Tuesday, June 20, 2006

back in the fray

I realized that I never updated on life since Marc and the boys came home on Friday. That's because things were so crazy around here that I didn't even have a chance to get online until Sunday afternoon! I did notice that things were very quiet and peaceful while they were gone, but I kind of forgot just how hectic life could be until their return.

We all went to a birthday party on Friday night. One of Marc's assistants was turning 21 and wanted to have a big bash. For some reason it was really important to him to have people of all ages there, so he wanted us to bring our kids. True to form, I wasn't too excited about going, but I did want to support him because he's such a nice guy. Imagine my surprise when I ended up having a very good time! The party's theme was black & white, so we all wore various combinations of black & white clothes. (We had to stop at Target on the way to get a birthday gift for another party and I wondered what people would think of us. Would they think we always dressed in matching outfits?) Anyway, the party was in someone's backyard, and he really went all out. Black & white balloons, tables, even food! He had set out bowls of marshmallows, black licorice, mints, yogurt pretzels, dark chocolate-dipped strawberries, olives... later he had other food and an Italian soda bar, as well as chocolate fountains. My kids thought it was the coolest thing ever. They got to go up and order the sodas they wanted. It was my first time to try one (I know, where have I been?), and I shared it with my 1-year-old. There was music and dancing and it was just a whole lot of multi-generational fun. I am just kicking myself that we forgot to bring a camera, there were so many great photo opps.

I was telling Jill about the party the next day and I thought she would be proud of me for talking to three people that I didn't know. (I really am shy when I don't know people and I do hate making small talk, remember?) She said she was proud of me for leaving my house! Ah, she knows me too well...

Saturday was just a whirlwind of making a birthday cake for Jessie, going to work on the Lola's Legacy project, going on a date with Marc (please do yourself a favor and do NOT go to see A Prairie Home Companion), and having Jessie & Timm over for cake and presents. Oh, and grocery shopping at 10:30 p.m. for Father's Day. I spent the better part of Sunday in the kitchen. Marc had a great day, so it was all worth it. (Did I mention that I'm trying to get photos of my kids holding the letters of D-A-D, kind of like Hannah did with Mya, but I just can't get Eva to sit still long enough to fulfill her part of the deal.)

I could go on and on, but this is already getting long and boring. Suffice it to say that ever since my boys returned, I've been in that mode of rushing from one thing to the next: visiting teaching appointments right into going to 7Peaks into going to cub scouts, etc. etc. I do like getting things done, but I don't much enjoy the hectic rushing. Hopefully I will be able to enjoy a relaxed pace once we get to South Carolina on Sunday!


Amie said...

I don't know how I missed this post?

It sounds like you had a fun weekend. I am always so relieved when things are more fun than I was expecting. I laughed at the Jill comment about not leaving your house. Pretty funny.

I haven't even heard of that movie? It sounds like you've been busy too. Congratulations on getting your visiting teaching done, that is something I LOVE to cross of my list....and am still dreading this month! (I know I read all of the really nice visiting teaching posts I am just not there yet...I printed one of the charity quotes to spur me on...nothin....)

Anonymous said...

I missed this one too...weird. Back to the grind sounds very hectic for you and I would be day dreaming about all the quiet of last week. I am sad you and Jessie are going to be gone for a week, but I hope you are able to relax a little.

TX Girl said...

I LOVE the party idea. How fun. I am totally stealing it. Not sure when I'll use it, but I love it when people really go all out and have a fun party.

So I swear-totally not on purpose, but I am always dressing Lulu and I in the same color. It is usually because I get in the mood to wear a color and invariably dress Lulu the same. People mock me regularly, but we do look pretty cute.

I'm totally shy too. I'm always excited until the event comes and usually try to bail out.

You sound like it was a very exciting weekend. It sounds a little crazy (especially after the week of bliss), but it was probably nice to have the family back together. Thanks for the tip on the movie- very depressing.

amy gretchen said...

You have been busy. I feel that you too. Every since i've been back from camp life hasn't slow down for a minute. I thought the summer was suppose to be long and boring or at least a slower pace. Apparently not.

I am glad you had a good time at the party. How could you not it sounds awesome. BTW chocolate fountains are my favorite. If I had been there I would have stood at that table all night.

michelle said...

Lara, that is so funny about dressing alike. I find that I do that all the time with Eva -- I think that it is unconscious, but if I do it all the time, is it really? At any rate, I enjoy looking like we go together...

TX Girl said...

I'm sure I do it subconsciously. I hate mismatching my purse to my outfit- a kid is a whole lot bigger. (oh that sounded bad- when did she become my accessory?) So- I guess I do it on purpose, but sometimes I'm not even dressed and will go into the closet and think "what am I going to wear today" and honestly not even thinking about what I put her in, I will immediately pull out a pink sweater, I'll get dressed, and go in to find her wearing something completely similar. I'm a freak- but isn't that why we have little girls. So we can have a mini-me. Austin Powers did it, why can't we?

Jana said...

Did the 21-year-old pay for the party by himself? It sounds like a blast -- but expensive.

I have never heard of that movie. Is it in the theaters?

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