My darling friend and neighbor offered to watch Eva for the day yesterday so I could finish up my Christmas shopping. I thanked her for the kind offer, but I never intended to take her up on it. Even though I was sure she was sincere, it seemed like too much... but she came over and pinned me down to a day and time. I really wasn't in a position to refuse!

me, in the car, with an empty
carseat behind! sweet freedom!

First stop: drop off photo CD at Costco. Unbelievably long wait. I think, "I'm so glad I don't have Eva with me!" about 20 times.

Second stop: Roberts, for
cardstock. (note to self: next year, stock up on white
cardstock in October, before it is sold out everywhere.)

Third stop: Taco Hell, as I affectionately call it, for some shopping sustenance.

Fourth stop: Penney's. I go to Penney's maybe once every 18 months, but I had seen something on their website that I wanted, plus I had a $10 off coupon for anything in the store. They didn't have what I originally wanted, but I did end up getting 4 other gifts, which helped make up for the fact that Penney's is way far away from anywhere I ever want to go.

Fifth stop: Sears, in search of the elusive gift I couldn't find anywhere else. Nada. At this point, I was hot, I was frustrated, I had a pretty bad headache, and I was mad at myself for going to the mall. Fortunately, I had heeded a prompting to bring along some pain reliever. I took some and high-tailed it out of the mall.
Also, "I'm so glad I don't have Eva with me!" was running through my mind on a continuous loop.

Sixth stop:
TJ Maxx. Normally I can find a whole cartload of things I want in this store, but this time I walked out empty-handed.

Ditto at the seventh stop.

Eighth stop: success! I found 3 things I was looking for, plus a couple of others I wasn't looking for (including wrapping paper for $.88 a roll! I'm a sucker for wrapping paper).
At this point, I called to check in with Heidi. Eva was tired and cranky. She told me not to come back, but I felt like I should come back anyway.

As I was driving by this store, Heidi called to say that Eva had fallen asleep! I quickly pulled into the ninth stop: success!

Tenth stop: I found both of the things I needed very quickly, with the aid of a very helpful saleswoman.
As I headed home to rescue Heidi, I mused about how different my actual day was vs. my expectations for the day. I thought that, without Eva in tow, I would dash in and out of all the stores, getting my errands done in record time.
Somehow, I had neglected to factor in greatly increased traffic, very full parking lots which necessitated much circling, and long lines in the stores themselves. What am I, a Christmas shopping novice?
I brought Eva home and snuggled with her for a little while. Then I drove Lucas to a friend's house and helped Max make cream puffs with homemade custard for his French class food day. I picked Lucas up, helped Marc clean up a bit for a video game party he was hosting, put Eva to bed, and headed out again to
finish the shopping.

Eleventh stop: success. Plus, I found out that the owner of the store is my cousin! A first cousin, that I had never before met. What are the odds? (Although I had hoped he would honor my $5 coupon that I had somehow lost between home and the store. Maybe if I had met him previously...)

Twelfth stop: I bought the very last copy of a book I had been looking for all over town!

Thirteenth stop: Kohl's. Another place I very rarely shop, but I stopped there on a whim. I ended up finding the elusive gift I had searched all over the valley for! There was only one, too. I clutched it to my chest and practically ran to the cashier.

Fourteenth stop: a return, plus I found one more gift.

Fifteenth and final stop:
Wal-Mart. I seriously should have planned that better. I saved it for last, because it was the only store I knew would be open late. The thing is, when you're bone tired and achy and all you can think about is getting home and going to bed, the
very last place on earth you want to be is
Wal-Mart. Fortunately, I just had to return something and then I could hobble out to my car. (my knees were rebelling against my marathon shopping)
I got home at 11:00. I may have collapsed then and there, if Marc hadn't had guests.
It was a long,
long day, but I am finished with all my shopping! Whew.
{I really wanted to take a picture of all of my receipts and tally my spending. That would make for some thorough documentation, wouldn't it? But if I waited until I could get all that together, this post wouldn't be finished until January...}
Oh Michelle, what a fun post to read! I loved seeing the store fronts to all of your shops, plus the success/failure behind each store. Please, please, please post after Christmas what the elusive gift was!
Happy knee recovering day today!
Holy moly! Heidi is fabulous to insist on doing that for you- that is true service! I can't believe you weren't too weary to post! It was so fun to read though and I too want to know the highly sought after gift :) I have probably been to that many stores this week!
Here's to some ice and rest today for your poor knees!
Yikes, yes I forgot about your poor knees! You managed a lot, considering that.
I thought I'd got everything by now, but today I realised I was running out of sellotape, printer ink and petrol. I've got the tape and the petrol, but I just can't motivate myself to go further into town for the ink. I'll just have to lay off the crafting over Christmas (what a ridiculous idea!).
And I need pink milk. Erin suddenly announced that Santa has pink milk on Christmas Eve, a la Charlie & Lola. Ohh, and a carrot! I've no fresh carrots! Rats!
Heidi is such an great neighbor and friend, she has been so helpful and thoughtful to you over the years, she's seriously one in a million.
You needed a whole day alone for all that shopping, what a gift. I know what you mean about it not meeting your expectations, I feel like that every day because the traffic, lines, inventory, body pains and so on cancel out some of the pleasure of the solitude. I'm still always glad I'm alone, but it's not always easy to do what I want to do.
I'm so impressed you finished everything though. You covered so much ground and so many stores, wow! Did your Roberts have cardstock?
Oh my goodness- what a day! I hope you can have a restful day today.
What a great neighbor!
So glad you found what you were looking for!
I have been searching for a gift for weeks & found one yesterday- what a thrill.
Homemade cream puffs - WOW
and... if you tally your spending it may ruin your day (or maybe I am thinking of myself).
I love that your neighbor did this for you. It sounds like a great day to me!
I know I have never been to 15 sores in ONE day. WOW. I would have been a wreck for sure.
Hurray for nice neighbors!
Don't tally your spending, trust me on that. I have been saving all of my Christmas receipts and jotting down purchases and their category (the kids, extended family, friends, teachers, etc.) in a notebook. I tallied it all up a few nights ago before I went to bed and I literally wanted to be sick. I have spread my shopping out since Labor Day and I did not realize how much I'd spent.
Oops, I meant "stores" and not "sores." I guess I was thinking I'd be SORE if I did that!!!
yahoo for being finished.
i had a sitter come for the girls and spent 5 hrs yesterday. did not get everything on my list (including the scallop punch, though i tried 3 places?!?)
but i feel good. did "gift inventory" last night and i am DONE!
yay for us.
ps- i know what you mean about Christmas Novice moments. I had one too and thought, "come on now, you are not a rookie"
oh for next year-- we will be ready to go, right?
hope you are not in too much pain today.
What a wonderful friend and neighbor you have! It makes such a difference to run around without our little companions, doesn't it?
I almost posted about my frustrating shopping experience last night, but I realized I would have to post a map of my mall in order for it to make sense to anyone who hadn't been to that mall, and it just seemed too complicated. And I wasn't expecting it to be soo crowded.
Thanks for the beautiful tags! I am SO not finished wrapping, and they are so beautiful that it makes me want to tackle the "to wrap" pile in my closet. That was so nice of you!
What a great friend! I love helping others like that. I'm sure Eva was a charmer the whole time.
With the state I'm in I can't even imagine that many stores in one day! To me, that is one amazing feat! Plus add in the fact that we don't have that many stores in this town. Really, I'm impressed.
I got your tags today. I'm SO excited! I'm a little discouraged to say I haven't even started wrapping yet. Your fabulous tags will make it a bit more fun! Thanks for thinking of me.
I didn't know it was physically possible to get that many stops in one day, even without children. That was so sweet of your neighbor. That is one serious MARATHON day of shopping, even by my standards. Hope your body has recovered!
I am so surprised at how quick I am when I don't have the kids wtih me. I am totally used to being me +3 in the stores that when I am alone it is a shock to accomplish so much so fast.
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