On Friday, we had another leisurely morning. So leisurely, in fact, that we ended up eating lunch at Collette's before going to campus! Unprecedented. As we were chatting, Danielle suggested that it would be great to be a shuttle driver at Women's Conference. That way, you wouldn't have to rush to classes only to be denied admittance because the class is full, and you could get the highlights from all of the classes from the shuttle riders! Totally cracked us up.
Kristi went to rendezvous with her mother-in-law and ended up going to the candy counter at the BYU Bookstore and having a life-changing encounter with an old friend, all while Jill and I were attending a class in the Marriott Center. Do these kinds of things happen to anyone else? Because they seem to happen to Kristi all the time. |
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Patsy was also in the Marriott Center and she came over and filled us in on her life these days. Let's just say she has a lot on her plate. Yet she still has a sense of humor and optimism. What a woman! |
In the break before the closing session, Jill and Collette slipped out to get us drinks at the drive-through. Oh, the perks of a staff parking pass! It was a treat, and it helped me to stay awake for the final stretch. |
As we were leaving campus, we realized we had never taken a photo of our conference passes. (I had forgotten mine at Collette's house for the second day and had to buy a replacement!) |
We went to Cherry Lane Keepsakes on the way home. I knew that Kristi and Collette would like it, but I wasn't so sure about Jill. She reminded me that she doesn't hate all shopping, just clothes shopping. I had to apologize for being short-sighted. |
We stayed until closing time, and we all found a few things we couldn't leave behind. |
Kristi treated us all to Cafe Rio for dinner, and then we retreated to the theater room to watch The Help. Unbelievably, Jill and I had never seen it because we had planned to see it with our book club, and then that never worked out. We loved it, of course! |
After the movie, we stayed in the theater room and just talked and talked. Jill went to bed at the reasonable hour of 12:30, but I didn't retire until I noticed it was 2:00! I paid for that on Saturday.
Kristi had to leave for the airport in the morning, and Collette had an appointment to get her nails done. Fortunately for us, she kindly offered to let us come and go as we pleased for the rest of the day.
We took our time getting ready, then went to La Dolce Vita for lunch. Scrumptious. I only go there about once a year, with Jill. After lunch, we did an errand or two, then went back to take a nap in the theater room! |
I went out to check on the duck and discovered that she had left her post, presumably to find food. Look at those beautiful eggs! Eight of them. |
It was surely hard to go back to real life after our fun and relaxing weekend.
I'm so sad I didn't make it this year.
I'm definitely going to try to come another time. Denise and I could have our own campout at your house and you could still do it with your friends! We could all meet up on occasion!
I love Women's Conference.
This all seems so long ago!
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