Friday, November 06, 2009

public service announcement

I think it bears repeating that photos can be deceiving.

Yes, we see and do a lot of cool things here in Paris. But there comes a moment during each of our outings where I think, "Why are we doing this again? This is a pain/too tiring/super frustrating/I can't listen to any more whining/we should have just stayed home."

Most of the time, when I get back to the apartment, get a drink, download my photos from the day and look at them, I feel better. Most of the time, I can get some objectivity and decide that the excursion was worth it. But sometimes it takes a day or two.

I'm just saying.


Neighbor Jane Payne said...

Love your title, Michelle.

I was just thinking the other day what a great example you are to your kids to go out and do amidst the inconvenience of it all. Thankfully our memories are much like your beautiful photos...the good memories rise and the flaws become less prominent.

See on, Michelle, see on. And keep taking pictures and exposing your kids to the good around them!

Rebekah said...

I find that most of the things I do out on the town are better in retrospect. I don't know, maybe not most, but a good chunk. In the moment it's like, 'My feet hurt, my feet, hurt, my feet hurt. I'm hungry but don't want to spend $12 on a sandwich. There's still more to see but I want to go home. Even if I head back now I still have to take the metro/bus then walk for blocks and blocks.'

Then, when you get home, you take your shoes off, put on comfortable clothes, get a snack, then sit down and look at your pictures and enjoy the outing without any of the encumbrances or annoyances that were bothering when you were actually out doing things. Pictures are great. Waiting an hour for a flipping bus, riding next to smelly homeless men who are cursing at you under their breath, trudging home with all your shopping like a beast of burden...not so much.

Jill said...

I TOTALLY AND COMPLETELY understand what you're talking about.

crystal said...

Ha! Jill's comment made me honk-laugh. I cannot even imagine dragging children through Paris. You're a hero.

rmt said...

I love, love, LOVE your new banner!

This makes perfect sense to me. I can image how much my child would whine on outings every day...but...I'm selfishly glad that you do it anyway, and post about it. Because even if I don't always comment, I love looking at your pictures and dreaming about Paris:) So thank-you! But take care of you too.

Bond Girl 007 said...

j'ai un lettre du Paris...merci, merci, merci!!!! Don't worry anything that is hard is worth the price, and in the end, it is priceless. It is just hard to be subjected to reality when reality is not as smooth as you would want it to be! Carry on. It is 1/3 or November almost.........ohhhhh sooo fast!

patsy said...

Your new banner is breath taking!

i can't even imagine taking my kids through Paris! Someday when they look back they will only remember the good things- hopefully you will too. It's just so hard in the mean time. Good for you for doing it! Most outings seem to be difficult for me then a great memory later... and that's in EnGlish! You are a HERO!!!

jenn said...

Smotherhood is smotherhood no matter the time or place.

You might share more pictures of the smothering though because it seems a little more tolerable at a museum or in a garden than in WalMart and at the gas station.

Esther said...

I understand the difficulties of traveling with children but in the end its worth it. Just think that in a year or two you'll look at the pictures and laugh about the events with your family.

TX Girl said...

I agree with Jenn.

I'm sure I would be screaming at my children in the middle of the street "THIS IS FREAKING PARIS- YOU NEED TO BE APPRECIATIVE." At which time, some snooty French person would say (in their french accent) "They must be a American", while tipping their nose up.

I still think you are awesome for giving it your all.

Bond Girl 007 said...

Esther's thoughts made me smile...she took her little one, all over the world with her mom at times before her mum passed away! I am sure, she feels soo comforted by the thought that she took the time to take her mum and her daughter at the age of 1, 2, 3, and 4!

Amie said...

Love it... I have written and deleted 'many a disclaimer' on my blog...

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