Sunday, June 18, 2006

Lola's Legacy

Yesterday was the day when Jessie's big idea came to fruition. It was not long ago that she had the idea for a charity crop to make albums for grieving parents, in Lola's memory. I felt a little overwhelmed when she told me about her idea, but that's the difference between myself and Jessie: I would feel overwhelmed and probably never follow through. She ran with it and in a matter of days had commitments for donations of all the supplies she needed. She involved her ward and her friends, and it turned into a Super Saturday activity for Enrichment. She spent I don't know how much time designing the scrapbooks, cutting, measuring, counting, assembling everything into individual kits, making posters and fliers, educating others, giving instructions, doing quality control... and she did it all with enthusiasm and a smile. There was a great turnout and all 120 albums were completed!
Jessie doing some quality control.

Robin, keepin' it fun.

Bridget and her mom working.

The completed albums are stacking up!

The mound of trash that Speedy Gonzales (Hannah) was generating.

The look of shock and betrayal on Jill's face when she realized that Hannah was making 3 albums to our every 1! (Good thing you were there, Hannah! If not for you, we would have had to stay another hour or two...)

I'm glad I got to be a part of it, and I just cannot say enough how impressed I am with Jessie. She is a hard worker and has so much determination. She really knows how to accomplish things -- big things. You are a great example to me Jess and I love you!

{Happy Birthday Jessie!!}


collette said...

I had no idea about this but I am touched by Jessie's "stick-to-itness". What a sweet rememberance for grieving parents. I am inspired!!

jt said...

thank you for your kind words Michelle- and for helping so much with the project, and for helping to make my 25th birthday a great one. :) i love you too :)

Jill said...

It was great to be a part of Jessie's very successful project. She put her badgering skills to great use and made things happen (admirable). I will excuse the horrid photo of myself on the grounds that I was shocked and disgusted that Hannah was outproducing us by so much. (Do I really look that bad all the time? Wait, don't answer that.)

jenny said...

That is so awesome that you guys are doing that. What a cool thing for Lola and her legacy

Robin said...

Wow, watch out for the "Relief Society" chin and slightly tardish look on my face in that photo. But it sure was great to see you and Jill again, all the while helping Jessie with her amazing project. (: It was definitely a lot of fun!

TX Girl said...

It looks like y'all had a great time and got a ridiculous amount of stuff done.

Anonymous said...

I've been anxiously waiting to see the photos from the event! Thanks for posting. I wish I could have been there--what a great accomplishment!

Anonymous said...

You all are so amazing!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful idea to do in honor of her daughter and the comfort those books will bring to other grieving parents. I'm sorry I missed out. We need you guys out here.

amy gretchen said...

Sounds like you all had a really great time. Kudos to jessie for the idea, getting free supplies, and sticking to it. Its one thing to get an idea its another to follow through.

I love the photo of jill, especially since you mentioned why she had that look on her face. too funny.

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