Wednesday, February 04, 2009


I was originally planning a post today about progress.

But then this day became sort of the antithesis of progress.

Lucas and Eva are both sick. Again. With extreme congestion and horrible coughs. The usual. (With extreme grouchiness thrown in on the part of Eva.)

I stewed over what to do. I've tried the super-duper nose sprays that you can only use for 3 days or you become dependent on them. I've tried saline sprays. I've tried liquid Sudafed and liquid Mucinex. Multiple cough syrups. Cold-Eeze. Eva has a vaporizer with liquid Vicks running in her room every night.

I finally called the pediatrician's office and spoke with the nurse. She consulted with the doctor and called me back. It seems that as Eva has now been on three consecutive antibiotics to clear up a "sinus infection" and is still sick, they are out of ideas. They suggested saline spray and a vaporizer. Huh. They said it could be allergies. Or we might want to get our house checked for mold. But the bottom line was, it would probably be pointless to bring the kids in (that's what I was afraid of).

Oh, and they said that it is not uncommon for kids to get sick an average of 10 times during the winter! Not uncommon for my kids, true, but I don't know anyone else that gets sick as much as my kids!!

So. It appears that the doctor has thrown up his hands in defeat and I am left to figure this out on my own.

I will take them to Marc's allergist. He thinks they will want to do scratch tests and will want to wait until they are not sick. Well, good luck with that. Got any appointments in, say, April?? We're starting them on Claritin, just in case.

I think I will ask about getting them some steroid nose sprays for daily, preventive use. It can't hurt, right?

I guess I will get the house checked for mold. The question is, who would I contact for such a job? Certainly not the people who clean up mold problems -- surely they would find mold in every house, wouldn't they?

Our family seems to be highly susceptible to respiratory problems. Also, we live in an area with terrible air pollution, and it seems that whenever we are on red alert for our air, we get sick. (not so much me, knock on wood!) Moving is not really an option. Marc's doctor actually told him that it is too bad we can't afford to live in Sundance so we could be up where the air is clear. Yeah, too bad!

So are we to accept that we are just going to be sick off and on -- mostly on -- during the winter? Because I cannot accept that. I think I have been handling this sick season pretty well so far, but today... today I seem to have hit a wall. Especially tonight. I'm not even sick, and I can't take it anymore!!!!!


Jill said...

I am so sorry they are sick AGAIN! I think pursuing the mold avenue is a good idea because surely no family can actually be sick this much without good cause.

Neighbor Jane Payne said...

Good luck, Michelle. Pathetic words of encouragement, but I don't know what else to say other than I feel badly for you all.

stefanie said...

Get in your car and drive to the nearest Walgreens for a Neti Pot. It works wonders and will work a thousand times better than the saline sprays. I had never heard of it until last Fall when I got a sinus infection and a friend recommended it to me. I was completely over it in 2-3 days, but felt better immediately.

Anonymous said...

Yikes. I am sorry Michelle. I would have been fed up long ago, you have more patience than me! I imagine there are "mold guides" online with a checklist of things you can look at before calling someone?

emily said...

I'm so sorry that your situation is so frustrating. I hate not being able to figure things out, which is especially frustrating when even the professionals are throwing in the towel. Good luck! I got really sick from allergies every summer for a while. I had no idea they could make me feel so horrible, but so allergies can definitely be a nasty culprit. Alavert-D is my miracle pill when mine are especially bad. I don't know how well it works on coughs, but it's a miracle with my congestion.

melanie said...

I've heard of the Neti Pot and only good things. Worth a try. The extreme grumpiness with little ones does me in too. I know they don't feel good but it's so, so draining. Thinking of you and sending healthy thoughts. If only they would work....

Amy said...

Stop it! It can't be true! I feel so bad for you. It's one thing for Lucas to be sick but a sick toddler is just so not fun!

Unfortunately (for me), I happen to know how you can find out how to get your house tested for mold. Call Utah Disaster Cleanup and ask them for a recommendation. They do not test for mold, but they should be able to give you the name of somebody who does. I think, but I'm not sure, you'll be calling an environmental engineer.

Good luck with everything! If anybody needs it, you do!

wende said...

i'm sorry michelle! it's so frustrating. my kids are never sick and this year we have been hit hard, it's starting to take it's toll on me. i understand completely why you're so frustrated. sorry. and good luck.

Melinda said...

So sorry about the kids being sick again. I feel your pain. Because of Ryan's asthma that he has only in the winter, he has a cough once a month. We live on breathing treatments. They really do help so much. I also know about the bad weather. Ryan gets sick also every time the air goes bad. I have to keep him home so that we are not up all night doing breathing treatments. Good luck.

Liz said...

That really stinks!! I hate it when doctors can't or won't do anything to help! I hope it gets better!

patsy said...

Oh man- this is just too much!!
I really feel for you-

I have terrible allergies & I'm not sick that much... I think you should look into the mold. (Of course I am on meds)- if claritan doesn't do the trick zyrtec comes in a generic over the counter too & it's really inexpensive at costco- it's stronger than claritan & still okay for kids. When my kids allergies get bad I give them a dose of benedryl at night- sometimes that really clears it out. and the Dr. says that's ok.

I have used a neti pot & I CAN'T imagine trying to get a kid to use one!? It's not painful but pouring saline up your nose is tough for even the seasoned allergy sufferer like me.I've done it so- who knows maybe they could do it?

I don't mean to seem like a know it all- I just can't imagine how frustrating this must be-


Susan said...

I'll be very anxious to see about the mold! (You will recall, I have been suspect for a long time that mold could be the problem.....)

Sorry, it sounds so weirisom.

Anonymous said...

The Claritin is a good idea. 4 of my 5 have had the continuous sinus infection thing going on this winter also. Finally one of the ped's we saw reccommended it or Zyrtec as a way of "drying them up". So far so good. Good Luck!

Jill said...

What about dog dander as a possible allergy issue?

Elisa said...

If mold doesn't turn up in your house, my only suggestion would be to take your kids off dairy. I only say that because my kids and I have terrible eczema and when we go off dairy it clears up. My allergist said dairy aggravates almost all allergies. It may not cause them, but it makes them worse. I have found we can eat a really high quality yogurt (stonyfield farms, Nancy's) in moderation, but cows milk is awful for us.

Just something to try if you really get to the end of your rope:)

Good Luck Sherlock!

Becky said...

Ugh! It seems like my kids always spend two or three months passing their infections back and fun!

My older brother has asthma and for a few years his breathing, congestion, and sinus infections were just really bad. He went on a mostly gluten-free diet and has been healthy ever since.

I definitely agree that it sounds like an allergy and/or mold issue. Good luck! Sending prayers and hugs your way...

Natasha said...

What about seeing an immunologist? (Along the lines of an allergist.)We took Griffin to an allergist/immunologist at age one and it was literally life-changing for him. (And made life better for me too, as a mom!!) Yeah, he still gets sick more than the avergae kid but no longer the go-to-the-ER-for-a-respiratory-infection over and over kind of sick.
I have found that when Griffin gets really sick and a few courses of oral antibiotics don't work, I then INSIST on a series of shots.
We totally have a handle on his allergies now and only use 3 prescriptions on a daily, routine basis and have rescue inhalers/breathing treatments only on occasion.Yes being on 3 Rxs a month for just Griffin is costly but we have saved so much in co-pays, missed work/school that it is worth it, not to mention my poor Griffin feels better. I guess what I'm getting at is look for a phycician who specializes in peds immune problems. Hope this helps!!

Natasha said...

Sory, I meant "physician."

Diana said...

Michelle I am so sorry. I wish I could help in some way. I have been sick since Thanksgiving. I can count on one hand the number of days that I've felt kind of normal since THanksgiving. I know it's much worse though when it's your kids, not you.
I hope you get things figured out and life can go back to normal.

amy gretchen said...

seriously sickness is the definition of lack of progress. I'm sorry you've got sickies at home. I'm sort of dealing with this with Adam. Poor guy finally went to the dr to see if it was strep.

I think I'd check my house for mold too. I guess you never know what could be lurking around. I hope you can figure out what's up. Too bad Sundance is out of the question. How beautiful would that be?

Marie said...

Oh how frustrating! I'm sorry you are out of options and now have to seek out mold-hunters. I hope they don't find anything as I can only imagine the solution would be expensive. Best of luck.

Bond Girl 007 said...

ditto Jill. I don't know how you have dealt with it for soo long, alexei has been sick for 5 days and I am going nuts

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