Monday, August 27, 2007

sweet, sweet cortisone

My knee seemed to get worse continually over the weekend, to the point where I could barely walk at all. Every 3rd or 4th step, my knee would just buckle under me, causing great pain at the same time. I had to stay home from church when I fell after getting out of the shower.

I had called the doctor's office on Friday morning (I could see things worsening) and the soonest they could get me in was Wednesday. I called this morning to see if anything had changed, and they had me come right in!

They think that it's post-surgery inflammation that's causing me so much pain, so we decided to try a cortisone shot. Apparently, the effects of the shot aren't complete for 2-14 days, but they also add a numbing medication. So.... right now I can walk! Not completely without pain, but at least I can walk. The numbness is supposed to last for 3-4 hours, so I am hurrying to get stuff done before it wears off. My parents arrive on Wednesday night for Lucas's baptism, and I have a lot to do!


jenn said...

I am SO glad they got you in earlier Michelle! What can I do to help you get ready? My kids have early out today but it is just Ethan and I all morning tomorrow- can we come clean and entertain Eva?

Jill said...

I was wondering if you were going to call the doctor and see if he could get you in sooner. It seems like not being able to walk might be reason enough to get you in right away.

I can come clean tomorrow with Jenn too!

I hope the cortisone shot works like magic.

amy gretchen said...

I am sorry you've been in so much pain and unable to move, but it's good to hear they were able to help you, if only to get you around a bit. I'm with Jill I hope the cortisone works like magic..

Amie said...

Oh, I feel your pain. I also have A LOT to do and am not up to doing it. I think I am at the ibuprofin high right now so I bettter take advantage of the time!

Diana said...

Michelle, I am so happy that the doctor was able to get you in earlier. Hope the medicine continues to work well for you.

Bond Girl 007 said...

hey it is good that you started to do something about the effects can start to take sorry to hear about all the pain and trauma you have had to go through. I hope it feels much better and improve. Wow planning a special.

Anonymous said...

Oh, your knees always seem to attack right when you have something big going on. So rude! I hope the cortisone keeps working, and you start feeling better soon. Ow!!

Liz said...

Oh no! Sorry to hear you are in so much pain! I hope you get relief from the shot! Good thing your parents are coming and can help you out.

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