Thursday, January 10, 2008

crafty little buggers

As if it weren't bad enough to have to put mouse traps on my kitchen counter, now I'm finding that this mouse (mice?) is a crafty little bugger. My mom had told me months ago about putting a dab of peanut butter on the trap with a Cheerio on top for an irresistible bait. I've used it with great success so far, but not this time... this time, when I checked the traps, the bait was gone! And I'm talking all of it, not just the Cheerio on top, but there was no sign of the peanut butter either. Do I have bionic mice? I'm pissed now. This afternoon, I crammed a tiny chunk of cheese in the trap trigger. I'd like to see them make off with that.

{Did anyone see the season premiere of Medium? It made me grateful that at least we don't have rats!}

**Edited to add: I got one!! Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha!!!**


Natasha said...

That is just awful!! EEEEK!

I had to do a home visit for a patient today (the one whose smoke just about choked me, I posted on Jill's blog about it). Anyway, there were lots of cats around the property and and I asked if he was fond of cats. He said "No, they just help the rat problem. . . "
I tried to let that roll off my back but I know I was looking around much more after that comment was made.

Jill said...

I find this so funny. I guess I'm harking back to Mrs. Frisby and The Rats of NIMH or something so I'm impressed with the cleverness of the mice at your house. I feel sorry for you, because of course no one wants mice around their food and family, but from a character stand point it's charming.

Cats are good for mice control.

Neighbor Jane Payne said...

Not that I know anything about this topic or anything, Michelle, but a chocolate chip stuffed in the little hole of the trigger lip takes them a while to make off with!

Anonymous said...

I am laughing so hard...this is such a craptastic thing to deal with. Maybe if they are able to lick their way through, the trap needs to be replaced? I don't know how the whole spring thing is, but it isn't working!

Maybe you can train Jack to develop cat-like tendencies?

Barb said...

I am not laughing!
A mouse problem is very traumatic, I hope you are rid of him/them soon.

Amy said...

Oh, Michelle! I am so sorry. I hate mice!

amy gretchen said...

This has happened to us before. It's frightening when you feel like nothing is working. Have you tried the sticky traps? I'm sorry you're still dealing with this.

April said...

I cannot believe they made off with the peanut butter...that is crazy! That's the stuff that's always worked for me.
Oh yuck, yuck, you have the constitution to empty your own traps? I would have to leave the house for the day. Bless you. Damn the mice.

P.S. Thank you so much for the delish recipe...we're having scones for breakfast tomorrow for sure!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you caught one! What a frustrating situation. Smart mice are not a good thing.

I love Jane's comment. Not that she would know anything about that. We have not had any inside our house, but Brynlee came upstairs the other night claiming that "something" was scratching on the walls of her bedroom. Keith went down to investigate and heard the same thing. Tiny scratching in her wall. Who knows what is living in there or how to get it out. I'm a little freaked out by the possibilities.

Liz said...

Oh my! Glad you got one! I can't stand mice or rats! ICK! I hope you can get rid of them soon!

patsy said...

JAM that cheese in there!
Oh michelle I feel for you.

Unknown said...

i revel in your enjoyment of catching one of those pesky suckers!

Amy said...

I don't envy you your battle!

April said...

I know I already commented, but I was just chuckling to myself at your title...I thought it was appropriate that the craftiest woman I know has "crafty" mice.

Marie said...

Yikes! We had a couple of mice this last summer, but they were gone within a week. I left traps up for a month after just to be sure, but nothing ever came and got the food again. I assume they're gone.

I hope they're gone.

POOR KELLY! Mystery vermin in the wall!

Diana said...

Bionic mice. That cracked me up.

TX Girl said...

Our first apartment in New Orleans was infected with mice. It was such a nightmare. We actually cooked one in our stove (accidentally- he got stuck in the fiber glass in the top of the stove). It was sick. We moved out fairly quickly after the mouse issues.

Good luck sister. I especially love your edit. Too funny.

Amie said...

Wah. I cannot imagine. I am impressed that you deal with them... that would be a strictly Jimmy job around here.

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