This friend called me today and told me that her granddaughter was admitted to Primary Children's Hospital, that her doctors suspect she may have leukemia.
I expressed my sorrow and sympathy, and said, "I'll bet you're really glad about your recent visit with her." She said the thing that she was most glad about was the compassion she had shown her granddaughter during their time together, that she hadn't lost her patience, that she had just loved her.

So many times I am exasperated by her. So many opportunities to lose my patience. So many reasons to just love her -- I know I will never regret that.

{sorry, Lelly. I intended to be wordless today, I really did...}
I'm glad you used words. Thanks for the sweet reminder.
there is local radio commentater in our area that ends all his broadcasts with "be safe and go home and hug your babies". that simple statement always makes me say a little prayer for my blessed child and be happy that I can go home and hug her....tonight I will add a prayer for your friend's grandaughter.
I'm glad you weren't wordless for this one. Very tender.
ooh- I'm glad you used words too!!
GREat reminder :)
a really wonderful post, accompanied with beautiful photos.
i need to practice my compassion. i really do.
What a great photo to have, Michelle. What a good reminder, too, that kindness is never wasted.
I hope your friend's granddaughter is okay.
It's good to have your words.
I love this :)
So sweet. I try to remind myself that I will never regret being patient or giving up "my" time, etc but I still can do better. (I caught mostly up on blogs today because I sent my kids to their room for two hours... unheard of)
Thanks for the sweet post. These spts have made me realize wordless is impossible for me... I am an explainer.
Oh, wow. That just really puts things into perspective, doesn't it? I have not been very patient with my little one today, but I just resolved to do better tomorrow.
Eva is such a beautiful little girl, and I love the polka dot bow in her hair!
Wow- that breaks my heart. Hope all goes well for that little family.
Love the pic of Eva and you.
Beautiful mommy/daughter photo. I'm glad you shared what is in your heart.
You made me cry.
And look! Blue Bug has your EXACT chin. What cuties the two of you are.
I'm so glad for your words today. SOOOOO glad.
What sweet pictures and sweet words. I think we all forget at times how lucky we are to have the little ones we have. Thanks for the reminder.
you appreciated is well noted, ant the pictures... just perfect!!
The words were so worth it!
What a great reminder
Thanks for sharing your words today. A good reminder to give a little more love and a little more patience to our little ones. Love the pic of you and Eva...she looks so much like you!
Where did Baby Eva go? You two make a stunning pair!
Good reminder once again to hug ours a little tighter.
Wow Michelle I am sorry to hear about your friends granddaughter adn yes it does put things into perspective. Kira is sick today Joshy is recovering from the stitches in his tongue but reading this post will help me stay patient with my two very lovable kids.
so beautiful. thanks for the reminder. what an awesome thing that she can look back and feel good about the choices she made. wonderful.
what a cute picture of the two of you.
glad you added the words.
I needed these words today.
This is just so sad. I am so glad she shared her thoughts with you and you shared them with us. Today has been a rough day, but this puts it all in perspective. I want to live without mother-regret!
That just breaks my heart. I get so frustrated with Ryan and I need to just relax a little bit more. Thank you for posting this for the reminder that life is so precious.
Those photos of you and Eva could not get any cuter. They are just so darling.
Those are only the cutest photos I've ever seen!! You really do have the same chin! Thanks for your perspective-inducing comments. Great, as usual.
So grateful for your words and the timely reminder! Your photos are wonderful as well...
Blue Bug is just about as cute as they come. Seriously...she should have her own reality show.
And about your post...good words :)
Two cute cuties!
Very nicely spoken. And you are definitely in the patient club, who are you kidding?
I loved it.
hug a little tighter, indeed
i wish i never lost patience but i will instead concentrate on the times i don't loose patience. even when it would be easy to
adore the pic of the two of you. a framer!
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