Yesterday when I asked the boys what they wanted to do for an excursion, they both said they wanted to go to the Louvre! Weehoo! (as Eva would say)

Max & Lucas admiring the view from one of the upper windows
Max had already been once when my parents were in town. He saw a lot of sculpture then, so this time he wanted to see some paintings. We headed to the Northern European painting section, because that's what I wanted to see.
We had a real treat, and got to see my favorite thing there is to see at the Louvre:

A few select artists are given permission to make reproductions of works in the museum. There is something amazing about being able to watch an artist at work and compare the new painting with the original -- it's quite a spectacle!

The artist here had stepped away. We couldn't quite tell if the painting was finished or if the artist just needed a break...

An unexpected view from one of those little upper windows -- I never knew you could see Sacre-Coeur from the Louvre!

Lucas wanted to see some sculpture, and Eva decided she wanted to get out of her stroller and walk. Her big brothers took charge and they all went exploring together (with Mom trailing behind so as not to get in the way).

Lucas cracked me up. This was the contortion he had to get into in order to look under the somber monks' hoods and see the faces hiding beneath.

This is priceless to me. All three of my children looking at some of the greatest works of art in the world -- and being excited about it!
I didn't get to go to the Michelangelo sculpture wing that I adore, because the kids got tired before we made it there. The museum was extraordinarily crowded. I had to wrangle the stroller up and down many stairs. It wasn't an ideal visit, but the kids had a good time. I'm finding that, as with most days, when I look for the good things, I find them!
These are great photos Michelle, I especially love the one of the view out the Louvre window. I don't know how you're doing all that stroller-wrangling on your own, that can't be good for your knees but it's pretty cool that the boys want to go to the Louvre and that Eva is interested in what you're seeing as well.
These might be some of my favorite pictures you have posted so far (oh, and I love the one of your apartment from the outside).
When you get back and have all of these cool pictures of the kids you will forget the hard, stroller-wrangling in between, I hope.
I love that your littles LOVE and ask to go to such places! Honestly, this is amazing to me!
Looking for GOOD things + finding GOOD things = an amazing venture!
Thanks for sharing!
Oh my, your mother's day sounds just delightful. I will have to remember the chocolate tasting idea. Brilliant.
I have stood at that window and admired that view of the tower. I can't wait to take my kids back when they are a little older. My parents took me and a few siblings when we were your boys ages. It just opened up so much in our learning process over the years.
I loved the History of Love as well. I love the unwinding of their complicated tales.
I could sit in front of the veiled lady statue in the Louvre for hours.
It's fun seeing Paris from your point of view. I love that you capture fun piles of goods you see at stores along the way, even though you have to do it in stealth. I'm sure it's a lot of work to take Eva to all the destinations you want to see. I can just imagine b/c I know just taking kids to the grocery store can be hard - so then you throw in using foreign money, taking the metro, standing in lines, being amidst so many strangers and expensive works of're a trooper!
Fabulous post! I would have been so excited to have my kids want to do something that I wanted to do as well. That is definitely a treat in itself.
Love all your photos too. The one with the three kids together really is priceless!
I struck the same pose when I looked at that sculpture last year. I was just as mesmerized. I thought it was one of the most interesting pieces of art.
I have to say, Kuddos to you. I don't know if I would take 3 kiddos (especially a little one) to the always overcrowded Louvre. I love it, but I don't know if I could take three kids.
This sounds like a brave excursion but at least it went well and they all cooperated. I love the photos with the views of Sacre Coeur and out the window at the Louvre. Good thing you are getting these experiences in now that your time is winding down! Happy Mother's Day!
Wow! What memories! I can picture your kids telling their school teacher some day - 'oh.I've been there several times!want to see my pictures?' heehee -ciao
oh the pics of the 3 together are priceless. love, love, love!
so happy that they wanted to go. wonderful memories.
oh and the chocolate tasting? WOW> your hubby is the best!
what a perfect gift and one i would adore, for sure!
I can't believe that they asked for this excursion! You are smart to look for the good things... I will try to remember that this week. What a photo - your 3 (at the LOUVRE!!!!!) checking out the art... and I would have loved to see those artists at work. I wonder, what were they going to do with the reproductions?
You are a brave mom!
Lucky kids!!
Oh, Michelle! Thank you so much for blogging all these photos. I have really loved seeing Paris through your camera lens. I'm not sure I will ever get to go to Paris (my husband is not much for traveling), so I love that you are showing me a little of the beauty there. Thank you so much!
Wow, what wonderful photos! Isn't it fun to know your boys will totally remember this forever? I love that everyone wanted to go to the Louvre -- the stars aligned! I'm fascinated by those reproduction painters. That would be amazing to watch from start to finish (well, maybe a sped up version of start to finish!).
We saw some artists making reporductions in that wing. Nobody was as far along, though. So cool. I think it is amazing that your kids like museums. You'll have to share your secrets.
Dripping with jealousy :). I love the last picture of the kids together. It makes me think of all th experiences I was lucky to have as a girl.
michelle, these photos and wonderful descriptions even better. i feel like i am learning so much
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