We had a relaxed Fourth of July at home. It always makes me happy to see the flags in everyone's yards. (Max was supposed to go help put them out at 6:30 a.m. but he didn't hear his alarm! He went at 8:30 p.m. to take them down.)

Much water play kept all the kids entertained.
Max and Lucas agreed to watch the girls so Jessie and I could escape to Archiver's, a place which is much better experienced without small children. Hannah met us there and we all oohed and aahed over the products and pawed through the clearance sections for good deals. Jessie and I were both amazed again by Hannah's restraint -- I think she only had about 3 items in her basket!

Jessie with her purchases
When we got home, we gave the kids lunch and put the girls down for naps. Then we played with some of our supplies! When they woke up, it was time for more water play.

We made a less healthy version of Hannah's muffin tin snacks for the girls:

When the boys saw it, they wanted their own! Hey, whatever it takes to keep them happily playing outside.

We did snaps and sparklers before the little girls went to bed so they wouldn't be completely left out.

Jack even managed to come out and join us (we thought the door was completely closed!).

Bella got brave and held her first sparkler!

But then she touched the end of it while it was still hot, giving her instant blisters on her fingers. It was so sad -- what a reward for her bravery! (It reminded me of the time we girls were inside on July 24th making place cards for Jessie's wedding reception, and the boys were outside doing sparklers. Lucas held a sparkler for the first time and did the exact same thing.)
I bought some Molli Coolz ice cream -- it looks just like Dippin' Dots, only at the grocery store -- and the kids gave it their stamp of approval. After the girls went to bed, we did the rest of our fireworks and Jessie and I played around with our cameras.

the boys' shadows during a strobe firework

Max got promoted to firework-lighter. He cracked us up by telling us that there are no duds on his watch!

Lucas with his sparklers

Jessie had the idea to make initials with sparklers. She claimed that the little sparks falling down felt like being hit with shrapnel! She won't live that one down anytime soon...

That's just cool!

I overcooked the caramel for the caramel corn... oops. We still ate it. It was great fun having Jessie & Bella around for the Fourth -- just like old times.
Wow! It looks and sounds like you all had a great time celebrating the 4th! So sad about Bella's fingers though. I would love a trip to Archiver's, but I think the closest one to me is probably in Atlanta! How sad is that?
It looks like you had a great fourth, and how nice to have Jessie and Bella around to celebrate with!
I'm amazed at Hannah's restraint, too. I always end up spending WAY too much at Archivers.
Love the sparkler pictures! I've done the "writing" thing with sparklers a lot, but never thought to take a picture-COOL!
The photo of Bella crying makes my heart hurt a little. Poor thing.
That's too sad about Bella getting burned after braving her first sparkler attempt.
I'm glad you guys had a good day. What did you and Jessie get at Archivers?
It sounds like your 4th was so enjoyable...but poor little Bella!
I enjoyed all of your photos, especially the one of your boys images on the house...really really neat!
Take care and have a great day!
Oh how I love the 4th of july & archivers!! what a combination- I am coming down next week to drop off an EFY goer & I am planning my trip now- can't wait.
I'm so sorry for bella- that hurts SO bad. I put sparklers on a birthday cake last year then foolishly started pulling them out of the cake after they were done- I totally burned my fingers- what was I thinking??
It sounds like you are having a great visit with Jessie! Makes me miss my sister so badly! Sorry we couldn't all do lunch! Next time!
Love the muffin tin snack...I went over to Hannah's blog and saw her's and then went to a link she had to Muffin Tin Mondays and ended up looking at lots of people's muffin tin snacks. Going to be doing that soon!
Wish I were there.......
Sounds like a good time was had by all! As for myself, I made 30 fresh flower arrangments for delivery the next day with "mullet-man" Jeff! (In addition, he donned a hot pink slevless ......)
Thanks for the photos!
I bought 7 things thank you very much- they were just all on sale or what have you.
I love the shadow pictures and the sparkler ones- so cool! Glad the day was a good one and that there is still 6 days left of Jessie-ness!
Thanks for all the photo documentation! It sounds like you had a fun day. We went to the mountains for a breakfast cookout, saw "Get Smart" in the afternoon, and went to our friends' house on the Rolling Hills Country Club golf course to watch fireworks. Good times!
Your Fourth looks like it was fun! Thta's so sad that Bella got burned :( How has Eva been on the sharing front? ;)
Sounds like a great 4th! I'm sorry about Bella getting burned...so sad:(
I love the muffin tin idea and the cool pictures of the sparkles!
What a fun trip to Archivers...I've never been there because I'm afraid I'll want to buy everything...LOL
oh so brave with the sparklers adn fireworks. i am terrified of both!
so happy to see sister time! you must love it.
archives IS best done w/o kids, i would agree. but, i tend to spend less with the girls in tow. (probably b/c i don't last as long in there!)
What a fabulous 4th!! I'm so glad you are having such a good time with Jessie. And Eva with Bella. Max's comment cracked me up too. Dud fireworks are the worst. Poor Bella. Enjoy the rest of your time together!!
What a day! You guys are packing a lot in while Jessie is here.
Those dang sparklers turn on you fast!
What would it be like to be a girl with restraint?
The flags in all the yards make me just as inexplicably happy. I love it!
We had a similar sparkler accident at our house...drat!
I love the shadow photo and also the look of joy mixed with terror on Lucas' face when he's holding a sparkler. Here was my 4th:
--Corry, today's the 4th.
--Oh, yeah.
--Happy 4th of July.
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