotte said...

Welcome back!!

April said...

In many ways I bet it already seems like a dream. Welcome home to a self-described homebody. All is well.

TX Girl said...

Yeah! Welcome Home. Glad y'all made it safely.

Elizabeth said...

Welcome home!

emily said...

Welcome home! I love knowing that you and your family are so close-by again.

Price Cream Parlor said...

Welcome home!!!! What great friend to provide a clean home AND food! Seriously - that is so hard after being away for so long!!!
Sounds like great timing to me - come back for school for a moment and the Christmas break!!!
Hope your sleep schedule returns to normal quickly!!

jenn said...

I just read your comment on Jill's post that you are sick- NO! I'm so sorry. Can I do anything?

Denise said...

While I have enjoyed touring Paris via your blog, I have to say that I feel relieved knowing you're back home again. I just can't imagine how overwhelming Christmas must be for you this year! Good luck.

Jill said...

Is the new banner just some sort of teaser or do you plan on posting again? No pressure of course.

Bond Girl 007 said...

wow.....good to be home, probably it will sink in later

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