Thursday, November 16, 2006

my day so far

Thanks for all your suggestions about indoor workouts! I took Jill's advice to go check out what the library had.

They didn't have all of the ones you recommended, but I got these three and will give them a try this week. Sometimes I forget to go the library -- it's crazy when really I love it.

Jill sent me this way cute card - I never would have thought to print around the circle like that - and she included her fabulous Fall mix CD. Woohoo! Who makes Fall mixes? Who puts quotes on the CD label? Jill does, and I love it.

Kristi sent me this keychain. She put in a scrap of Amy Butler fabric she had left over from making Caroline's diaper bag. She said that it makes her happy every time she looks at her scraps and she was happy to find a piece to give to someone who would love it as well. Isn't that a great idea? I'm convinced that Kristi's head will never run out of great ideas, I'm just glad she shares them!

Lucas has had a resurgence of interest in drawing lately. Max isn't terribly interested in it, and with Lucas it comes and goes. Right now it's the first thing he does when he wakes up in the morning and the first thing he does when he gets home from school. He's been making drawings the last couple of days for friends at school and yesterday he came home with a commission - isn't that hilarious?

It just makes me happy to see him engrossed in something creative, artistic, and not involving video games. (well, OK, sometimes he draws characters from video games, but that's better than playing them!)

He has been resisting reading by himself at home. I know he reads at school, and he loves for Marc and I to read chapter books to him, but he just hasn't been wanting to read his own books in bed at night. I even bought him a Star Wars book recently, and although he seemed excited at first, he never finished it. So I had a brainstorm on Tuesday and put the latest issue of The Friend in his bed. He was thrilled and read half Tuesday night and the rest last night. Woohoo!

Well, I just put Eva down for a nap and I'm thinking of lying down for awhile to read, perchance to drift off to sleep... such a luxury, and it will keep me from dreading my piano lessons this afternoon.


Jill said...

I would be happy to read posts like this everyday! It's just so fun to see the day-to-day stuff you do and the places you go (kudos for the photo of the library). Let us know how the exercise videos work out. My plan is to see what works for everyone else and then think about trying it myself, ha.

I love the close-up of the crayons! I can't believe Lucas is a commissioned artist at age 7, impressive. I think any creative endeavors are great, even it's drawing video game characters.

By all means, nap woman nap!

charlotte said...

Sounds like you're having an excellent day thus far! And that's awesome about the nap! yay!

jenny said...

That really is funny he is commissioning them! That is a cool picture of all the crayons. Have you ever melted old ones down into new shapes or made bigger ones for Eva. I haven't done it in a while--but its kinda fun.

Hope you got some shut eye. Love afternoons of relaxing--the best!

Bond Girl 007 said...

gosh michelle good for you...getting tapes, the only ones that work for me are the "ARM WEIGHTS" because for the other ones, I have NO ROOM unless I move furniture and have to wait for the bigger house on that! Take advantage and take a nap that does wonders to the body!

everything pink! said...

love the crayon photo!

i got the same card from jill today, is it not so awesome! that girl....

i am glad you liked the key chain, i am kicking myself for not ironing the fabric and i can tell it is still wrinkled... sorry about that.

i hope you got a nap, i sure do need one.

amy gretchen said...

I love seeing my children engrossed in creative endeavors. It makes me feel like we'll have something in common.

I'm interested to know what you think about pilates.

Of course I would always go for the nap.

Anonymous said...

Wow, so much to catch up on! Hey, Lucas, I just want to say that I would really love to have a drawing from you! I'll be waiting! I love you.

Diana said...

Good luck on your workouts. I use to check out workout videos from the library all the time when I worked there.

That's fantastic that Lucas is drawing so much. I've never had any artistic talent in my life (drawing wise) so I am so envious of people who do.

HOpe you got your nap!
oh, if you ever have too many piano students send some my way :)

Alison said...

I ate my chocolate today and it was wonderful. I brought them to my cast and they said,"I thought you could only get these at Easter!"

Laurie said...

Love the crayon photo, and all of them actually!

I'm impressed you've already been to the library! You've motivated me to get some videos to work out to too actually b/c I'm having the same problem of needing to find a way to work out indoors. Not because of weather but b/c of the baby's early waking these days.

Amy said...

What a fabulous day--pleasantly full with time for a nap! Ahh, it is a luxury, isn't it?

If you can "borrow" something you should post some of Lucas's most recent work. I'm sure we'd all love to see it! It is nice to see children doing something other than watching TV or playing video games. It's amazing the difference between our childhoods and our children's, isn't it? I have few memories of watching TV and many of doing other things. I know I did watch TV, but not nearly as much as Kaitlin does.

Jana said...

My kids love to color, too. They can do it for hours at a time. We go through a lot of paper.

What was he commissioned to draw? How exciting.

A nap? Fabulous idea. I hope that you enjoyed yourself. It crossed my mind today until the baby started crying.

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