Jill had the great idea to take a self-portrait at the beginning of Creative Friday -- pretty smart, huh? (this one has Eva trying to hone in on the picture)

I wanted to take a picture of Jill's cool new ring (isn't it cute?), so I turned my camera to super-macro mode. Then, I got distracted taking super-macro photos.

Jill brought lunch and m&ms, I had Dove caramel Promises. Eva played pretty well and made a picture with the foam stickers I got at the Target dollar spot.

I started making thank you cards for Christmas. It took me a long time to get into the card-making groove, so I was not as productive as Jill (who wrote 11 cards!), but I did really relax and enjoy myself -- and that's all that counts, right? Besides...

wisdom for the ages.
I just barely got done posting about Creative Friday, so it's too funny to click over to your blog and have the same self-portrait photo show up (except it's much bigger on your blog).
I love all your super macro pictures and think everything looks cool (except perhaps pores) in this mode.
these pictures are super cool!
I love them... how did you do this?
really great photos!
dove carmel promises? what on earth- I am getting some of those right away!!!!!!!
Those pictures are so amazing! Who knew that a glue stick could look so glamerous?!...or a punch?!
You've really got it going on, don't ya?
Sounds like a fun day...I commented on Jill's post that you two are a great team! I always look forward to what your creative fridays have in store...
What a perfect quote for your ending! Very clever!
That is a really good picture of the two of you. Your pictures are so cool looking.
Great photo...and look at the depth of that BLUE on both of your eyes...wow! I love the little pink tags...sooooooo cute! And the m&m's just about right...although I always crave ALMOND ONES!
I love macro photography. I've been wanting gardens and flowers, who knew all I needed was a glue stick to have a cool photo. Great job!
So glad it was another great day to add to the list. Your lips are fabulous, you know that, right?!
Ditto to loving the macro photography of ordinary objects. The colors are so vivid.
Your eyelashes in your self-portrait look macro-fied, too!
I need to check out those Dove caramel promises!
I love the pictures of your workspace--looks like Creative Friday was amazing, as usual!
Looks like another successful Creative Friday!
love the sp here and over at jill's
and the macro photos may be life chaning for me~ thanks for the tip
oh man, the dove caramel promises are so dangerous! discovered them at Christmas when we made the turtle pretzel candies and used dove caramels instead of rolos. Oh so good
I love all your super macro photos and wish the macro mode on my camera was that sharp.
I. Want. Those. Peanut Butter. M&Ms. NOW.
As usual, your lipstick is perfect!
And just how do you get your photos to be so large, anyway?
I love your macro shots (especially the arrow punch which I am now coveting), and I love how you made the photos big...I still haven't given that a try.
You and Jill are beautiful!
Love the chocolate, love Target's dollar spot--looks like another great Friday.
Love the super macro view! And Jill's ring is so cool. And so is your Dove message. Never too late for a fresh start is right! Wisdom mixed with chocolate ... the folks at Dove sure know what they're doing.
All of your macro pictures are cracking me up. I love stuff like that...
SPs at the beginning is a great idea... that I never think of until the end.
I like the idea of turning to chocolate for wisdom. Who knew.
so it was a macro creative friday. love the message in the chocolate...I'm always grateful for fresh starts.
I love all your pictures. I am so envious of your Fridays- they make me miss Jessie each and every week!
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