I toyed with buying it, but when Amy H. started teaching us some rudimentary bookbinding skills, I started wondering if maybe I could make a similar book for Jessie for Christmas. I approached Amy about the idea and she confirmed that we could definitely do it. Best of all, she shared my excitement over the project!
She helped me for hours with planning, disassembling the dictionary (that I found at D.I.), cutting, folding, etc. She taught me how to sew the signatures together, and when I had finished that step, she came over and taught me how to attach the new book to the old cover. I never could have done it without her!
I was filled with anticipation as I made it, wrapped it, and sent it, because I just knew that Jessie would love it. Her reaction did not disappoint! She told me that she gasped when she opened it and then flipped through each and every page.

Thanks for posting this Michelle! Your photos of the project are lovely. They show it off very well. I just love how this book turned out. I still am meaning to go to DI to find a book to use for my own version, but the idea of combing through DI for books with Alex makes me want to die. (Right now he's throwing a tantrum by hitting his head against the wall!) It was an amazing gift, and I'm so glad that you asked me to help. I had such a fun time!
Oh man-oh man-oh man! I loved the book I saw like that on Etsy! Holy cow Michelle- it looks like it turned out so so so great. I want to make one for me! I am dying over here!
This looks so beautiful! I wish I lived in Utah so I could get in on this book-binding knowledge! So cool!
This is such an swesome project, so creative, thoughtful, and sweet. It's excellent that Amy could help you with this to make this gift possible.
I love the dictionary you found to use for the covers, it's perfect for Jessie's house. Everything turned out so great.
Very pretty! You did a great job. Very creative too. But then, that is no real surprise since you are a creative Friday queen!
Oh, I soooo wish I lived nearby you. I would love a tutorial...for this, and your little book project for your book club. Books of any kind make me giddy and I just love how you use these books in a new way. Gorgeous.
I want you to make one for me too! ;)
The pictures are great but I can only imagine the cuteness oozing from it in person!
When is this class being offered again Amy?!!
I love old dictionaries. I need to amass a collection (even if they aren't sassy like that!)
Okay, first of all I am sorry that you got to post this before I got around to it- not that that is hard to achieve, lately... But that should in no way signify my feelings toward this book! It is quite possibly my favorite gift, and since we spent CHristmas at mom and dad's, that is really saying something! You are right- at first I thought it was just an old dictionary and I thought it was cool and I would get good use of it for my own projects. (cutting it up of course.) Oh, but then I saw the side and the colorfulness of the pages and I very loudly gasped! which is also not hard to imagine if you know me at all, which you do. I then patiently and lovingly took the time to turn every single page and admire them all distinctly and as a part of the whole before any other CHristmas activities could continue. I think maybe some other presents were opened while I was otherwise engaged, but for me the only thing in my vision was MY new favorite project. I love everything about it, but I will save some of this rambling for my own glowing review and photos of this wonderful book. Which I am still unsure of how to use it so as not to defile it in any way...
Oh, bookbinding. That's some sort of Zen-like apex of crafting to me. That project looks absolutely gorgeous. No wonder you want one for yourself!
That book is amazing. You and Jessi are both so creative and so gifted.
I love your new banner!
Wow Michelle- that is gorgeous. I wish I could see it in person!
That is amazing- thanks for sharing- and Amy- whoever you are you are so cool.
If anyone figures out where that etsy site is let me know-
I would really like to see one of these books in real life. I'm glad it turned out great and that Jessie loved it. I love it when a good gift is combined with a great reception.
I am amazed at your creativity and talents! This is so great. So nice of Amy to help you -- and especially that she shared your excitement for the project. And I loved reading Jessie's reaction, too.
I love that we had a hint that you were working on something with book binding, but this was still a surprise - I've never seen anything like it! So so cool.
what this is better than the first one, i love reading your blog backwards
so amazing. i love how creative you are!
It's so funny that i happened up this post tonight. I have been deep into goggling bookbinding and even made a small notebook that is drying this very instant.
How awesome is this book. It turned out so great. I bet Jesse loved it. I'll definitely have to steal this idea.
I love this! I am so glad you posted about it so we can all see your creativity! Amazing!
amazing. 100% amazing. i love this idea. i am sure that jesse was so happy.
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