I actually struggled with this one a bit -- not because I don't do things I enjoy, more because I have so many things I enjoy, and it was hard to choose. (especially since I had a busy day and couldn't do all those things I enjoy)
A short list:
making things with my hands
snuggling with Eva
I'm not sure how I would document singing, but I could certainly take photos of the other items on the list.
Anyway, two items from today:

Wonderful passtimes all.
Can I just say that I love your mouse pad? I didn't know they came in pretty.
Hooray for writing 9 cards today! That is so pleasing!
Late-night seems to be a good time for blogging, and I agree that you do what you've got to do.
I love your mousepad, too!
I can't believe you've got lipstick on at 11:00 at night--Wow! you're good!
I'm just so glad you post, even if it's 11:00 and robbing you of sleep. You definitely have enjoyable pasttimes.
what an enjoyable list
love this list and the mousepad and the good mail goodness!
How did I not know that you sing?! I think of that as the ultimate talent...perhaps that's because it's not one of mine (far from!). Other than that, your list is about the same as mine.
what a great list of things to do!
making a list of things you like to do is a really good blogging idea- great insight
you look like your mom in that picture- beautiful!
I love the blogging SP! And your list is excellent--hope to see more SPs from it. (I, too, stay up later than I should blogging. . . . And I don't usually feel bad about it!)
OH i WISH I WISH I WISH...i am one of the lucky 9! I do enjoy this favorite pass time of yours, specially the last picture...this has been me the last couple of days...not knowing if i will have a computer or not, I wanted to soak it all up!
Good for you on the 'good mail'. I need to get better at that.
I love loving what I do! It's great that you do too!
Great sp of late night activities. I feel like I'm right in the kitchen.
I was going to do one about blogging too...but never got to it this week.
And can I say how happy I am that it makes you happy...because I am a loyal reader.
9 cards??? You're awesome! What a great example to me!
You can also find me late at night blogging...It's like my outlet and recharging station for the next day!
Love your mouse pad!
Amen to "a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do!" :)
I find nap time for the babies is the best blogging time for me...who cares if the dishes are done or not. Gotta do what you gotta do. ;)
I agree sending cards is enjoyable.
I've tried to stay away from late night blogging myself because the next day is not doable, but I hear you...a girls gotta do what she's gotta do.
It is so pleasing to get so many cards on their way.
I could take an early morning picture to match yours right about now.
I am so turning into a late night blogger. I finally have come to terms with the fact that I am a night owl instead of a morning person. It is so hard though!
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