Monday, April 27, 2009

is anyone even surprised?

Lucas was home sick last week from Tuesday - Thursday. The usual. Fever, sore throat, congestion. Max missed Thursday and Friday and a weekend campout for the same reason. He also had neck pain.

After going to school on Friday, a birthday party on Saturday, and church on Sunday, Lucas is home sick again. This time, vomiting.

Ahhhhhh. Suddenly, I'm wanting to get the house tested for mold again, and wanting to consult an immunologist. Somehow when the sickness abated, I turned my mind to other things.

Eva and I were able to escape for half an hour and run to the library.

Thank heaven for small mercies. Now if only she can stay healthy for her first birthday party ever on Wednesday!


Jill said...

Seriously?! I say call the mold testers AND the immunologist, this just isn't right!!

Anonymous said...

I second Jill!

Sorry this is your life right now...I too hope Eva is in good form on Wednesday!

shannon said...

I'm so overwhelmed for you...It's one thing to have to deal with sickness in the winter, but this seems to be a year round thing at your sorry that you guys are going through this...

Can't wait to see the Wednesday party pics!--I'm seriously looking forward to the recap...if the party is anything like the invitations, it will be a smashing success... :)

shannon said...

P.S.--I love the library! I can almost smell all of the book goodness in that picture!

Price Cream Parlor said...

Yeah - a little worried that everyone is sick so much! I hope that you find SOMETHING so that you have some answers!!

Cute birthday invites!!

wende said...

ok, you're right, call the doctor because you guys have been more than anyone i know! hope they can give you some answers.

love that photo of eva with the book. i want a pair of pink mary janes like that for me. so cute.

Amie said...

I would totally be testing. In my own "studies" (I like to survey people on random topics... ) I think people who have animals in their homes are sick more.... even when there technically isn't an allergy, there can be an intolerance... just my never to be humble opinion but I think the "dander" (hate that word), etc can weaken the system and make you more susceptible. (I hope that isn't offensive, I know animal lovers don't agree.... nothing against the animal but I think it is impossible to keep the level of germs down and cleanliness up with "one more thing."

My sister in law found out they have had a major mold problem... she has noticed a huge difference in their health since they got it taken care of...

Sorry you have to deal with so much illness... I hope you can get to the bottom of it!

Robyn said...

I don't know how you deal with sick kids home all the time, it would drive me crazy! I would definitely have your house tested. And get some zinc supplements for those kids... echinecea? I don't know. Good luck!

patsy said...

I can't believe this!
There has GOT to be something going on here....

poor kids- I hope you can figure it out.

Michelle said...

You absolutely should check with an immunologist - I don't know how you deal with playing the nurse all the time!

Elizabeth said...

Hope you can get to the bottom of things.
Can't wait to see all the pink party pictures.

rmt said...

Thank goodness for the library! I can't think of a better place to escape too...
I'm so sorry that you are dealing with sickness again, Michelle!

melanie said...

No, not again! Definitely consult someone, you need help. Yeah for the library escape and here's hoping for a healthy Wednesday.

Anonymous said...

Definitely call the mold tester. Mold is the evil that lurks at our home too. Since we got a handle on it my daughter is a much happier kid.

I love the Library too!!!

TX Girl said...

It is crazy how sick your kids are. I hope an immunologist can give you some insight. Have the kids been tested for a mold allergy?

Sorry Amie, but I totally disagree. We have a cat and are ridiculously healthy (knock on wood). I cannot remember the last time Adam was sick and he is around sick people ALL DAY LONG.

j said...

oh wow- so getting sick is the worst- and when it's chronic- ick. so sorry! that is no good!!!

i hope you guys are back to healthy soon!!

Rebekah said...

i would definitely have mold testing done. the idea of mold makes me sick. it's so insidious.

Bond Girl 007 said...

I wonder if they come down sick as much in Paris....hey, I think all the ideas are great, but maybe you should add a House blessing. I don't think it would be a bad idea at all.!
CUTE CUTE CUTE PICTURE of eva with the pink book, I hope you had a fantastic birthday party for her. How cute, there is nothing much cuter than little ones 3 to 6 years old.....

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