Marc let me sleep in, which meant we were seriously late to church. The French sacrament meeting was full to capacity, so we went to the American one (across the courtyard). The American meeting was SO full, they had the doors open and there were chairs set up in the courtyard. As they are not equipped with a microphone in that room, we had to strain to hear anything at all. (Lucas said he only found out a prayer had been offered when everyone said "amen".)
Fortunately, it was not raining, as it has been nearly every day! And actually, it was the only time we've been to church where I wasn't sweating to death, so I really didn't mind sitting outside. Eva could not wrap her mind around the concept that this was indeed church, so we let her wander around the very small courtyard. Max followed her around and helped her to be as quiet as possible. This was all well and good until someone in a car came roaring into the courtyard! My heart stopped for a minute. Luckily, Max was on top of the situation.

There came a point where wandering had lost its charm and Eva was only content to dig in the dirt. And when that was no longer enough, she took to burying her Skittles (the bribe I had brought) in the dirt...

Marc gave me tickets to a concert (for a Belgian artist we have enjoyed for years). I've never been to a concert in Paris, it should be a fun first!

What's amazing is that each of these chocolates is made only with cocoa beans, sugar, and vanilla, yet they each taste so very different! The difference is all in the areas where the cocoa bean plantations are located and the variations in their soil. The box comes with a guide that tells you where the cocoa beans came from, what notes are in the chocolate (like perfume!), and why those flavors would be present in soil from that area of the world. The notes include things like: mango, green banana, red berries, green olives, honey spice cake, licorice, and even volcanic ash! The one with volcanic ash was not my favorite, but all of the rest were absolutely delicious.
It was the most luxurious experience, and I loved that even Max was into it! (Lucas doesn't like dark chocolate.) I never thought this would happen to me, but I have found myself not wanting to eat the other chocolate we have around the apartment right now (all good French chocolates in their own right) because I just know they will not compare. I never thought that would happen to me! (I wonder how long it will last...)
Marc made me lunch and I read for awhile and took a nap -- delicious. For dinner he served Chinese food he had bought the night before and this for dessert:
what the...? mother's day is SO much better in Paris! That box of rainbow packaging... bliss! And Eva's dress... but of course, this is Eva! And your dessert... painful.
It's posts like this that make us think you are living the dream Michelle!
Happy mother's day again. It's good that you were spoiled twice. I would have loved to have joined you in the chocolate tasting. Now that is a good mother's day.
I agree with are living the dream. I want to come too. I guess I'll have to settle for Nice.
I'm so glad you had a lovely Mother's Day! Sleeping in, chocolate tasting, napping and reading all sound glorious, hooray!
Michelle, with a 4-year-old, a 2-year-old and a 7 month baby at home I can TOTALLY relate to your "cons" list below. Especially lately. Especially the lonely part (not many friends here, no family, Craig gone ALL the time). So, I was that much more thrilled for you that you have such a superbly stellar "pros" list. I mean, give me just one beautiful Parisian pastry a day with a view to match and I could ALMOST handle anything!! You and your life ARE looking mighty dreamy from here.
Wow- I want a Mother's Day do-over Paris style. The chocolate tasting is such a great idea!
Michelle, I've been a lame commenter since you have been in Paris, but I hope you know I have been a faithful reader of your Paris chronicles, and wow - it just sounds like such a cool, unique experience. (:
And wow, that dark chocolate tasting? I think I would literally faint from pleasure.
What a fabulous day! I am so glad you had a great second Mother's Day in Paris. I'm impressed you stayed for church with three kids that couldn't hear anything.
Love the sleeping in and reading. Perfect!
Sounds like a lovely day indeed. And oh my....I can't wait to see Eva's dress from the front because from the back it is just priceless! What a sweet photo of her and her brother.
Sleep and chocolate are definitely excellent components of a good mother's day in my book. Love the pic of Eva with the skittles in the dirt!
How nice to have two Mother's Days this year. It sounds like a perfect day.
volcanic ash sounds a bit disturbing to me! The chocolate tasting game sounds fantastic!
Sounds like you had a lovely day!
what a delightful Mother's Day. I especially love the chocolate taste test. I agree with Jenn- you are living some kind of dream.
I was in Paris for 3 days last summer. We stopped at Lenotre every evening on the way back to our hotel.... Um, yum. More, please.
What a great idea - a chocolate tasting!
What a wonderful mother's day! Eva's dress is killing me -- so sweet. I can't wait to see it from the front. I love the back.
A chocolate tasting -- so fun! We did that for Enrichment once, but I'm betting it was nowhere near as lovely.
What a fabulous Mother's Day! Eva looks adorable, a testiment to your wonderful mothering, and your boys (Marc included) really came through for you! But, I mut say, chocolate tasting! Now that is something I could really enjoy! Maybe we'll have to stage one when you get home. We can buy chocolate from Caputos market in Salt Lake. There's another gourmet market I'd love to scour or some delicious treats as well.
Thanks for the talking about the chocolate boxes. I just bought them to send as gifts for some associates of ours!
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