Sunday, November 19, 2006

all things are ready

"All things are ready if your mind be so." -- William Shakespeare

I heard this quote this morning on NPR and had to post it. It just seems to go with the idea of designing a life you love, doesn't it? They were discussing it as it relates to composing music, but my mind started racing with the possibilites about creating... gifts, relationships, the body I want, a life I LOVE. Apparently I need to give a lot more thought to preparing my mind and creating all that I want in my mind so that I can then give life to it. If all things are ready, I want my mind to be ready so that I can claim them! What do you think?


Bond Girl 007 said...

beautiful quote... I think you just hit it on the nail but have it backwards...I think your mind has to be ready in order to claim the things that will be ready at certain times in your life....Brilliant Michelle there is soo much wisdom found in this quote! I think the interesting thing is that in THE MIND is where it all starts...I don't understand why if Our mind is soo smart...why it doesn't help us achieve it (our true desires), and it turns into a struggle but the more I think about it...once we change our "blue print" like my dad has been telling me all my life with things I do that apparently take me no where or are not good...things should all start falling into place...very interesting post...and I think it is true, because once you decide I want to look and feel good--what do I need to do? I want to dress this way--what do I need to do? I want to have certain something--what do I need to do... I want to go these places--what do I need to do? so it is definately a thinking process first...but I just did notice that most of all this creativity is geared to wanting not needing...because I think as human beings our needs are not that hard to meet! REALLY! bread/water/toilet

Jill said...

How do I make my mind be so?! I need to stop sabatoging myself and actively work to become the person I want to be. I'm so full of good intentions, but really only put a fraction of them into action, especially concerning myself. How old do I have to be before I figure this out?

Elisa said...

Wow. That is a lot to think about, and I have the same frustrations that Jill commented on. However, there have been times in my life when I have thought of what I wanted to be/become and I have done it. I just need to regain that motivation using less energy (most of my personal achievements came before Miriam). It's also a matter to moment to moment decision making.

Crystalyn said...

i love this quote too! it's very inspiring. your thoughts on designing a life you love are along the same lines of a metamorphisis i feel i've been going through since the summer. i'm learning myself how powerful our minds are. don't you believe they are one of our greatest and most powerful gifts from God? like claudia said, the mind is where it all starts.

have you ever read As A Man Thinketh by james allen? it is all about this concept. to quote from him:
"Just as a gardener cultivates his plot, keeping it free from weeds, and growing the flowers and fruits which he requires, so may a man tend the garden of his mind, weeding out all the wrong, useless, and impure thoughts, and cultivating toward perfection the flowers and fruits of right, useful and pure thoughts. By pursuing this process, a man sooner or later discovers that he is the master-gardener of his soul, the director of his life."

you are right michelle, we really can design lives that we LOVE! thank you for posting such thought provoking quotes and thoughts.

Anonymous said...

Michelle - (I am a friend of the NOLA crowd, Amy W, jordan, kristi...) and just wanted to pop in to say thanks for the recent insights - I am a groupie on your "design a life you love" bandwagon. I have been so touched by this and as few other comments recently - what a great perspective to approach my days. THANKS!!!
I love that quote, Crystalyn.

amy gretchen said...

Another cool quote. I haven't stopped thinking about your last post "designing the life you want". It has utterly consumed my thoughts.

thanks for sharing it.

Tasha said...

I love that quote too. I think I lack some degree of mental toughness that keeps me from my potential.

You've given me lots to ponder!

Diana said...

I love the quote. It gives me a lot to think about. I have realized that lately, if I just slow down and prepare myself mentally for what needs to get done, things run a lot more smoothly. I am able to get so much more done if I but prepare myself.

Amy said...

That Shakespeare. There's a reason why we still read him centuries after his time. That's a great quote. It's an inspiring thought--anything is possible and within reach if we are in the right frame of mind. I wonder if he's the originator of that idea?

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