1. I finally mailed off Eva's ponytail to Locks of Love! No more hair on the counter to creep anyone out.
2. I am enjoying Scramble With Friends. (and still playing Words With Friends)
3. I mixed up some salted caramel butter bars for book club. Holy moly, a pound of butter!
4. It was a rainy day and I was loving it. The blossoms have almost all dropped from our plum trees, but the lilacs are now in bloom!
5. The kids and I went to Movies8 to see Hugo. We all really liked it! I love it when movies are set in Paris. (We forgot to take a self-portrait at the theater, so we did it when we got home.)
6. Lucas got a refill on the popcorn towards the end of the movie and we had a lot to bring home. Ah, movie popcorn.
7. I spray-painted my piano lamp this week. It was dry, so I put it in its place. I love it so much more than the old shiny brass!
8. Eva spent a lot of time at the table, making presents to take to her teacher when school resumes next week.
9. Max spent a lot of time playing the piano. He decided to blow off the piles of homework his sadistic teachers gave him during Spring break and he has just been relaxing and enjoying himself! I never thought I would support one of my children in ignoring homework, but he definitely deserves a break.
10. Book club was at my house because Marc is at a conference in Boston. (My boys originally had Thursday night plans, but they were canceled last-minute.) Before I Go to Sleep was our book for April. I think the consensus was that it was a fun page-turner.
11. Max was putting Eva to bed. I heard lots of giggling, so I peeked in to see what they were doing. They were playing guessing games instead of reading. Nothing makes me happier than seeing my children have fun together!
12. I couldn't seem to get a shot of everyone in the room, but this is Jenn and Jana (Jill and Collette were on the couch, Amy was out of town). Jill didn't have work the next day, so she was able to stay late and chat!
1 comment:
I am so in love with those salted caramel butter bars!! Apparently I'm a great fan of butter! Thank you for making them for book club!
I'm loving spring and how the rain has made everything so green and pretty.
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