Thursday, February 15, 2007

valentine's update

Just had to do a little update on Valentine's Day:

Max wanted to make his own valentines. They've been working on a medieval unit and they had a medieval feast yesterday, so he thought his valentines should reflect that.

I got this good mail from Jenn -- I absolutely love tea towels, so this Valentine's one was most welcome! I also absolutely love rice krispie treats, ribbon, and decorative pencils! Hooray!

Jana dropped by this cutest little red mailbox. (Jana, I have to know where you got this! I wanted to have one for each member of the family to give love notes to each other during February, but I never found any.) It was filled with yummy chocolate chip cookies (my favorite) and some very cute scrapbook items. Adorable.

Marc brought home roses and the new Norah Jones CD. He said he had another gift, but that only I would understand why it was really for me:

He went to Children's Place and bought the kids all coordinating Easter clothes! I was stunned -- this is the perfect gift for me since I love for them to have new clothes for Easter but often don't think to go shopping for them until March or so, only to find that much of it is gone. (Especially the ties! They sell out so fast, and I looooove this one.) It's so funny, because it was not even on my radar yet, so I don't know how he thought of this. And perfectly coordinated, too! He said he checked all the kids' clothing stores, and Children's Place had the best options for coordinating -- just imagine the photos...

We got take-out from California Pizza Kitchen and caught up on some of our favorite TV shows. It was a great Valentine's Day!


Anonymous said...

The clothes are so cute! What an awesome gift from Marc- so original and he did such an awesome job.

I love the little mailbox idea.

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! I am so impressed with the coordinating Easter clothes! That is not easy to do. It's all so cute. Amazing!

And very cute valentine from Max!

jenn said...

Okay- I am dying! Those clothes are SO cute!! That is the most brilliant Valentine's present- EVER!! And I was just by the mall this morning, dang it! Probably a good thing I didn't see your post before I went. Still dying!

TX Girl said...

Seriously- Marc deserves an award. Too cute. Especially since they are a combination of my favorite colors- green and black.

Jana said...

I'm glad that you had such a good day. Those clothes are absolutely adorable. What a fabulous idea for a gift!

I got the mailboxes at Target. I snatched up every last one that they had. I was so excited when I saw them.

Amie said...

What a great gift from Marc. It sounds like his talent is Valentine's gifts. I am already excited to see all of your cute Easter pictures. I am still surprised he thought of that because like you Easter has not crossed my mind yet.

carlo said...

What a sweet and truly thoughtful gift from your husband! That is what it is all about. (And how is that new NJ cd? I need to check it out)

I love the Valentine too- very cute idea.

Liz said...

Wow! The valentine from Max, the matching clothes from Marc! I am super impressed, and I might have to go there to get some matching outfits for my own kiddos! MY hubs would never do something like that, he hates to shop!

That mailbox is super cute too!

Price Cream Parlor said...

Love the medival card! Too fun! Seriously the best surprise to find a husband that thought of - then went shopping for the littles and matched all the clothes! I LOVE IT! How fantastic! So cute! I guess I need to head to CP!

Jordan said...

Your Valentine's Day puts mine to shame--actually not a hard thing to do. I love Max's card. so great.

annalisa said...

Oh, my. He went shopping for you? And he coordinated the outfits? I think you have found yourself the perfect man :).

Robyn said...

I can't believe that Marc thought of getting you the clothes. What a great husband. They are so cute and it's such a gift that he took the time to pick them out and even to compare with other stores. I love the GREEN and I love the tie and the argyle socks. So cute.

Jill said...

I'm absolutely floored that Marc thought to get Easter clothes for the kids and then actually went and bought them. I totally understand how that's a Valentine's Day gift FOR YOU! Surprising and great!

The good mail is marvelous too!

Unknown said...

the clothes are adorable, and the sentiment behind them is off the radar!!

the little red mailbox melted my heart a little bit...

Crystalyn said...

soundsl ike it was a most lovely day! and what a thoughtful gift from Marc! wow! it was a good reminder for me because i have been one to be scrambling at the end and not able to find year was especially bad as all christian wanted was a tie and i couldn't find one ANYWHERE!

Amy said...

Marc really is the master of surprising you. I can't believe he thought of and executed the idea to go get Easter clothes for the kids. I can see the photo opportunity this provides, and I must say, I'm jealous. I'm glad your Valentines Day was good.

Oh, and I have to also compliment Max on his way cool Valentines cards. You can tell he comes from cretive parents!

everything pink! said...

oh my i saw the brown polka dotted dress at the chidren's place and right off thought of you!

love the valentines!

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